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$60 Impossible Code v2.0
Facebook PHP Ajax Application


Demo: http://apps.facebook.com/impossiblecode/

- Gets user Info
- Loads file for the level user is on which shows
- The code to crack
- A hit how to crack that code
- The answer to the code
- Uses AJAX to show the hint from the file
- Gives option to publish to the wall
- Once user Submits, checks the answer if this answer is the same as in the file
it gives the user 1 point and reloads the file to go onto question 2.
- CSS style sheet for easy modification
- About page that shows the amount of codes in the file and level you are on also any
information about the application

Further info:
- All the codes, answers and hits for the codes are saved into text files in a folder.
This makes it easy to add new codes and modify old ones. Also you can change the order of these just by file name.
Very easy to manage.
- Very secure application. No way to skip onto next question without getting the past one 100% correct.
- The user can enter their answer with no spaces, spaces or capitals and the application will still check this to be correct.
- Smart easy to use interface
- Easy to manage and edit questions, hints, and answers
- Application is written in Facebooks new Graph API
- 7 hard levels already pre-built and are included

- Maximum revenue earning CPM for application owners.
- Ads are refreshed and displayed each time when the application loads the question, and when an user submitted their answer.
- MYSQL database free. That means we simply upload the files and let it run! We do not even need to configure and import a sql database file!
- Premium graphics with premium background image
- Possible usage for competitions purpose. e.g. First one to answer all questions and submit a screenshot wins!

FREE installation service and installation instructions manual for all clients.

Click here to paypal checkout!
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Domain Days 2024


Price is $25 for 12 hours ONLY fire sale. Simply checkout with the paypal checkout link in the bottom of the first post in this thread.
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