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Small, new profile field added

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Forum Announcements
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I added a new field to users profiles which shows how many domains you own, and another for your preferred domain registrar. These can be set when you register, and can be edited via the user control panel. Tell me what you think of these :D

I was also thinking about making your domain owned figure show up under your username (where it shows location, post #, etc.), hmm..
Domain Days 2024

Originally posted by Dan
I added a new field to users profiles which shows how many domains you own, and another for your preferred domain registrar. These can be set when you register, and can be edited via the user control panel. Tell me what you think of these :D

I was also thinking about making your domain owned figure show up under your username (where it shows location, post #, etc.), hmm..
That would be a great idea!:)
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