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Domain name natural traffic is the best type of traffic in the world... Not!

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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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There is this perception in the domain industry that pretty much all domain names that receive natural or in other words type in traffic --- that it is the best type of traffic that was ever discovered or is available out there on the internet. Unfortunately, I think it is only a myth and wishful thinking... But what else did you expect to hear from the same people who have invested millions of dollars into domains and who got everything riding on domains and their valuations? Well... It definitely isn't true. Domain name type in traffic isn't the best type of traffic. Not even the second best... Not even the third best type of traffic either. What exactly is domain type in traffic though? Simply put, it is when a user types in a domain name into their address bar, also known as the URL bar. Users are expecting to find a certain website with information/resources as well as products, services, etc.

Domain name owners with many generic keyword domains have portfolios that generate quiet a bit of type in traffic day in and day out. That is great. But they figure that just because it is always there and they don't pay anything for it to be there, in other words it is totally free obviously, that it is this amazing source of traffic and that it is the best of the best. Not true. Domain type in traffic does convert to sales/sign ups/leads and so on --- but so do almost all other legitimate types of traffic from various other targeted sources that provide advertising and traffic acquisition opportunities.

Unfortunately, the best type of domain names that do generate the most type in traffic and conversions at the highest rates are typo domain names. Domains that should of never been owned or monetized. It is traffic that is generated illegally by cybersquatters. Users are mis-typing a certain brand's name or a companies business website address. They end up being shown pay per click advertisements but mostly from competitors. Sometimes they are shown sponsored ads of the mistyped company/business and they end up having to pay for visitors that they shouldn't of.... Sucks!! You think?

For example, lets say company XYZ is an insurance company, and they have the website XYZinsurance.com --- they buy up PPC ads over at Google and Yahoo for many keywords, and one of them is "insurance" --- now a very clever person may register XYZinsuranc.com hoping to cash in on every day's peoples honest mistakes, when somebody doesn't type in the domain name correctly... This very clever person will setup the domain name to serve sponsored ads on it via a domain parking service and make a profit from each and every click. The sponsored ads shown may contain XYZ company's advertisements... The user will likely click on it because that is what he was looking for in the first place. That company's website. So, of course if there is going to be a sale/lead... It is going to be credited to the typo domain name setup by an opportunist. Illegal practice.

I think by some accounts that I've heard as of late mentioned by professional analysts and domain industry insiders that there is between 20% and up to 30% of typo domain names part of the domain channel being monetized through domain parking. One of those analysts is Jordan Rohan, Managing Director of RBC Capital Markets. Jordan has been around the domain industry for a while now and definitely knows what he is talking about. He noted a few years ago in a DNJournal: "that he is a big fan of direct navigation but he believes the current high multiples being paid are temporary. He thinks professional domain owners should strive for differentiation through development and partner with someone if you can’t handle development yourself. He also advised looking for other ways to diversify. He added that technology changes constantly."

Jordan is a strong believer in trying out various monetization models for domain name traffic such as leasing domains as well as partnering up for development... If you have been reading DNJournal for the past few years you already know this. He knows that there are some domain type in traffic which is being under monetized with parking and that the really good generic keyword domains that do have decent traffic are just burning through all this traffic and it is really going to waste... What a shame. All this opportunities and potential but it is being overlooked or rather ignored. What portion of those illegal typo domains drive all of the traffic to the advertisers that are subscribed to the domain channels via Google or Yahoo?? I'd say at least one third of the domain channel's traffic is illegal trademark traffic and it just so happens to be the best part of the domain channel... That is it just how it is. Pretty crazy... But it is nothing new. Common Knowledge. Everybody part of the domain industry is well aware of this... It's a FACT.

So forget domains for a minute... The real best type of traffic is "word of mouth" marketing and direct person-to-person referrals because they reach out to the most targeted individuals and potential buyers/clients of which many are nearly impossible to reach, which is done along the way in multiple steps and on a very personal level, when any company or even an individual makes a mention, direct referral and/or recommendation to somebody. It can be done face-to-face or even via internet messaging or e-mail. It is the most engaging way to reach out to those who actually need to be reached out to. The best type of traffic is sent from a human to a human.

Anything that involves computers isn't so great... It works, but it isn't perfect. It can't be that accurate and it doesn't always make sense. I know you are thinking that Google is this amazing great company that is responsible for many technological breakthroughs but the categorical suggestions / links that they provide on parked domain names aren't as accurate as they need to be. Google is not a psychic. They can only predict so much. Also parked domains don't sell potential clients on ideas but people do. Many times before a user actually clicks on a certain link they have heard or seen a commercial about that advertiser or from a friend. They probably have visited that site before as well. The next marketing boom is all about the "social" aspects and the networking craze. It is a huge market full of opportunities. Once companies such as Google and Facebook make sense of things... It will take advertising and marketing to a whole new level. It will be as targeted and accurate as it can get... It is coming.

So anyways, person-to-person... The best type of traffic and referrals... This is done for example by a webmaster or blog publisher that may post up on his blog a recommendation on a certain product or service to his visitors that he tried out, had success with and found useful. The users will appreciate the insight information from a trusted and reliable source and more than likely if they are interested in the product/service sign up for it if they never previously heard of it and really want to give it a test drive or obviously if they need it for personal/business use.

There is nothing else that compares to like a good ol' positive review by an objective third party. It drives the best type of traffic that converts like crazy. The best conversions are always from on-topic relevant sources that deal within the same niche that you website is part of. It is not from Search Engines or Domains. Humans trust other humans the most. Industry specific newsletters and forums are pretty good sources of some of the best targeted traffic as well. Any type of source that pre-qualifies the visitors can be counted on to generate targeted on-topic traffic and most of the traffic that originates from it that arrives at the advertisers website is going to convert nicely if the user in fact is engaged properly and is presented with value based services or good products.

Domain name type in traffic converts well into clicks on a parked setup because the parked domain names design and layout are put together in such a way that forces users to click on a sponsored link. There is no other options available. A user either has the choice of clicking a text link advertisement or leaving the web site by pressing the back button or typing in another domain. People on the internet like to click a lot, and they are used to doing so many times over... It is very easy and simple to do, and users don't mind browsing around and even clicking on a few more sites to satisfy their curiosity. A user can be redirected from five parked pages, from one to another, and a majority of this users will keep on clicking through...

There isn't enough data though or any independent analysis ever done to prove that generic domain name's type in traffic converts better than regular search engine traffic for example into sales or leads and provides a better ROI. There just hasn't been such reports or any comprehensive studies done. Maybe there has been... But they have been kept on the hush hush? Probably big time failures, eh? Who knows! But you get what I am saying...

Generic domain names that do generate type in traffic is most often than not pretty untargeted although people like to think that it is very targeted and will argue this case all day long. It is not. Here is why.... A user typing in a travel domain name directly for example may be searching for a million different things when it comes to travel. He will start at a travel website though. It can be one of the more popular searches such as Hotels or Airfares but it can also be a million other things. When he types in the travel domain name, he is only presented with a maximum of five or ten sponsored links or a dozen relevant niche-within-a-niche Travel categories... I highly doubt that some random Travel related text links are exactly what the user was originally expecting to find or looking for but he will carry on with his research as his options are limited. Can either click on or click off... Most visitors will choose to click on because why the hell not? They went through the troubles of typing in a domain name, which usually take a few seconds... A click only takes half a second, if that... The clicking will go on...

Domain names continue to deliver advertisers a lot of visitors that are really good at clicking on links and they help traffic brokers and middlemen such as Google and Yahoo sell off their ad inventory... But is the traffic being delivered through generic type in domain names anything to get really excited about? It's really not... It's just traffic. Nothing special. When there is some independent studies done and detailed reports to prove that domain names do in fact generate at least a modest 10% for example of pure and targeted traffic that converts better than whatever else is out there that is currently the most popular choice --- interest in domains will skyrocket. Unfortunately, I do not see that day coming anytime soon... The domain industry was never about transparency. It is a very dark and secretive industry full of so much BS. It should of been already proved many times over, once and for all, but it hasn't been.... Can it even be proven at all? Hmm.... Carry on with the fantasies. I personally do not think so but I'd love to be wrong on this.
Domain Summit 2024

George Verdugo

Seasoned Domainer
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Aug 16, 2007
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wow was this copy and paste??


Exclusive Lifetime Member
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Jun 28, 2004
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I can just see the book's title now: "Domains 101" with a subtitle:
"What the experts won't tell you about the domain business"


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Awe geezus dude! I have AADD and you just put my shit to the test!

Where is my freaking beer!


Making Everything Click
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May 15, 2005
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puff puff pass (runs off to register more typos) :smokin:


DNF Regular
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Mar 25, 2005
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Conversely, I would argue that just because you can think of it doesn't mean it should be developed. There are names with natural traffic and there are names with development potential. The very rare and valuable names have both natural traffic relating to the relevance of their keyword(s) *and* also development potential.

For names with natural traffic but little development potential, then yes, type-in traffic is the best in the world. Developing the name is not necessary and moreover it's probably foolish to waste time (which is money) doing so.

I think your premise for traffic comparison is flawed if you have no parameter for defining which names are worth developing and which are not -- or if your parameter is so loose that nearly every domain qualifies.

All domain names are not within the same vein.

It sounds like you're comparing apples to oranges and calling one better just because you like the taste of one in particular. Don't forget that others might have a taste for something else and it certainly doesn't mean they're wrong (i.e. the approach of monetizing keyword domains without a focus on development).

And while I am not stating you take the approach I'm about to discuss (as I know little about your service), I would further argue that it's not possible to develop 1,000 domains with a small team of people. I believe that the focus, content, updates and care that would be needed would require you to employ 1,000 individuals to look after each site on a one-by-one basis.

I believe that one very well cared for development can easily best 1,000 cookie cutter domains that sit nearly static with stale, wikipedia like content and no real value to the potential users.


Level 5
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May 22, 2008
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Conversely, I would argue that just because you can think of it doesn't mean it should be developed. There are names with natural traffic and there are names with development potential. The very rare and valuable names have both natural traffic relating to the relevance of their keyword(s) *and* also development potential.

For names with natural traffic but little development potential, then yes, type-in traffic is the best in the world. Developing the name is not necessary and moreover it's probably foolish to waste time (which is money) doing so.

I think your premise for traffic comparison is flawed if you have no parameter for defining which names are worth developing and which are not -- or if your parameter is so loose that nearly every domain qualifies.

All domain names are not within the same vein.

It sounds like you're comparing apples to oranges and calling one better just because you like the taste of one in particular. Don't forget that others might have a taste for something else and it certainly doesn't mean they're wrong (i.e. the approach of monetizing keyword domains without a focus on development).

And while I am not stating you take the approach I'm about to discuss (as I know little about your service), I would further argue that it's not possible to develop 1,000 domains with a small team of people. I believe that the focus, content, updates and care that would be needed would require you to employ 1,000 individuals to look after each site on a one-by-one basis.

I believe that one very well cared for development can easily best 1,000 cookie cutter domains that sit nearly static with stale, wikipedia like content and no real value to the potential users.

Totally agree. Good post.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2007
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it might not be the best, but its probably the easiest type of traffic you can get in addition to being a fixed cost of a domain vs paying PPC.


DNForum Moderator
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Sep 4, 2002
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a lot of contradictions there Mike

the best?

illegal practices?

who is Jordan?

too many assumptions on what a clicker/user/visitor will do

but thanks for taking the time to post it



Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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a lot of contradictions there Mike

the best?

illegal practices?

who is Jordan?

too many assumptions on what a clicker/user/visitor will do

but thanks for taking the time to post it



its not the best, i have been in the search engine marketing game for years and i am not subscribed to the domain channel and neither are all of the top marketers who know what they are doing --- the ROI is crap

domainers can choose to optimize just about any domain... even a 495834598dsfsdf.com domain to display finance or real estate ads... this is a recipe for a major disaster if u know what i mean

only a fool would subscribe to a channel that does not pre-qualify the traffic accordingly

domain typos are illegal as is the traffic... no? last time i checked they were

Jordan is a guy who has been involved with the domain industry for a good few years if you attend the conferences... you know all about him


its my job to day in and day out make this type of predictions and critisize the hell out of anything and everything as i consult various clients on how to handle their ad budget as well as optimize their websites and so on... optimization can be deployed on many fronts and it should

Conversely, I would argue that just because you can think of it doesn't mean it should be developed. There are names with natural traffic and there are names with development potential. The very rare and valuable names have both natural traffic relating to the relevance of their keyword(s) *and* also development potential.

For names with natural traffic but little development potential, then yes, type-in traffic is the best in the world. Developing the name is not necessary and moreover it's probably foolish to waste time (which is money) doing so.

I think your premise for traffic comparison is flawed if you have no parameter for defining which names are worth developing and which are not -- or if your parameter is so loose that nearly every domain qualifies.

All domain names are not within the same vein.

It sounds like you're comparing apples to oranges and calling one better just because you like the taste of one in particular. Don't forget that others might have a taste for something else and it certainly doesn't mean they're wrong (i.e. the approach of monetizing keyword domains without a focus on development).

And while I am not stating you take the approach I'm about to discuss (as I know little about your service), I would further argue that it's not possible to develop 1,000 domains with a small team of people. I believe that the focus, content, updates and care that would be needed would require you to employ 1,000 individuals to look after each site on a one-by-one basis.

I believe that one very well cared for development can easily best 1,000 cookie cutter domains that sit nearly static with stale, wikipedia like content and no real value to the potential users.

i re-read your post twice and i couldn't make sense of it

you are arguing for a very small portion of domains that exist.. maybe a few percent at most if that ??

and development is not for everybody

launching 1,000s of websites is easy

...if you know what u are doing and have an actual "business plan"

developing just for the sake of development made up or brandable domains --- pointless

i've wrote articles about the largest travel network in the world being launched... 60,000 domains strong... from morten sondergaard / about anywhere.com

also covered one the largest lead generation networks in the worl... 30,000 domains strong from Moxy Media

there is also the Cities Unlimited network.. almost 20,000 USA City domains strong

just because you cant do it, doesnt mean it cant be done ;)

its easily done... sure, it will require a lot of money and upfront investment but the serious players have no prob pony up hundreds of thousands or even millions --- u have to if u want the big bucks :yes:

if one wants to sit all his life on a few thousand of domains and collect 5 cents per unique visitor without doing anything... more power to u --- thank god for parking :)

but tehre is a whole world out there beyond domain parking

speak to some of the GEO developers who are also "domainers" and they will clue u in
Last edited:


DNForum Moderator
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Sep 4, 2002
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what you write, is all good, but i haven't seen any law that says "typos are illegal" and how can that "traffic" or "what a person types in the address bar be deemed "illegal".

who is responsible to make a person spell words correctly when doing a search and who has the "exclusive" rights to this traffic, if not the domain registrant?

and though i haven't been to any domain fest or convention, that may be because i don't want to pollute my mind, goals and direction, by absorbing the rhetoric from the speakers at the podium.

i like plotting my own course if you will...

but thanks so much for your contribution!



Country hopper
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Jul 9, 2005
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domain typos are illegal as is the traffic... no? last time i checked they were
Another hasty generalization IMHO. What about typos of generics ? Not to mention typos of your own brands :)
TM typos are a no-no, no question about it.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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what you write, is all good, but i haven't seen any law that says "typos are illegal" and how can that "traffic" or "what a person types in the address bar be deemed "illegal".

who is responsible to make a person spell words correctly when doing a search and who has the "exclusive" rights to this traffic, if not the domain registrant?

and though i haven't been to any domain fest or convention, that may be because i don't want to pollute my mind, goals and direction, by absorbing the rhetoric from the speakers at the podium.

i like plotting my own course if you will...

but thanks so much for your contribution!


monetizing it is illegal.... clear violation TM domains is probly 20 to 30 percent of all of the domain channels traffic source and it is without a doubt the best type of traffic as it is very targeted

wrong is wrong..... but even criminals can defend themselfs and sometimes do so successfully and get away with crimes much worse than typosquatting

just hoping and preying that it wont be u.... may not be good enough...and there will be consequences... sooner than later

verizon owned OnlineNIC... 33$m awarded in their latest suit

was it really worth it for OnlineNIC ???

they had over 600 verizon typos...

Another hasty generalization IMHO. What about typos of generics ? Not to mention typos of your own brands :)
TM typos are a no-no, no question about it.

typos of generics??

even the best generics dont generate tens of thousands of uniques per day.. maybe a few thousand

their typos dont even generate 1/10th of that

ur argument once again is for a very small group of domains that exist

typos of companies and brands are a big NO NO....

typos of whatever else, sure... as long as u arent breaking any rules or infringing on anybodys trademarks, why not??


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 22, 2004
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Mike, it's nice to read posts with opposing views but I think you going overboard and getting overconfident in your own theories.

1. It doesn't matter what anyone tells you, yes, direct type in traffic with pure generics is the absolute best, free traffic you will ever find. How can you even attempt to counter that? Typing in Boston or Football yields direct results that are measurable and memorable. Telling someone to go to Boston.com is very easy to remember but you don't have to tell anyone to go to Boston.com they just do and that is the beauty of it. So, just because the wealthy domainers of the early 80/90's got allot the good domains doesn't mean they were wrong to grab the generic ones. Does it? if Bank.com is available you wouldn't grab it because it's too generic?

2. There is nothing illegal about typo traffic, it is inadvertent traffic. Even monetizing it is not illegal. What about Kevin Ham? He is making millions off of typo .com traffic wildcarding the entire .cm name space. If that is illegal how then can he do it, how has it been done for years? Why is he profiting off it? Is it wrong or are we all mad because he was first?

Look, there is room at the table for all of us with our variety of opinions but you might want to slow down on your dissenting thoughts and really think of the value of your statements. Your opinions are appreciated but your facts are way off.


Level 5
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Jan 5, 2009
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You have been one of the a few people saying the true about this business; I have seen some ridiculous names sold for ridiculous prices even without traffic. Most broker companies want to show xyzdomain was sold for some high price in order to inflate or show how good the traffic is for that domain or how good sellers they are, when the reality is other. I am the old fashion thought; when we think in a web, we think in .com, it doesn’t matter how good the other extensions could be…maybe single words domains are not available but they are worthwhile when it is time to buy them; we need to think as buyers and which niche we could be…quality over quantity :eek:k:


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Mike, it's nice to read posts with opposing views but I think you going overboard and getting overconfident in your own theories.

1. It doesn't matter what anyone tells you, yes, direct type in traffic with pure generics is the absolute best, free traffic you will ever find. How can you even attempt to counter that? Typing in Boston or Football yields direct results that are measurable and memorable. Telling someone to go to Boston.com is very easy to remember but you don't have to tell anyone to go to Boston.com they just do and that is the beauty of it. So, just because the wealthy domainers of the early 80/90's got allot the good domains doesn't mean they were wrong to grab the generic ones. Does it? if Bank.com is available you wouldn't grab it because it's too generic?

2. There is nothing illegal about typo traffic, it is inadvertent traffic. Even monetizing it is not illegal. What about Kevin Ham? He is making millions off of typo .com traffic wildcarding the entire .cm name space. If that is illegal how then can he do it, how has it been done for years? Why is he profiting off it? Is it wrong or are we all mad because he was first?

Look, there is room at the table for all of us with our variety of opinions but you might want to slow down on your dissenting thoughts and really think of the value of your statements. Your opinions are appreciated but your facts are way off.

can argue all day long, and we can go back and forth with different theories... but facts are facts

as for type in traffic being the best type of traffic, once again, not true

re-read what i have wrote a couple of times... it will sink in

i can register a keyword domain for $7

it can be a .com or .net or .org

can develop it properly... what do i mean by development? well i have my secrets, but it is nothing too fancy

and no it doesnt involve any blackhat seo... i dont consider the methods i do either blackhat or whitehat or bluehat or greyhat or whatever... it is just methods that work and they involve a little bit from each ;)

i can generate exactly within 60 days off the registration of that domain exactly 100x more of the traffic that the .com will receive in the entire year or next 5 years since it is parked

i will continue to generate that traffic that the type in domain gets in its life time on my hand regged domain that is now developed each and every month... and my traffic will grow over time, while the parked domain isnt doing much

what is the better ROI ???

i think a lot of domainers are simply mad or confused or just jealous because they cannot deploy this methods properly on even one domain, let alone 100 or 500... it is not easy, but it can be done if u put ur mind to it

there are people and companies that have done this, as i mentioned in my previous post, that have tapped into the organic search engine traffic over at Google and Yahoo

60,000 hotels domains

30,000 professional domains

20,000 usa city domains

and there are many more networks out there... ;)

generic domains will always continue to be generic domains...and they will generate some type ins...but developing most generic domains may be pointless because they are part of very competitive niches and their nature is very broad

2 and 3 keyword dot com domains --- the best ;)


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Give us one example of your work and numbers.

would be more than happy to, i share this info with either "affiliates" who i send traffic to or potential clients interested in development services...

which one are you?
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