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For Sale Offers on package:,

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
I am fielding offers for the following package of elite .us 3 letters:

If i get respectable offer will sell. I will keep board appraised of offers. -- 3.3 million on google, 70+ on

Assembler Source Language (file name extension)
ASM Assembly (language)
ASM (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician (Mechanical)
ASM Abnormal Situation Management
ASM Abominable Snow Man
ASM Abstract State Machine
ASM Access Switching Module (ATM)
ASM Account Services Manager
ASM Account-Specific Marketing (marketing)
ASM Acoustic Surface Measurement
ASM Adaptive Security Management
ASM Adaptive Signal Masking
ASM Administrative Services Manual
ASM Administrative Support Manual
ASM Advanced Scavenging Model (air pollution modeling)
ASM Advanced Server Management
ASM Advanced Services Module (Riverstone Networks)
ASM Agency Spread Matrix
ASM Agricultural Systems Management
ASM Agriculture Systems Management Club
Air Separation Module
ASM Airborne Supersonic Missile
ASM Aircraft Squadron Manning Document
ASM Aircraft State Message
ASM Aircraft Structural Maintenance
ASM Airfield Survivability Measures
ASM Airspace Management
ASM Air-to-Surface Missile
ASM Algorithmic State Machine
ASM All-Sky Monitor
ASM Amazing Spider-Man (comic book)
ASM American Samoa (ISO Country code)
ASM American Society for Materials
ASM American Society for Metals International
ASM American Society for Microbiology
ASM AMTCS (Aviation Maintenance Training Continuum System) Software Module
ASM Analog Symbol Monitoring
ASM Annual Stockholders Meeting
ASM Anonymous Subscriber Messaging
ASM Antarctica Service Medal
Antiship Missile
ASM Anti-Static Material
ASM Application of Software Measurement
ASM Application of Software Models
ASM Application Service Manager
ASM Application-Specific Memory
ASM Area Sales Management
ASM Area Service Manager
ASM Area Store Manager
ASM Armored Systems Modernization
ASM Army Security Monitor
ASM Array Scanning Method
ASM Asmara, Eritrea - Asmara International/Yohannes Iv (Airport Code)
ASM Assembler
ASM Asset Management System
ASM Assistant Scoutmaster (Boy Scouts of America)
ASM Assistant Stage Manager
ASM Associated Students of Madison (University of Wisconsin)
ASM Association of Systems Management
ASM Association Sportive de Monaco (Monaco Sporting Association)
Asynchronous State Machine
ASM ATM Service Multiplexer (Fujutsu)
ASM ATM Switching Module
ASM Attitude Sensor Model
ASM Audio Switching Matrix
ASM Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine
ASM Automated Scheduling Message
ASM Automated Software Maintenance
ASM Automated System Management
ASM Auxiliary Storage Manager
ASM Auxiliary Storage Module
ASM Available Seat Mile
ASM Aviation Survival Man - 340,000 google

Undeliverable As Addressed
UAA Unified Access Architecture (ACT Networks, Inc.)
UAA Uniform Adoption Act
UAA Universal Administered Address
UAA Universal Audio Architecture
UAA University Athletic Association
UAA University Aviation Association
UAA University of Alaska Anchorage


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
highest offer of $250 received. Will be selling shortly so please make bids if you want these domains.
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