Also see top post:
Just like earlier today, I (again) have 18 invites available (besides the few that I have reserved for people that already inquired about seperate ones).
Want a truly great deal!? Want to creat a whole lot of accounts at once, without having to buy them left and right from various sellers? Want to enter the GMail craze with a bang!?
Get all 18 for only $75 PayPal!
If you would like that
overload of 18 then claim them here as SOLD (You must send payment
swiftly after we have come to a deal, please.)
Mind you, I don't know how long I will have this new lot of 18 invites, and they're posted on various forums, so first claimed 'anywhere', first served there'.
This thread is for SALES only, no GMail discussions here please. Got questions? Concerns!? Feel free to ask... per PM!