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Domain Days 2024

none of you have a solid explanation, or logical explanation, but thanks anyway.

why? what is your appraisal model or do you have one or do you just use your gut?

Here is mine :

TLD value : 60 out of 100.
word length or number : 90 out of 100 (one-word dictionary term)
search capability : (90 out of 100). 6.6 million results on google.

final value : (0.6+0.9+0.9)/3 = 0.8 out of 1.

Average market value of domains sold : $500.

0.8*500 = $400.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 11, 2002
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imo, i don't trust any appraisal models :cool:
the figures we get are far expected from actual sales.

Originally posted by serothehero
why? what is your appraisal model or do you have one or do you just use your gut?

Here is mine :

TLD value : 60 out of 100.
word length or number : 90 out of 100 (one-word dictionary term)
search capability : (90 out of 100). 6.6 million results on google.

final value : (0.6+0.9+0.9)/3 = 0.8 out of 1.

Average market value of domains sold : $500.

0.8*500 = $400.


Domains should be valued against prior selling prices and/or expected revenue; not fancy equations which don't relate to actual sales in a meaningful way.

Domain auction/reseller sites are littered with hundreds of similar, one word; but largely unusable names; which never get a bid, that's what my appraisal is based on. :)
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