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developed BigTimeVideos.com - $4,000+ Per Month Profit

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Jason Benn

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2005
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Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0

URL: http://www.BigTimeVideos.com/

Avg. monthly revenue: $4,200+

Age Of Website: 3+ Month

Revenue Details:

Total: $140 (Yesterdays Income)

Average Daily Income:......$140+
Average Monthly Income:..$4,200

Average Daily Expenses:
Average Monthly Expenses:...$150 (Server Rent)

Average Monthly PageViews: 1,510,000+

Traffic Details:

98% Of Our Traffic Comes From Direct Incoming Links
2% Of Our Traffic Comes From BookMarks

Year To Date Total Spent On Advertising: $0.00

Daily PageViews: 50,000+


Our website provides free html codes to allow users to stream music videos on their own personal website. Our website simply provides the html codes to all the streaming. We do NOT host any music videos, and we link to sources that have the legal right to stream music videos online.

Our website requires approximately 1 hour to keep updated per month, mostly having to do with managing the ads running on the site. It is setup so that you could leave the site alone for over a month, come back and you would have still made $4,200+ while you were gone.

The site is very easy to operate and has an admin interface to update just about any part of the website. We update site content about once per month, and it takes us about 20 minutes to do so. If you are reading this post, you already have the skills required to operate the site.

Buyer will receive 30 days of support following the sale. I will be able to teach the buyer how to operate and maintain the site in under an hour, and that includes a step by step guide, and explanation of everything. We can provide support via AIM, Yahoo, Skype, Webcam, or regular phone.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.) Who is the original owner of the website and domain? Are you a broker, or the owner.

---> I am the original designer and owner of the domain since day 1

2.) Is the website legal?

 This question has been raised millions of times. Our website hotlinks to Yahoo music videos. We do not have some sort of exclusive contract with Yahoo, we just simply provide html codes which link to their videos which they release to the public. Any potential bidder must understand that Yahoo may stop us from hotlinking from them in total, at any time or day. We do have a backup database of music video to other sites just in case. Any potential buyer must understand that Yahoo may stop allowing us to hotlink to them.

We do not host any music videos, and we only provide html codes to that link to sites that have the legal right to stream music videos online. Our codes are setup, so that users can not download anything. We have NEVER received a single complaint from anyone, which can be verified by our upstream provider, and DC. Each site that we are linking to is aware that we are doing it. If any of them suddenly do not wish for us to do so, then we will simply use another free provider. We are able to switch free providers within about 5 minutes using special scripts on our site, which are all included in the sale. I have consulted an attorney about my site was confirmed that it is fully legal. Any serious bidder is welcome to contact their own attorney at their own expense for proof.

3.) What is your traffic stats?

Daily Pageviews:.....50,000+
Daily Uniques:.........8,250+
First Time Visitors:...5,682
Returning Visitors:....2577

4.) How does the website generate income?

---> 100% of our revenue comes from the ads and popups being served on our site. We average about 7,500,000+ ad impressions per month, bringing in about $140+ per day in income. The breakdown of income is listed above.

5.) What are you operating expenses?

---> $150 per month to rent and administer our servers.

6.) How much do you spend on advertising?

---> Grand Total: $0.00. We have NEVER spent a single penny on advertising at any time. Our website grew by having 2 users use our html code, which slowed progressed and expanded every day as our traffic grows. Our site gains about 10,000 - 40,000 incoming text links per day, because with over 75,000 unique users to our site, if less than half of the users use our code that is over 30,000 one way incoming links in that day alone. Our presence on the internet expands every day

7.) What is included in the sale?

---> Domain name: www.bigtimevideos.com and the entire website content

8.) Why would you sell a site that makes this much income with no upkeep or inventory to manage?

---> I'm looking to take the money from this sale, apply it towards marketing another site which is generating triple the amount that this site is making. Some family members have brought up the idea of just holding onto the site and keeping the money, and I have considered it, however I think it would be easier just to let it go.

9.) Do you have proof of our traffic and income claims?

---> Absolutely! Serious bidders may see screenshots if requested. Before final sale of the site, the bidder may actually log into my advertising companies sites such as FastClick, to personally verify income. SERIOUS BIDDERS will be given details about how to log into our statcounter.com account which provides all traffic reporting for our site since day 1. These stats are VERY detailed and comprehensive, and are not screenshots, but actual true account access.

10.) What will I need to do make the same amount of money as you have been making?

---> After the sale, you will need to apply to TribalFusion, FastClick, Burst, and Casale for an account under your own name. Once the account is setup, you just need to make a small change to the html code for the site to start giving your account the credit.

11.) Am I guaranteed to make the same amount of money as you are?

---> Technically no. If you use any different ad networks, ad campaigns, or advertisements, that may raise or lower your daily income. If you wish to earn the same as we have, we highly suggest you keep the same setup, and just change the html code to give you account the credit for the impressions. We will show you proof that we are making exactly what we are claiming.

12.) How long has your website been making $140+ per day?

---> Only for a few days. We were averaging about $100+ per day before we recently added FastClick and Casale Media to our site. These are not temporally income spikes, but are steady income gains, with these new high paying ad networks. When we first starting we were making about $20 per day, which gradually grew to $50 day... $100 per day... $110 per day
to $140+ per day where we are at right now. Please note that our websites income has gone up each and every week since our website opened.

13.) Are you allowed by your publishers to run those many ads on your site?

---> Yes, each and every publisher is fully 100% aware of our site setup. We have dedicated account reps from each company that review our site on a weekly basis to ensure compliancy with their rules. We use TribalFusion for all our ad serving, so even though you see TF html, they are not paying for the adserving on our site.

14.) How can the site grow and earn even more than $140+ per day?

---> That is a good question, and frankly we have a good answer. Their are 2 main ways to increase daily income. First method is to increase site traffic. Since we get paid for ad impression, the more visitors, the more ad impression
which directly relates to more income. The second method, also a very good method, is to monetize the existing traffic even better. By this I mean finding the highest paying ad networks to use as primary and using the lower end networks to serve the ads that the other networks could not fill.

15.) Why aren’t the videos working on your site?

---> During the next few days we are updating the script which keeps our website current with Yahoos new media hash codes. We have a developer working to automate this process, so during this time, there may be periods where the videos do not stream on our site. This is only temporarily, and is currently being worked on.

Additional Notes:

We have a VERY extensive site backend... We have a ton of features including...

1.) Manage all advertisements on the site
2.) Private Message Management System
3.) Review Comments (Add/Delete/Modify) left on site
4.) Manage Videos (Modify/Delete)
5.) Add New Videos...
---> Just enter in the song title, artist name, and a 4 digit code, and the script will generate the ASX file, upload it to the server, and insert the music video onto our site. This is VERY helpful in adding new videos on the fly.
---> Or you can enter in the artist name, song title, and url to the music video to manually add the video to the sites database
6.) Manage Users (manage playlist/reset password/view email/email user)
7.) View Members Playlist
8.) Mass email all members (We have 2,000 members)
9.) Mass Private Message All Users
10.) Pick the video for the sites homepage
11.) Select the songs database (we have backup database for protection)
12.) Check and manage the videos that have been reported to be broken

Current Site Registered Members: 6,022+

Google Indexed Pages: 54,300
Yahoo Indexed Pages: 880
Google page Rank: 3

Daily Uniques: 8,250+
First Time Visitors: 5,256
Returning Visitors: 2,669

Payment Via www.escrow.com ONLY

Is This An Auction: NO

Buy-It-Now Price: $24,000 FIRM


1.) Send ALL Questions or comments via PM ONLY!
2.) Post here on the forum with ONLY "PM Sent"

*Note* - We will not entertain any general non sale related questions to the website. Please do NOT PM us asking for information if you don't have the money AND intentions to purchase this site. We will respond to all PMs that are from serious users that have shown that they are truly interested in the site, and not just getting more information out of us.
Domain Summit 2024


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Feedback: 9 / 1 / 0
Jason Benn said:
Thanks for the old link, however a mod just deleted your last post (for a good reason), and you went ahead and did it again. Guess I have to report it to the mods again...
N/M not even going to start


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Feedback: 4 / 0 / 0
wow. Looks like a risky sale...

Jason, if youre making so much profit from the site, and since youre having so much trouble selling it here on dnforum (because it looks like a scam), perhaps you should just keep your thousands of $$$$ daily revenue. Probably the best solution.

It's not fair to burn people.

Otherwise you should allow people to collect revenue for a few months under the condition that they pay the revenue back if they dont want the domain. Then no one gets scammed...


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0
Noticed a recent addition to your site. Looks like yahoo has done another one of their 'media hash code updates'. (Although, I like to call it 'hot link protection')



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Feedback: 9 / 1 / 0
Jason Benn said:

URL: http://www.BigTimeVideos.com/

Avg. monthly revenue: $4,200+

Age Of Website: 3+ Month

Revenue Details:

Total: $140 (Yesterdays Income)

Average Daily Income:......$140+
Average Monthly Income:..$4,200

Average Daily Expenses:
Average Monthly Expenses:...$150 (Server Rent)

Average Monthly PageViews: 1,510,000+

Traffic Details:

98% Of Our Traffic Comes From Direct Incoming Links
2% Of Our Traffic Comes From BookMarks

Year To Date Total Spent On Advertising: $0.00

Daily PageViews: 50,000+


Our website provides free html codes to allow users to stream music videos on their own personal website. Our website simply provides the html codes to all the streaming. We do NOT host any music videos, and we link to sources that have the legal right to stream music videos online.

Our website requires approximately 1 hour to keep updated per month, mostly having to do with managing the ads running on the site. It is setup so that you could leave the site alone for over a month, come back and you would have still made $4,200+ while you were gone.

The site is very easy to operate and has an admin interface to update just about any part of the website. We update site content about once per month, and it takes us about 20 minutes to do so. If you are reading this post, you already have the skills required to operate the site.

Buyer will receive 30 days of support following the sale. I will be able to teach the buyer how to operate and maintain the site in under an hour, and that includes a step by step guide, and explanation of everything. We can provide support via AIM, Yahoo, Skype, Webcam, or regular phone.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.) Who is the original owner of the website and domain? Are you a broker, or the owner.

---> I am the original designer and owner of the domain since day 1

2.) Is the website legal?

 This question has been raised millions of times. Our website hotlinks to Yahoo music videos. We do not have some sort of exclusive contract with Yahoo, we just simply provide html codes which link to their videos which they release to the public. Any potential bidder must understand that Yahoo may stop us from hotlinking from them in total, at any time or day. We do have a backup database of music video to other sites just in case. Any potential buyer must understand that Yahoo may stop allowing us to hotlink to them.

We do not host any music videos, and we only provide html codes to that link to sites that have the legal right to stream music videos online. Our codes are setup, so that users can not download anything. We have NEVER received a single complaint from anyone, which can be verified by our upstream provider, and DC. Each site that we are linking to is aware that we are doing it. If any of them suddenly do not wish for us to do so, then we will simply use another free provider. We are able to switch free providers within about 5 minutes using special scripts on our site, which are all included in the sale. I have consulted an attorney about my site was confirmed that it is fully legal. Any serious bidder is welcome to contact their own attorney at their own expense for proof.

3.) What is your traffic stats?

Daily Pageviews:.....50,000+
Daily Uniques:.........8,250+
First Time Visitors:...5,682
Returning Visitors:....2577

4.) How does the website generate income?

---> 100% of our revenue comes from the ads and popups being served on our site. We average about 7,500,000+ ad impressions per month, bringing in about $140+ per day in income. The breakdown of income is listed above.

5.) What are you operating expenses?

---> $150 per month to rent and administer our servers.

6.) How much do you spend on advertising?

---> Grand Total: $0.00. We have NEVER spent a single penny on advertising at any time. Our website grew by having 2 users use our html code, which slowed progressed and expanded every day as our traffic grows. Our site gains about 10,000 - 40,000 incoming text links per day, because with over 75,000 unique users to our site, if less than half of the users use our code that is over 30,000 one way incoming links in that day alone. Our presence on the internet expands every day

7.) What is included in the sale?

---> Domain name: www.bigtimevideos.com and the entire website content

8.) Why would you sell a site that makes this much income with no upkeep or inventory to manage?

---> I'm looking to take the money from this sale, apply it towards marketing another site which is generating triple the amount that this site is making. Some family members have brought up the idea of just holding onto the site and keeping the money, and I have considered it, however I think it would be easier just to let it go.

9.) Do you have proof of our traffic and income claims?

---> Absolutely! Serious bidders may see screenshots if requested. Before final sale of the site, the bidder may actually log into my advertising companies sites such as FastClick, to personally verify income. SERIOUS BIDDERS will be given details about how to log into our statcounter.com account which provides all traffic reporting for our site since day 1. These stats are VERY detailed and comprehensive, and are not screenshots, but actual true account access.

10.) What will I need to do make the same amount of money as you have been making?

---> After the sale, you will need to apply to TribalFusion, FastClick, Burst, and Casale for an account under your own name. Once the account is setup, you just need to make a small change to the html code for the site to start giving your account the credit.

11.) Am I guaranteed to make the same amount of money as you are?

---> Technically no. If you use any different ad networks, ad campaigns, or advertisements, that may raise or lower your daily income. If you wish to earn the same as we have, we highly suggest you keep the same setup, and just change the html code to give you account the credit for the impressions. We will show you proof that we are making exactly what we are claiming.

12.) How long has your website been making $140+ per day?

---> Only for a few days. We were averaging about $100+ per day before we recently added FastClick and Casale Media to our site. These are not temporally income spikes, but are steady income gains, with these new high paying ad networks. When we first starting we were making about $20 per day, which gradually grew to $50 day... $100 per day... $110 per day
to $140+ per day where we are at right now. Please note that our websites income has gone up each and every week since our website opened.

13.) Are you allowed by your publishers to run those many ads on your site?

---> Yes, each and every publisher is fully 100% aware of our site setup. We have dedicated account reps from each company that review our site on a weekly basis to ensure compliancy with their rules. We use TribalFusion for all our ad serving, so even though you see TF html, they are not paying for the adserving on our site.

14.) How can the site grow and earn even more than $140+ per day?

---> That is a good question, and frankly we have a good answer. Their are 2 main ways to increase daily income. First method is to increase site traffic. Since we get paid for ad impression, the more visitors, the more ad impression
which directly relates to more income. The second method, also a very good method, is to monetize the existing traffic even better. By this I mean finding the highest paying ad networks to use as primary and using the lower end networks to serve the ads that the other networks could not fill.

15.) Why aren’t the videos working on your site?

---> During the next few days we are updating the script which keeps our website current with Yahoos new media hash codes. We have a developer working to automate this process, so during this time, there may be periods where the videos do not stream on our site. This is only temporarily, and is currently being worked on.

Additional Notes:

We have a VERY extensive site backend... We have a ton of features including...

1.) Manage all advertisements on the site
2.) Private Message Management System
3.) Review Comments (Add/Delete/Modify) left on site
4.) Manage Videos (Modify/Delete)
5.) Add New Videos...
---> Just enter in the song title, artist name, and a 4 digit code, and the script will generate the ASX file, upload it to the server, and insert the music video onto our site. This is VERY helpful in adding new videos on the fly.
---> Or you can enter in the artist name, song title, and url to the music video to manually add the video to the sites database
6.) Manage Users (manage playlist/reset password/view email/email user)
7.) View Members Playlist
8.) Mass email all members (We have 2,000 members)
9.) Mass Private Message All Users
10.) Pick the video for the sites homepage
11.) Select the songs database (we have backup database for protection)
12.) Check and manage the videos that have been reported to be broken

Current Site Registered Members: 6,022+

Google Indexed Pages: 54,300
Yahoo Indexed Pages: 880
Google page Rank: 3

Daily Uniques: 8,250+
First Time Visitors: 5,256
Returning Visitors: 2,669

Payment Via www.escrow.com ONLY

Is This An Auction: NO

Buy-It-Now Price: $24,000 FIRM


1.) Send ALL Questions or comments via PM ONLY!
2.) Post here on the forum with ONLY "PM Sent"

*Note* - We will not entertain any general non sale related questions to the website. Please do NOT PM us asking for information if you don't have the money AND intentions to purchase this site. We will respond to all PMs that are from serious users that have shown that they are truly interested in the site, and not just getting more information out of us.

The only reason why you keep selling this site is to make a quick profit and leave the market. You know very well that yahoo has been changing the hash and also sending out C&D letters to many of these sites including mvscript which provides this sort of script. Buyer beware


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 24, 2004
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not coming up for me.

Jason Benn

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
Jeff said:
The only reason why you keep selling this site is to make a quick profit and leave the market. You know very well that yahoo has been changing the hash and also sending out C&D letters to many of these sites including mvscript which provides this sort of script. Buyer beware

Yahoo has sent a grand total of 1 ceise and desist letter as of the time writing this email, and that was to the owner of MvScript.com. So unless you have solid proof that Yahoo is sending millions of letters out, then your just talking non-sense.

My site is not working because my script is updating. It updates itself every 10 minutes with the new hash code from Yahoo. So as of writing this post, the site is currently updating again. Yahoo did NOT make another change to the code, and Yahoo has NEVER send us a C&D letter, nor has it ever sent one to the owners of VideoCodeZone.com...etc, and they haven't for a reason.

I posted on my sales thread that the buyer understands that Yahoo may stop hotlinking at any given time without notice, so I did not hide anything from anybody.

And I'm not trying to dump the site, my last post here was a few weeks ago, so I am not desperately trying to sell the site right now.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 25, 2002
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Just like Jason has stated there is only one or two sites I know of getting a C&D letter.

Sure they can stop hotlinking at anytime, but they haven't. It's a simple step on their part.

Good luck with the sale Jason.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2005
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Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
hotsauce said:
Just like Jason has stated there is only one or two sites I know of getting a C&D letter.

Sure they can stop hotlinking at anytime, but they haven't. It's a simple step on their part.

Good luck with the sale Jason.
I dont think you're helping.

Saying "it's a simple step but they haven't" doesn't at all mean they wont instead it means they probably will but just haven't yet.

Would you risk the kind of money we're talking about here on the chance they won't? Not to include the fact that the bigger your site is the more potential for them to bring legal action against you.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 12, 2005
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Feedback: 43 / 0 / 0
Would you risk the kind of money we're talking about here on the chance they won't? Not to include the fact that the bigger your site is the more potential for them to bring legal action against you.

Just wondering what kind of legal action could they take as these sites seem to make all their money from advertising, not from the music videos themselves?

Also, what if yahoo does send out a C&D order and Jason or whomever has to change to the backup sources. Would the use of these backup sources mean a decline in quality or quantity of videos? And would they follow the path set by yahoo if this does happen?


Jason Benn

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0

As I stated in my very first post, Yahoo may disable hotlinking at any given time, there is absolutely no guarantee on how long we may continue to hotlink to them. If they ever send out a C&D letter, we would obviousely stop linking to them, however they have never done so, not once in the past year to any music video code site, and I know that they are aware of VideoCodeZone, and they obviousely do not care. But as I said, I disclosed that in my first post.

Finally, there are allot more sources of music videos. Everyone likes Yahoo because they have the largest selection all in one place, and once VideoCodeZone figured out how to link to them, everyone else got on the bandwagon and copied their idea. Point being, that there are a plethora of other sites to link to, and my site has a backup database just in case Yahoo ever goes down.

Deleted member 6154

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2004
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Can you explain in more detail about your backup sources and how they would be implemented to help reduce the risk to me if I purchased the site?

Jason Benn

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
jondolar said:
Can you explain in more detail about your backup sources and how they would be implemented to help reduce the risk to me if I purchased the site?


If Yahoo stops allowing hotlinking at any time, we simply log into the admin area, and click one tab that says "Switch To Backup Database" and instantly the entire site will run off of a backup database of music videos.


DNF Member
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Jun 25, 2002
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RANGER said:
I dont think you're helping.

Saying "it's a simple step but they haven't" doesn't at all mean they wont instead it means they probably will but just haven't yet.

Would you risk the kind of money we're talking about here on the chance they won't? Not to include the fact that the bigger your site is the more potential for them to bring legal action against you.

It's up to the buyer if they want to risk that kind of money. He has given you every possible scenerio that could go wrong with the site. He's not trying to pull a fast one.

He stated.. YES they can stop hotlinking. YES they could possibly send out a C&D. The buyers know this.. He has posted it.

The site looks good. If I had the money I would take the chance on buying it.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 11, 2003
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Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
1 or 2? lol I got a c&d from yahoo so I closed my site, every website that takes vid codes from yahoo is getting a c&d it.
December 1, 2005



To the Owners and Operators of xxxx.com:

I am writing with regard to a matter of serious concern to Yahoo! Inc. (“Yahoo!”) that has come to our attention.

We recently learned that XXXX.com (the “Site”) has been enabling its users to engage in the unauthorized streaming of music videos offered by Yahoo! on www.yahoo.com and related Yahoo! properties (the “Yahoo Site”). The videos offered on the Yahoo Site are owned or licensed by Yahoo! and are intended to be viewed solely by lawful users of the Yahoo Site. You have been circumventing, and are continuing to attempt to circumvent, Yahoo’s security measures in order to capture and publish the streaming URLs for these videos (such URLs, “Unauthorized Video Codes”) on your Site, thereby (i) enabling users to stream those videos (such videos, together with the Unauthorized Video Codes, “Unauthorized Material”) on your Site and/or (ii) encouraging infringement by enabling users to post Unauthorized Material on other web sites or into other Internet-enabled applications, in contravention of Yahoo!’s rights and the rights of Yahoo’s licensors.

As you know, the capture and publishing of Unauthorized Video Codes and the reproduction of Unauthorized Material from the Yahoo Site is being done without Yahoo!’s consent and in direct contravention of the security measures we have taken to protect our content. Your Site does not hold any right, title or interest in or to the Unauthorized Material, nor has it been authorized to copy, exhibit, display or otherwise use the Unauthorized Material. It is a violation of federal and state law to advertise, utilize, or offer the Unauthorized Material without the express written permission of Yahoo!, and your actions give rise to claims of copyright infringement and unfair competition, among others.

For the above reasons, we demand that XXXX.com immediately cease and desist from capturing, attempting to capture, facilitating the capture of, making any use of, or advertising the availability of, any Unauthorized Video Codes resulting in the reproduction of Unauthorized Material.

We wish to proceed in a manner most conducive to achieving a mutually satisfactory resolution. Please be aware, however, that if Vidcodecentral.com does not immediately comply with our demand and provide us with written assurances that Vidcodecentral.com will not use the Unauthorized Material in the future, we will consider further legal action to protect our rights.

Please respond to this letter no later than December 8, 2005 to avoid Yahoo!’s pursuit of appropriate legal remedies. This demand is in addition to any other rights, legal or equitable, that Yahoo! may have in connection with this matter, and is made without waiver of any such rights.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (310) 526-4280. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Very truly yours,

James Pitaro

Head of Business Affairs

Yahoo! Music

Jenny Shapiro

Yahoo! Music

Ph: 310-526-4258

don't buy the site you won't make your money back

Jason Benn

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2005
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Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0

So you own http://www.Vidcodecentral.com/ and you got a C&D letter. How come they never sent on to the owners of VideoCodeZone.com and the other huge sites that have been doing this for 10 times longer than you have, there must be a logical reason behind this...think about it...it's common sense.

Now, as I said over and over again, the buyer understands that Yahoo may disable hotlinking at any given time, this was made very clear to the buyer. We have backup sources to the music videos so if Yahoo goes down, the site, revenue, or anything else will not go down.


Inactive User
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2004
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Jason Benn said:
...if Yahoo goes down, the site, revenue, or anything else will not go down.

IIRC, the last time this site was listed, the revenue has since experienced some changes in growth. While it's entirely feasible that revenue levels from this point forward are sustainable, given the inevitable operational volatility, would you consider offering a time-limited written guarantee of revenue performance to the new owner in case Yahoo does go down?
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