Not sure if any of you guys are aware already, but Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be the title of the sixth Harry Potter book.
Whois show the .com and .net belong to JK Rowling, the .org is Warner, and the .info is registered to the owner of an independent Harry Potter news source.
What would I be able to expect for these domain names? I really was amazed I could snag them, thought all major extensions would have been long gone...
Not sure if any of you guys are aware already, but Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be the title of the sixth Harry Potter book.
Whois show the .com and .net belong to JK Rowling, the .org is Warner, and the .info is registered to the owner of an independent Harry Potter news source.
What would I be able to expect for these domain names? I really was amazed I could snag them, thought all major extensions would have been long gone...