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Global Warming to Cost TRILLIONS$$

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The latest report due out tomorrow says global warming caused by burning fossil fuels will cost the world trillions of $$


This is serious business that will effect each and everyone of us no matter where we live. After this report hits the news I think the USA and Bush in particular will surely have to acknowledge that global warming caused by burning fossil fuels is real and we (the USA) must develop a serious program to deal with it. The USA cannot wait another 2 years till bush leaves office to develop such a program. Global warming would be on the headlines everyday now if not for the Iraq war and the slanted news toward it. In my opinion global warming is the most urgent and important subject in the world today.
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Mr Flippy Returns..
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Aug 13, 2002
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I'm concerned that it may be too late to stop. Even if we had policies to lower greenhouse emissions today, by the time we implemented them the CO and Methane gases released from the melting ice caps will keep the process running.


From what I've read from many accounts its too late to stop the damage but it can be controlled and contained to a certain level by the year 2050 IF...and thats a big "IF", all major countries in the world, especially the USA who is the biggest contributor of green house gases, do all they can to stop polluting the atmosphere. This will cost big bucks but it must be done ....and soon. The longer the wait, the more it will cost.


DNF Addict
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Oct 4, 2003
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I'm in the tiny minority that believes "global warming" is actually good ...

The "global warming" is likely delaying the start of the next Ice age, which would be far more damaging for humankind.

On a related note, it's not clear what amount of the "global warming" is human made and what amount, perhaps nearly all, is natural...

The Earth has experienced warmer periods in the not so distant past, geologically speaking.

In a nutshell, "global warming" is no biggie compared to more immediate threats, such as large-scale disease outbreaks, nuclear war, etc.



Mr Flippy Returns..
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Aug 13, 2002
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I'm in the tiny minority that believes "global warming" is actually good ...

The "global warming" is likely delaying the start of the next Ice age, which would be far more damaging for humankind.

On a related note, it's not clear what amount of the "global warming" is human made and what amount, perhaps nearly all, is natural...

The Earth has experienced warmer periods in the not so distant past, geologically speaking.

In a nutshell, "global warming" is no biggie compared to more immediate threats, such as large-scale disease outbreaks, nuclear war, etc.

I don't think either eventuality is a good one. However, in Australia I think we are certainly feeling the effects of the changing climate - we're in the middle of our worst drought. One thing I find disturbing here in Oz is the increasing amount of ultraviolet light we're subjected to. Spend ten minutes in the sun without sun protection here and you will start to burn, an hour and you'll be blistered. When I was a kid I'd be outside all day - not so anymore. I was amazed when visiting the US that I could spend hours in the sun at the height of summer and not get burnt.


I'm in the tiny minority that believes "global warming" is actually good ...

The "global warming" is likely delaying the start of the next Ice age, which would be far more damaging for humankind.

On a related note, it's not clear what amount of the "global warming" is human made and what amount, perhaps nearly all, is natural...

The Earth has experienced warmer periods in the not so distant past, geologically speaking.

In a nutshell, "global warming" is no biggie compared to more immediate threats, such as large-scale disease outbreaks, nuclear war, etc.


Global warming is no "biggie" huh? You need to get a little more informed on what going on.....start by reading this news out today http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/6096084.stm

Global warming can no longer be denyed or ignored. The whole world must come together to fight this thing before its too late.


DNF Addict
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Oct 4, 2003
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Re-read my post above before getting all emotional - I didn't deny "global warming", though some debate the causes and extent of it compared to similar warming trends that have occured in the recent geological past, but rather pointing out that it may be beneficial in some ways ... ie. staving off the next Ice Age.

In addition, there are, some would debate, more serious pressing issues, such as emerging diseases (some try to tie that to global warming, but the main causes are transportation / development and poor sanitation practices), nuclear proliferation, etc.

... please re-read this post at least 3 TIMES before responding, thanks ...



DNF Addict
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Aug 13, 2002
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It amuses me that people think that humans can alter what is a normally occurring natural phenomenon. If everyone on the planet decided to ride bicycles and live in mud huts, it wouldn't make the slightest difference whatsoever.
To put all of this into perspective, one year of global volcano activity produces more so called greenhouse gases tha n all humans have produced since history began. Any increases in atmospheric gases that lead to temperature change have a time lag of approximately 1,500 years before that temperature change manifests itself - I don't recall the Romans having had jumbo jets or station wagons.
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever for man-made global warming, but the myth is a great way for enviromentalists and governments to rake in oodles of extra cash.
We are not all going to drown or be frazzled anytime soon.


DNF Addict
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Jan 31, 2006
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"Global Warming will cost TRILLIONS$$"

is more correctly said...

"You wont research it anyway, accept whatever the media tells you and always fear the worst.... so you can't afford to take the chance, give us TRILLIONS$$"

It's a left wing fundraiser.

Nothing more.


Level 9
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Aug 3, 2003
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If you have been following this topic, there was a panic move going on over the last couple of decades warning the next ice age was coming -- aka global COOLING. So was everyone wrong last time, or are they wrong this time?

Let's say we agree the globe is warming - This is not the 1st period of global warming, it's the 5th. The 1st four times happened before there were ANY humans on the earth... so who caused it, and how did the earth return to 'normal'? The alarmists refuse to answer that question.

The temperature of the entire solar system is controlled by a big furnace in the center called THE SUN. The sun puts out far more power in a minute than all the fossil fuels on earth combined. The sun's heat output is known to vary. So... could variances on the sun's output change the temperature of the 3rd closest planet (Earth) by a couple of degrees over a century? Of course it can. Is it the most likely cause, when it happens 5 times? Of course it is.

As Ed30 points out, lots of people stand to get rich on Eco-fearmongering. This is NOT new. Ever heard of state mandated recycling programs? Did you know they LOSE money, and have to be subsudised by tax money, but it uses MORE resources (and costs more) to recycle item other than aluminum and glass. Private companies a guaranteed fortunes by managing state-ordered recycling programs.

Lots of scientists do not think CO2 is the cause of global warming, but let's say they're wrong: China and India's out of CO2 will soon dwarf the rest of the world as they begin to prosper. Does anyone REALLY think they will stop their economic development over an enviromental issue? Before people bash the US and Europe of enviromental concerns, perhaps they should take a look at the track records of the countries onvolved. How many natural preserves and national parks are there in India and China? Who changed to unleaded fuel first?


Hey Guys, I don't mean to offend anyone here with my comments about global warming...I thought I was doing a good thing bringing the latest news to your attention. I know everybody doesn't agree there's a problem with it and it doesn't matter to them that 99% of the world's foremost climate scientist are all in agreement that humans are causing the extremely high co2 emissions that have been registered in the last few years. Most of the few scientist who don't agree with the majority have been found to have their own personal reasons for not agreeing....like being on big oil's payroll and other personal things like Bush and Cheney for instance....their prosperity depends on them not believing or at least not admitting their knowledge of it.

It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not at the present time....you will probably believe it before too much longer because the world community as a whole will eventually come together on this thing to the extent that it will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. I don't think Bush and Cheney can continue to deny the truth until the end of their terms in 2008. I really believe popular opinion will prove them wrong way before then.

So, please don't feel bad toward me for reporting what I strongly believe. I was just like you until a few years ago until the evidence proved me wrong. This global warming is real and its serious business that will affect each and everyone of us.


Level 6
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Oct 29, 2005
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I'll prob be dead so what does it matter....

Only joking guys...

I am not convinced by all the scare tactics, but anything that makes for cleaner air and generates wealth/ global collaboration is fine by me!


Level 9
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Aug 3, 2003
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dmtalk -

No problem, this stuff SHOULD be discussed, and no matter how it's caused, a rising/warming ocean IS a problem.

Ah - one point I forgot -- the global warming people projected a record number of hurricanes hitting the ES East coast this season... I think 6 is the norm, and there were about a dozen last year. The season is almost over, so how many hurricanes did we have? Anyone? Anyone? The answer is: ZERO, far below the norm. Maybe we should be concerned about global cooling after all.


DNF Addict
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Jan 31, 2006
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Well... as you know, Global Warming caused the ICE AGE, and the thawing of the Ice age is caused by Global warming and that is caused by the "wobble" on the earths axis...

So logical thought would indicate that we need to stop the "wobble" to stop Global warming and save us from the resulting Ice Age.

This will Cost Trillions$$ so supprt the effort at "StopTheWobble.org" by donating heavily (cash preferred) today.




DNF Addict
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Aug 13, 2002
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supprt the effort at "StopTheWobble.org" by donating heavily (cash preferred) today.



Maybe if we all meet up and give the earth a little push then that might work. It would have the same effect as spending trillions of $$ on a problem(if it is a problem) not of our causing and one which we can do nothing about and be alot cheaper.

Dmtalk - debate is good - that's what forums should be all about.


Level 5
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Aug 17, 2005
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Real or not, wouldn't it be a good thing if we stop the degree to which we are polluting the air we breathe, the water we drink and the place we live?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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ttiger... nobody argues that point. Certainly, it's a good thing.

What is not a good thing is to use misinformation and horror stories to encite public panic and fear for political purposes and financial gain.



DNF Addict
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Aug 13, 2002
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Real or not, wouldn't it be a good thing if we stop the degree to which we are polluting the air we breathe, the water we drink and the place we live?

Undoubtedly, but at what economic cost? What greatly angers me is money, time and resources being thrown at this non-issue when we should be concentrating on real issues like better healthcare, combating oppressive African regimes that let their people starve to death on a daily basis - the list goes on.
Global warming (if it's occuring) is something we can do nothing to combat. We can't change Mother Nature. She is beautiful but also deadly. We need to make the best of the situations we find ourselves in and progress. The global warming scaremongers want us to move backwards and run up the white flag. Proposals put forward by people like Al Gore are a much more dangerous threat.


Level 5
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Aug 17, 2005
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ttiger... nobody argues that point. Certainly, it's a good thing.

What is not a good thing is to use misinformation and horror stories to encite public panic and fear for political purposes and financial gain.


Whether or not that is the case is up for debate, which is why the real issue should be pollution. Without going to the extreme there are many things which could be done without causing tremendous expense.

I live near Los Angeles, I moved here from Seattle. When you compare to cities like that you can really see how bad things have gotten in some areas.


Level 9
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Aug 3, 2003
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Whether or not that is the case is up for debate, which is why the real issue should be pollution. Without going to the extreme there are many things which could be done without causing tremendous expense.

I live near Los Angeles, I moved here from Seattle. When you compare to cities like that you can really see how bad things have gotten in some areas.

I agree about cutting POLLUTION, but that's not what this is about.

Let's be clear: The initiatives discussed here focus on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2), which is what animals/humans EXhale with every breathe. We are NOT talking about carbon monoxide, which is a dangerous pollutant, or any other dangerious chemical. Understand as well, plants REQUIRE carbon dioxide to live, and they convert it back to oxygen. Therefore, if we f*** with CO2 levels, we could kill every plant on the planet.

Big $ numbers are hard to understand, so it was put into perspective recently when Bill Gates and Warren Buffet started their big new charity. Here are the numbers:

$60 Billion would cure 5 of the top 10 diseases killing humans today.
$1,000 Billion is the projected cost of the War in Iraq
$1,000,000 Billion is the projected cost of reducing CO2 levels *if* that is a problem at all.
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