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Izopod's 2005 Predictions

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I predict pod's ANYWHERE.BIZ site will still not be up by 2.28.05 :-D


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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mole said:

I predict pod's ANYWHERE.BIZ site will still not be up by 2.28.05 :-D

Now that was funny! As usual mole, perfect timing.

Nexus: www.auctions.google.com will be a reality. It will search multiple auction sites. I predict it will have a "local auction" search feature based on your location. Oh, and if you really want to sell your auction item, you'll pay google to advertise it. NOTE: When google does this, there will be a serious need for Auction SEO work!!!

To everyone: Instead of trying to find the perfect domain this year. Try to come up with the perfect solution for a problem that no one has an answer for. Great ideas and/or solutions are worth a lot more than they used to because the cost of bringing them to market are much cheaper than they have ever been. We can thank China and India for this.


izopod said:
Try to come up with the perfect solution for a problem that no one has an answer for.

How about an Izopod's 2005 Solutions, now that might be worth a good read. :cool:g I'm off to watch the Iraqi Elections on CNN now.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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mole said:
How about an Izopod's 2005 Solutions, now that might be worth a good read. :cool:g I'm off to watch the Iraqi Elections on CNN now.

Oh if you only knew what ideas were spinning around in my head... :-D


DNF Addict
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Sep 11, 2002
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izopod said:
Nexus: www.auctions.google.com will be a reality. It will search multiple auction sites. I predict it will have a "local auction" search feature based on your location. Oh, and if you really want to sell your auction item, you'll pay google to advertise it. NOTE: When google does this, there will be a serious need for Auction SEO work!!!
As far as I know, "auctions" are an extremely time sensitive thing (down to the SECOND), and work off of the a very maleable set of properties (the could give much of the "Froogle" smart indexing technology even MORE of a messy time).

I'll support your prediction, though at this time to some degree, eBay's API seems to be the only realistic handle onto which people can hold, and they concievably do not need explicit endorsement. Who knows though. Maybe a partnership or "preference" is in the offing, much like the erstwhile Dictionary.com highlight, now changed to "Answers.com" when a definition is needed. I'd always expected Google to pull from its "definite:dictionary term" capability. The seemed to allow "whois" lookups through a particular site for a while, but quickly seemed to nix the feature. I have NO doubt, a9.com will integrate Amazon's auctions and that Yahoo will continue to merge its "shopping" capabilities with its shops and auctions. The more I think about it, it does seem like a good fit for a sub-set for "Froogle", but not in its own capacity. If approached by Google, I might imagine many auction portals (though I'm not aware of many) might be quick to create a standard "feed"... but the TIMING issue almost becomes insurmountable unless the feed is realtime (which could be loathsome as it would effect the user-experience on Google).

My prediction is that there will be a major convergence this year in the area of domain name registration. The industry continues to be in dire need of accountability and cohesion. My belief is that some company will step forward to generate a level of web-accessible consumer empowerment that has not previously existed in this market. And that's all I'll say. :)

~ Nexus


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 23, 2003
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Hey Izo, good read.

I have a strong feeling that the key "wireless" elements in the predictions above will have an even greater impact than what you have outlined. I have been investing heavily in "numeric" domains for over 3 years (currently over 700 of them) and will be looking to capitalize beginning in 2005.

I have been able to virtually corner a particular vertcal market and am now at the proof of concept stage. If it works, (and the industry embraces it), it stands to be one of the groundbreaking stories in this area.

Remember this?


Also, when Google first launched its wap search, it used the domain 46645 (Googl) without the last e or "3". It now seems that they have acquired the 6 letter version and are promoting it on their current site;


Stay tuned.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 11, 2002
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OnSpec said:
Stay tuned.
It's also interesting to note that Google ALSO owns "gngjd.com", which is "GOOGLE" on phones that have that text entry system that cycles through letters. The "OO" turns to an "N" which is "6" hit twice. I have my own feelings about that whole landscape, which I put out in this thread:

Some smart folks at Google. It's a crazy job to stay ahead of the curve. And better yet, define it.

I haven't analyzed enough phone systems to clearly know what is more likely to be more useful... numbers or letters, but it will be very telling when the smoke finally clears, who's standing, waiting for the new paradigm to catch up to them.

~ Nexus


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 19, 2003
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OnSpec said:
I have been investing heavily in "numeric" domains for over 3 years (currently over 700 of them) and will be looking to capitalize beginning in 2005.

I have been able to virtually corner a particular vertcal market and am now at the proof of concept stage. If it works, (and the industry embraces it), it stands to be one of the groundbreaking stories in this area.

Now, you tell me. Another window of opportunity I missed. :'(

Would someone clearly tell me what category of domains that I should be
investing in right now.

I don't want to make the same mistake I made in the 90's. I cornered the
market on 8 track tapes. For some reason, it was really easy. :huh:


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 11, 2002
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Nexus said:
My predictions for Google, apart from these area we've heard about, are that Google will launch its OWN version of a "map quest" type technology, and that it will not only arrive by duplicating existing functions, but will come with a novel "killer app" type spin to it that provides the type of BUZZ Google seems to always enjoy.

I believe they will seek nothing short of attempting to provide directions all over the world, while layering this technology across the areas of personal search, local search, and desktop search.
I actually just noticed that Google maps cropped up around the beginning of this month, about a little over a week after my prediction. I gotta get these out earlier... :)

Google Maps

The "power app" functionality is certainly being apple to type "Pizza Watertown", and pull EVERY PIZZA PLACE within spitting distance of me, and have it plotted on the DHTML dynamic map. Yikes. Definitely some exciting stuff. Google's my new map service for locator scripts and travel directions. :wink: I'm sure they'll continue to integrate this more and more. Innovation on the march.

~ Nexus


Level 9
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Jul 10, 2002
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================>Click on Izopod's Year-End Sale<===============

(Create interesting content then place a link above it--Also new for 2005)

I was a little late this year so my apologies. Usually I like to do this on December the 31st. Anyways, here are my top 10 predictions for the domain industry in 2005:

1. Google will jump in the domain industry in a huge way. I'm not quite sure yet if it means they will become a registrar, but look for them to create another "unique" service. www.yourname.google.com? Watch out for "Google Auctions"...Why should eBay have all the fun (and money). I realize Amazon has tried this, but Amazon is not the single most popular SE in the world. Sometime this year you'll be able to type "auction:baseball red sox" and you may just get sent to www.auctions.google.com. LOOK to Google for change...It was once Microsoft, however Brin and Sergey are moving much faster these days then Bill Gates and CO.

2. A well known company will make a domain purchase in excess of $15 million dollars. It will be the highest "domain only" purchase to date. This company will be trying to establish it's brand in the wireless community.

3. Stock up on "Flooz.com" type names (keep it to about 5 names). The market is awash in "generics". Companies looking to "Google" themselves will be on the prowl.

4. Raising money through the internet is going to be big business in the next 12 months. Why should governments foot the bill for campaigns, disasters, etc when we are more than willing to part with a few dollars on our credit cards. .Org is a good extension for these types of "businesses". .Com is good too, but would only buy the .com to redirect it to the .org

5. Social Security and the Health Care system will be the focus of the US government for the next 12 months. Many companies will be formed to help us become more secure in these areas. A "strong" buy recommendation is forecasted for "Medi" and "FinancialFreedom" type names.

6. Affiliate Marketing will be so 2000 in 2005. We've heard it before. Build up traffic and they will buy. With this type of marketing it's tough to keep customers clicking on the same links, time and time again. Loyalty programs really do not work unless you are a big company with a well known brand. Enter "Empowerment Programs". When you give someone full control over a situation they will act impulsively more times then not. In a retail environment that is good. How will this affect domainers? Be on the lookout for software that "empowers" your visitors. Also be on the lookout for "Cell Phone" purchase capabilities direct from your site via authorization codes...Empowerment. That is what inspires people. Inspire your customers. Hmmm... inspire.com...If only I had a $xx,xxx

7. I know number domains have been popular in the past because the Chinese preferred them as well as we thought they would make a good "WAP site" address. Little did we know the world wasn't ready for Mobile Purchases. Many "telecom" companies went under here in the states 2000-01. # domains just weren't popular anymore. Now fastforward to 2005. I really believe we are on the cusp of something revolutionary. We are going to be "empowered" like never before in 2005...via our "mobile" devices. I'm thinking it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a few (keyword "few") pure # domains in your portfolio. In this arena, only go with .com. As much as I like .biz, .com is more universal.

8. The "Big 3" NetSol, Register.com and Godaddy are going to duke it out in 2005 via television, radio, internet ad markets like never before. Why? Godaddy. During the superbowl, Godaddy will fire the first salvo. Bob Parsons said his 2.5 million dollar ad will be a "first". My guess is people will be directed to the Godaddy site to "start" their own Home Based Business. That will be the "angle"...Go after those people who are disenfrachised at their jobs. Why not start www.JohnsHomeBusiness.com?

NOTE to Bob Parsons: Bob, if you are going to kick off your Superbowl ad campaign without the "home based" angle then you will have missed a great opportunity to "brand" yourself as the "Home Based Business" start up center.

NOTE to Domainers: These "wars" amongst the big "3" will be good for the domain business. If you own a "reseller" site and are positioned well in the Search Engines, good for you. If you don't have a "reseller" site, now would be the time to get one. Getting "crumbs" from the big 3 won't be all too bad for your pocket book.

NOTE to Adam: My recommendation would be to close on the deal to buy the registrar soon...You have until February 6th!

9. Comedy and Joke sites will start to pick up even more steam in 2005. Everyone is pretty much fried on the negativity of 2004.

10. www.Anywhere.biz will be seen on your TV (internet ads that appear on your TV...Why didn't I think of that?? Oh, I did).

That's not just a prediction, it's a promise. Why TV? We will be drawn back to the TV in greater #'s this year. Bill Gates has already made it known he wants to make the CPU the brains for the new generation TV sets. Therefore I'm betting, "Online Marketing" Managers will tailor their ad campaigns to more of a "TV format". Unlike the "flash" style internet ads of today The future of online ad campaigns will be much more like today's TV commericials but with much more interactivity. FMA.. Are you catching this? You are probably wondering....Should I get a few dot TV names? It wouldn't be a bad idea, but my recommendation would be just to have a few. My gut feel now is that .com will make the leap to the TV with just the same strength as it does via our web browsers.

What happened to izopod? No 2006,2007 or 2008 predictions.


DNF Regular
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May 13, 2002
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Izopod hasn't visited since Nov of last year. I always enjoyed the "peek" into the future.
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