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How To Make Money Online Using Niche Content Websites

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Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Does the idea of continuous passive income from websites you can set-up and forget about sound good to you? Well that is what niche content websites are all about. Let’s take a look at this online income method.
I was over at Ben Bleikamp’s new blog, College-Startup, where he has been writing about his efforts to create niche content websites.
The concept is reasonably simple. Do some research, find some very tight niches that aren’t well serviced at the moment, build a content website targeting the niche, stick some AdSense, Chitika and similar advertising programs up and just let it sit there earning a few dollars a day.
Now you must be thinking how does this make good money? Well it doesn’t make much, but if you are lucky and do your research well, $2-$3 a day is enough to consider it a success. Once you have done this you can move on to your next niche content website. Over a period of a year if you set yourself a goal to create one of these content websites per week at the end of 12 months you would have 52 niche content sites. If they all make an average of $2 per day that’s $104 per day total, around $38,000 USD per year. Best of all the websites require no maintenance, it’s all about picking an untapped niche and filling it with content.
How To Make This Work For You

Before you run off trying to pull this off remember that in order for it to be successful you need to be confident you can successfully generate good search engine traffic to the niches you select. The recursive income only comes when you have search visitors clicking your ads. By the way, random search visitors are usually better ad clickers than loyal readers and that’s one of the reasons why this technique can work. Randoms come to your site once, read your content, click an ad and probably leave never to return again. Loyal readers come back for new content and often screen out the ads. It’s not in your interest to establish a repeat audience using niche sites. You don’t want the responsibility of adding new content since chances are finding content about a niche you don’t necessarily have much interest in can be tough. In this case it’s just search traffic you care about, forgot about being sticky.
Step One: Find A Niche

First you need to find niches where there is some traffic. You should use the usual tools, such as the overture inventory keyword data miner, to conduct research on how many searches are done for certain key phrases (look for sites with at least 1000 searches per month). Don’t aim for keywords and topics that are highly competitive, look for low competition with *some* traffic. Take for example Jonathan Wold’s Sump Pumps Information niche. How random is that! Do you even know what a Sump Pump is? I don’t, but he suspects enough people are searching for sump pump information online and he only needs a handful of them to click his ads per day.
The key is to find topics that people search for and advertisers use Pay-Per-Click marketing and other online advertising methods to sell to these people. Your niche content site helps to bring these two groups together and you take your middle man fee, with the help of the search engines for traffic and advertising programs for a monetization system.
Always be certain there are monetization possibilities before starting a niche content site otherwise you will be wasting your time. Look for AdWord campaigns by doing Google searches for the niche you are considering – if you see several ads down the right column that target the niche then you know advertisers are paying to reach these markets. To be really thorough, log into AdWords and set some test campaigns up and see what the bid prices are for your keyword research subjects. If the prices are reasonable then there probably is some competition for those keyphrases from advertisers running AdWord campaigns.
Step Two: Scan For Competition

Once you find a few niches you think have potential search those keyphrases and see what results show up. If the natural search result sites that turn up are badly optimized (look for low PageRank, poor title keyphrases and heading tag keyphrases) and you are confident that a site with well optimized content would quickly jump to the top of the rankings and by quickly I mean about 3-6 months (remember the Google Sandbox is going to impact how quickly you get high rankings) then you might have your first candidate for a niche content site.
Step Three: Build A Site

I suggest you go with WordPress to manage your niche content site. WordPress is blog content management software that runs off a PHP/MySQL backend (this blog uses it). It’s very easy to set up, handles most of the search engine optimization for you and all you need to do is pump in the content and off you go. There are some occasions where a plain static HTML site may be more appropriate, for example when you only need a micro site of a handful of pages and it would be quicker to just set up the few pages using a HTML template design, but I’ll leave that up to you (read Bo’s Marketing-Syndrome post on WordPress vs Static HTML? for more discussion on this topic).
How To Find Content

At first thought this would probably be the hardest part of using the niche content site technique – how do you come up with content for a niche site that very likely you have next to no interest in or experience with? Now if you are not the writing type and can’t waffle on and bang out a few key pages of content yourself by utilizing what’s already available online, then you may want to try these options:
  • <LI sizset="27" sizcache="5">Use articles from public article repository sites such as Ezine Articles and GoArticles . Writers contribute articles to these sites that you can republish on your site as long as you keep the author’s byline intact. The downside of this is that other people also can do the same and your article won’t be original. However if your niche is small enough there won’t be that many other people out there discussing the topic (in fact you are banking on it) so if you are lucky enough to find some on-topic articles in repository sites, make use of them.

    <LI sizset="29" sizcache="5">Another popular method is to republish Wikipedia content. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia contributed to by anyone and if you have ever used the site you know that it has entries on virtually any topic you can think of. Chances are your obscure niche content site topic will have some entries in the Wiki and under the GNU Free Documentation License you can republish the content on your site.
    <LI sizset="31" sizcache="5">Freelance writers all over the web are eager to take your money in exchange for their writing skills. Elance is the largest freelancer hub online and listing your article writing project there will flood you with responses. Most writers are pretty adept at producing content on almost any topic, even if they just regurgitate someone else’s writings in a new way. A few thousand words shouldn’t cost you too much money. If possible try and establish a long term relationship with a good writer if you plan on needing their services again.
  • There are special article subscription services that give members the rights to make use of articles, some even promise a certain amount of new articles on a range of different niches will be provided on a regular basis so as to keep members subscribed. The idea here is that you get access to an article pool that only other members are granted access to. This is deliberately done so the articles are only utilized by a handful of people and often membership sites will cap their numbers at a few hundred. Members can do what they want with their articles knowing that at worst only a few hundred other sites are using the same materials. Personally I have never subscribed to an article site and I’ve read various reports, some good, some bad, about article membership services. I’m skeptical about the concept and I don’t like the idea that you have to either choose a niche that directly matches the articles available or try and modify articles to match your niche. I also have no idea where article membership sites source their articles but I have a feeling it would be a room full of trained monkeys writing the new articles each month (or ahh, freelance writers of course, and let’s not talk about cheap Indian labor). Given that most members subscribing to the articles will be chasing the same niches this seems like a formula to guarantee you will have at least a few hundred people competing in your niche – not much of an opportunity then is it!
The Importance Of Keyword Click Through Prices

For most niche content sites AdSense and/or Chitika will be the main monetization strategy. These programs pay on a per click basis and click through prices are calculated based on advertiser demand. The golden mix is to find a niche with few well established content sites but a lot of advertisers competing to find customers. This means click through prices will be high but the market is not likely to stay untapped for long and likely a bunch of competing content sites will pop up. In fact you may never find this combination.
A more likely scenario is a niche where there are high click prices because of lots of advertisers and a few well established content sites or moderate to low keyword prices but almost no competition. How you can succeed in these situations is to be better at search engine optimization than any of the other sites. If your site pulls more traffic you get more clicks.
The situation you want to avoid is a niche with few advertisers so low click through prices. No matter how much traffic you get and much you dominate a niche, if there are no advertisers paying to use Google AdWords you won’t get any AdSense income or it will be 10 cents a day from the one advertiser with no competition. Bear in mind however that there are general advertisements, for example Chitika can show cameras, computers and other electronic products that may appeal to a general audience and produce enough click throughs to make it worthwhile. This is a risky venture though since your niche is not relevant to your monetization method, the amount of income you earn will like be very random and inconsistent.
Underachieving Due To Low Entry Barriers

If you have read Perry Marshall’s Renaissance Club Newsletter you will know about two online marketing strategies he discusses, one called ‘underachiever’ and the other ‘overachiever’.
Note – if you haven’t signed up for the special offer to try Perry’s marketing newsletter it’s still available and you still get the Definitive Guide to Google AdWords, five marketing reports and five audio CDs thrown in just for trying out the membership for one month at $29.95 – check it out here for more information.

Overachieving is when you dominate a niche, become an expert and “go deep” by offering more than just one product or service. You may offer seminars, audio recordings, DVD video classes and a whole host of additional materials that make the lifetime value of a loyal customer a lot more than a once off purchase or text link ad click. This method means you can afford to compete by making a loss on the sale of your first product or lead capturing method because the value over time of that conversion is much higher. I’d say Perry’s offer that I mentioned above is a loss leader (overachiever) strategy too, he can’t be making money shipping off all these CDs and reports at such a low price and paying out affiliate commissions – but he knows that the 5% of customers that become fans and purchase everything he produces will spend hundreds to even thousands of dollars over time.

Niche content website building is an underachiever strategy. Profitable niches rarely stay uncompetitive for long and as niche content site building becomes popular you are going to be fighting with others for niches. Underachieving is when you deliberately choose to lightly skim a niche, perhaps by selling an ebook to a market that currently is not satisfied. Niche content sites service a unique niche with basic information and generate advertising income as a side effect, there is no intention to further capitalize on the audience. The idea of course is to rinse and repeat, building up a portfolio of profitable niches. The problem here is that you must keep working to find new niches to replace those that become too competitive to fight for.
For those that can manage a lot of sites and in fact enjoy the variety that comes from building sites on such an array of different topics, the niche content site strategy can work well. If you can build a really large portfolio, competitive action won’t impact you significantly because it will take a long time erode your entire income stream. Remember though that it’s not true passive income forever since you will need to replenish your portfolio with new niches if you want this strategy to work for you long term.
In my mind however a better way to go about this is to treat niche content site building as an education and research tool. Learn what it takes to get free traffic to a site from search engines. Learn how to optimize sites, find profitable niches and build content quickly. When you stumble across a niche with unexpectedly high demand and return consider switching your strategy from underachiever to overachiever. Start collecting email addresses to build a list. Get an ebook written, find affiliate products to sell, create a membership service, record screencasts to build information products, and “go deep” in the marketplace. Become the expert in that niche so you can own it and depend on it for long term income despite competitor actions.
Leverage Your Previous Hard Work

I’m sure you will find that many of the weird and wonderful niches you come across are already serviced by hobbyist sites, very unprofessional, perhaps hosted on free hosts with designs created in Frontpage or even (shudder) Microsoft Word. They usually have low PageRank but due to lack of competition will show up as top results in search engines. A quick search and easy technique to surpass these sites in the search engines is to leverage one of your already successful, high PageRanked sites.
Most online marketers have a site that they devote the majority of their time to, likely a blog or their main business project. This site enjoys good, hard-earned traffic and has lots of backlinks that were built up over time. Using this site as a tool to promote another site is an advantage, especially in the niche content market.
For example this blog is my main site. If I built a niche content site I would link to it from the sidebar that is on every page giving the niche site lots of valuable backlinks, PageRank points and helping it to very quickly enter the search engine indexes. In fact I’d hazard a guess that a site-wide link from this blog alone would vault a niche content site to the top of the results for it’s niche without much other work on SEO. There might be some sandbox issues initially, and true the relevancy of the links would not be very good, but given the competition likely doesn’t even know what SEO is and your carefully researched niche is small and untapped, the advantage is significant. Having a powerful site to leverage is a big helping hand for a niche content site marketer.

You will be surprised by what type of niches you can dig up. Often the most bizarre topics have real followings. Everything from how to raise turtles, where to find the best secondhand clothes, how to do magic tricks, how to snowboard, learning to cook vegetarian – and these are mainstream topics already well catered to. It’s your job to find the obscure, to think outside of your box and find markets that you would personally never consider being a part of yourself. Thankfully the search engines are full of keyphrases and all you have to do is get out there and research. Browse Wikipedia, follow the external links and expand your horizons. You may find some very profitable niches that no one else has thought of.

Yaro Starak
Internet Business Guy
Source: http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/306/how-to-make-money-online-using-niche-content-websites/

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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...Over a period of a year if you set yourself a goal to create one of these content websites per week at the end of 12 months you would have 52 niche content sites. If they all make an average of $2 per day that’s $104 per day total, around $38,000 USD per year.

Imteresting, very well researched and nicely written post. The main issue I see with this working is the need for lots of traffic to make it suceeed.

For example, based on $2 a day revenue you will need roughly 500 visitors per day to a site. That is based on an estimated CTR of 4% (but could be lower) and an EPC of .10c a click, more or less. That example means 500 visits a day will result in 20 clicks, which pay $2.

It is extremely difficult to get 500 visits a day (which I think of as being really high traffic) especially if relying mostly on SEO work and SE traffic. Many domainers may not realize how tough it is to get that much traffic, with even just 5 visits a day being considered good for many domains and websites. Using your example you will need roughly 26,000 vists/day or at least a staggering 9 million vists a year to earn that much money based on 52 sites (assuming my math is right).


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2009
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I am not too familiar with building minisites yet..

but i wil look into it, this was an idea for me for a while.

I will have to start learning coding


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Hello people.

I just want to say that this type of "business" is the one that
I'm starting to use. I "already" have 2 Mini Sites that I made and
put some adsense in it. Until now 1/2 months later the traffic is low
but we must have patience.
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Exclusive Lifetime Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 18, 2009
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another suggestion is to build on domains that have backlinks and pagerank, etc so that your work becomes easier.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Although PRIYE has been banned, this was a great post with a lot of useful information and I agree with most of what he said. i use a similar approach in that I target expired domains with lots of 'legacy' value such as Google PR, inbound links, etc and rapidly launch developed domains using standard CMS. I have pretty much nailed the process and have people in india now doing a lot of the grunt content posts and development. to recap, the keys are building on the foundation of a good domain, building robust web sites with lots of SEO and Web 2.0 bells and whistles (twitter integration, facebook integration, nested links, SEO friendly pages, free articles, etc - i see so many domainers think they're just going to launch a wordpress blog not really knowing what they're doing and thinking the traffic is just going to come flooding in), and then replicating the process over and over.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Makes no sense to me at all. Why not put all that effort into creating a single, good website? My site, CoffeeDetective.com, gets about 1,500 uniques a day and makes close to $50k a year. Most important, it has become an asset with real value. Instead of creating dozens of sites that make a little money, why not focus on one site that makes decent money and also grows in value?



Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2011
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I'm shocked Yaro was banned from this site... I have met him personally... Didn't know he was a member of this forum.... anyway.

2 different approaches mentioned here...

1. create many different niche sites

2. creating one single good site

Why not both. I have trying a combined strategy where you basically have tiers. One good authority site at the top, and then a number of feeder domains underneath.

That collectively is an even bigger asset than just one good site... if you are looking to sell.

The mini sites (usually keyword targeted domains) collect targeted traffic and then refer visitors and link juice to your main authority site.

With wordpress multisite, it's not that hard to setup and manage a large number of sites anymore.



Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2011
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well written post, yes i think it is good to make more then one site if you are using adsene because soon you will become premium member and it is the best part of it, but only having more then one site is not enough it needs lot of hard work to make it visible in search engine,once you made your site visible in search engine then you can get success, personally i have many sites but still no success.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Makes no sense to me at all. Why not put all that effort into creating a single, good website? My site, CoffeeDetective.com, gets about 1,500 uniques a day and makes close to $50k a year. Most important, it has become an asset with real value. Instead of creating dozens of sites that make a little money, why not focus on one site that makes decent money and also grows in value?


In my book, you are right on the money. I honestly can't believe people are still building minisites, but I guess it depends what you want to do of your online life. I have been working on the site I am about to release for about 9 months, and I couldn't be more happy. All you really have to do is ask yourself: is this a site that actually adds real value, or is it here just for me to make some pocket change? Trust me, Google will know the answer


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Banned....but, but his post included gold coins...gold coins.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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In my book, you are right on the money. I honestly can't believe people are still building minisites, but I guess it depends what you want to do of your online life. I have been working on the site I am about to release for about 9 months, and I couldn't be more happy. All you really have to do is ask yourself: is this a site that actually adds real value, or is it here just for me to make some pocket change? Trust me, Google will know the answer

You can add value with mini sites I don't really see your point. Just because a site is small, doesn't mean it can't be useful to visitors. Sometimes, there is only so much you can talk about a certain topic. Mini sites serve a purpose.

With the panda update, it's become increasingly important to diversify into other markets. Thinking you are safe because your authority site is your baby and untouchable by google would be naive.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Yeah minisites serve a purpose, showing hastily compiled content of no substantial significance to people in order to get some money. Honestly, 99% of the minisites I see would not be missed if they disappeared (not including the owner). If you are going to spend the time it takes to get 52 worthless sites 500 uniques / day / site, you are not thinking straight.

It's funny you choose panda update as an argument FOR minisites :) If you read up on the googleupdates being rolled out continously over time, you will soon realise that Google will see less and less value in these minisites.

Please note that I am not calling them totally worthless, just relatively worthless when compared to doing it old school - creating kickass sites on kickass domains where the mindset is NOT income primarily but creating a real experience for the visitor which can not be had at other sites.

Who said anything about being untouchable by google, nobody goes safe. But I can tell you that my site built on the category defining domain name, with 9 months development and a complete ecommerce/logistics backend will sit damn much safer than the network of 50 minisites pulling 2 bucks a day.

Not to mention the value of prime developed internet real estate, versus minisites dependant on type in traffic from G. I am building as much a brand, getting traffic from other sources, compared to relying on long tail search queries subject to change whenever the big G feels like it.
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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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Well your comparing apples with oranges so it's a moot point really. Establishing an authority site can take years, when you can be up and running with mini sites within a day or a few days. The money I make with mini sites is very real I wouldn't consider it worthless at all. I also own authority sites so have experience with both. My counter argument to you is why should it be a choice between an authority site or mini site, why can't you do both?
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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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I am definitely not doubting the money being generated, we can agree on that. I also see that they are not comparable side by side, for obvious reasons. However, I assume we are talking about doing this at a serious level. It then boils down to how you can make the most of your invested time and/or money, and for me the answer is obvious.

Why not do both? Because the return I expect from the work I put in, is far greater from creating max user value compared with taking the "OK how can I display these ads best" approach.

Again it depends on your mindset and aspirations for the future. For me, the trend is right there in bright neon colors.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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It then boils down to how you can make the most of your invested time and/or money, and for me the answer is obvious.

It may seem obvious to you, but it's not as obvious as you think.

The only thing you seem to be contemplating is the revenue potential of having an authority site. Sure, if you develop it out and generate loads of traffic, it will make a lot of money, no one is denying that, but it will take a ton of time and effort to reach that point and you will be with no cash flow during the early to middle stages of the development cycle.

What you seem to be dismissing is the risk element of owning one site and the ability of testing different strategies/markets by owning multiple sites. You may think your time is best spent on further developing your baby, when in fact you could have made a lot more money in another more lucrative market or with a different online strategy.
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Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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The only thing you seem to be contemplating is the revenue potential of having an authority site. Sure, if you develop it out and generate loads of traffic.

He's talking about creating value. Your own words (the only thing you seem to be contemplating is the revenue potential) more accurately describe the mini site approach.
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