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Mass develop domain names properly... Only one way

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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Domain mass development the right way! Is it simple? How difficult is it?? OK OK, settle down --- you have been wondering this for a while now and still not sure what to make of domain mass development. Is it really possible to pull off though? Yup. There are tens of thousands of domain networks out there that consist of dozens of web sites that were mass developed... There are thousands of networks that consist of hundreds of web sites and yes there are many networks out there as well that consist of thousands and tens of thousands of domain names as well, some of which I have covered in detail and wrote about previously already on multiple occasions.

First things first... So what types of domains should be mass developed? All kinds of domains can be developed... I only recommend going with .com / .net / .org domains though that contain relevant keywords. All domain names that you plan to develop in an on-topic group setup should be within a particular niche and compliment each other. Do not develop duplicate sites that deal with the same exact niche-within-a-niche... Try to avoid this. It is pointless. Lets say you have 50 travel related domains that you have had registered for a while and you have been meaning to launch web sites on them for a while now but just can't find the time... How do you finally get to it? Simple.. Mass development.

You create one template and use it for all of the sites within the network... Should you develop all 50 domains though? Well, it is really pointless developing domain names that just sound cool or are considered "brandables" because they won't help you much as far as SEO goes. You should only develop domain names that contain relevant keywords for which there is a lot of interest in and advertisers bidding up on any one of those keywords within your domain name. If there isn't dozens of advertisers... That tells you that it may not be all that "hot" of a niche. So, you should pick out the best of the best keyword domain names and put together the list of domains that are going to get mass developed.

Next, you need to setup a very simple template and link up all of the lets say 20 domain names out of 50 which you are going to develop... From there on you create custom and unique content for each and every web site. It doesn't have to be dozens of articles. One or two is fine for a starter website. Why invest so much time or money?? Who said that this is a requirement of development? It's not. Don't make your life too difficult... Just launch the site, and update it later on, once it takes off... Once it gets picked up by the search engines and there are visitors. More important than anything is the proper search engine optimization on the pages of your site... In other words, the "on-page" search engine optimization by which the search engines like Google and Yahoo will judge your website by... It is meta tags, description, links. Don't link out to any other websites... Don't repeat the same keywords all over again.. Blah blah. SEO basics. If you don't know them... You need to take the time and learm them.

So you are thinking to yourself... Wait a second, so I setup all those websites... But how am I going to make money of them?? I already got them developed, they have relevant content on them and they are out there.. They are live! Yea, congrats... Next, you have to just sit tight and wait for things to fall into place. You see, search engines don't immediately start to flood your websites with visitors... Why should they? Your website is new, and it has no profile. It was unheard of all this time... The search engines will only start ranking you if they determine that your website is worthy.

Of course keyword domain names are highly favored by search engines... Now, unique content is also very good and will help you quiet a bit long term. Incoming links will help you get confidence votes from already established websites that the search engines look to for research purposes and the search engines will evaluate all this signals they collect each and every day and start taking notice of your website and treating it seriously as an informational resource and sooner than later they will start referring traffic for whatever keywords are related to your domain name and website that you are targeting.

Ok, so a few weeks go by... I see some traffic from Google. Another month or two goes by and Yahoo starts sending visitors as well. Great! Congrats... This is how it works. You see... Nothing happens overnight. Sure, we are on the internet and things are moving at the speed of light and all but really, development is done in stages. Stage one was developing the website, stage two was launching it and waiting... Stage three is monetization and re-optimization. Once you have traffic coming in to your website and it's been a few month's since launch, you can begin to setup advertisements on your websites. It can be Google AdSense or affiliate stuff and whatever else you want. Go crazy with it!! Just not too many ads... Spam is spam and it will get your web site banned. Users dont like websites that are full of advertisements either. You need to strategically setup ads throughout the sites. Monetization and optimization of traffic is an art.... It is not easy. You learn to get it right by actually doing it and trying different things. There is no other way.

Now, if you launch a new website and plaster it with advertisements all over the page, this sends all of the wrong signals to the search engines... You never want to do this. You want to avoid this. I mean, think about it... The search engine finds your website on day one, and you have more advertisements on the website than content --- this raises red flags. A week goes by... You don't update the site.. Another week goes by... You don't update the site and it just remains a website with very little content but lots of ads. The search engines figure that your website was put together in order to try to game them and it is too spammy. It won't ever rank for any of the keywords you want. Not going to happen. It may even get banned.

The search engines use thousands of variables to judge your website by... This one I just pointed out is one of the most obvious ones which plays a major roll. It makes sense? I hope... Well, you need to make sacrifices... You can't immediately expect to have money to fall out of the sky once you launched a web site. You have to do it the right way... The right way is to do it like I said... In stages. You launch it, and you can continue to add content to it every week for example if you want... It will help. But you can also not add content to it and just wait. This is what I do. I launch websites with enough content to rank and then just give it a few weeks... Then I add more a bit more content. I re-optimize the setup if I am not ranking for something where I should be and wait some more... Few month's later, once you see that you have secured a few good rankings and there is traffic... Monetization time!

A lot of people aren't comfortable with just launching a website and letting it sit there for month's without any advertisements... There is something really wrong with that!! Really? Is there... Think about it for a moment... New websites launched have no traffic. No eyeballs to display the advertisements to. What is the point of setting up advertisements? It is really counter productive as I have mentioned and it is working backwards. Google does not like this and they will never rank a site that is just setup for the sole purpose of showing ads. They want quality sites... They want relevant websites with information that are setup in order to help users. Help google help it's users and you can have a great thing going here... Get it?

Don't try to be too smart or clever... It is not that difficult mass developing web sites, you just have to know when it's time to sit on the sidelines and when it's time to get aggressive... Get active and start developing your websites by putting together a network of 10, 20 or 30 relevant websites. Put up relevant and unique content on them... It can be text, images, videos, whatever... Give it time before the search engines make sense of your web site and within 1 month Google will be sending you traffic. Within 3 month's both Google and Yahoo will be sending you traffic.

Have a one hundred day plan.... and be patient. You have to be. It is part of the development process. If you are not a very patient person then development is not for you. If you cannot resist but to start making changes and drift off from the original plans a few weeks into the project then you will fail time and time over and over again. You see, once you draw up a plan, you need to stick with it... Til the end. Do something else while the network is gaining credibility with the search engines and establishing itself as a trusted and worthy source... You can put together other networks. That is what I do... Every week --- I launch hundreds of new websites by mass developing them.

I stay busy not to worry about whether one websites takes off or doesn't because at the end of the month --- I get a pretty good percentage of all web sites at the top of the search engine results. No it is not 100% or 90% but a very good percentage which more than pays for the development costs involved for that website within a few month's time and from there on it's all profits. All websites I launch are profitable. I have never lost money on a single website... I only develop websites in which I am 100% confident that there will be traffic coming from the search engines. I do my research. I pick out the domains that help me. I don't pick out domains that sound cool or brandable that will only be a barrier in the way. Get it?? It's simple!

I went over the basics... You were looking for more details? Well, you will have to figure that out on your own... It is really not that difficult though. The most important steps are to launch your websites, let time do it's thing and from there on once you see some of the potential of your domain names in pulling in organic search engine traffic and visitors coming in to your web sites you can get real creative... The opportunities are endless. You want to make a lot of money? You need a lot of clients to sell something to... Those visitors are your clients. You need to gets lots of them. How about for free?

Sell your website to the search engines first... Make them like your site... Make them fall in love with it by setting up the best websites with the most relevant and unique content in any given niche. They will adore you oh so much and send over tons of their clients... Those clients are the best!! They come for free, and you can do whatever you want with em once they are on your website. So remember.... You need to first sell Google on your websites, and once you got em sold on your websites, the next step is to begin to start selling to the clients... Many people first worry about trying to monetize traffic which doesn't exist.... Come on, what is the whole point of worrying about it?? I hear it every day... It's just hilarious.

Look, there are no guarantees that Google or Yahoo will send you traffic, why should they?? They are not obligated, but if you play by the rules, they will send you traffic... So don't try to be a smart ass and setup websites with advertisements and think that all you have to do is setup a website, set and forget. It doesn't work.. I am sure you tried this over and over again and the results..... Yup --- failures. You may see some traffic but it's only a fraction of what you thought would be.. Of what should be. Look... Try something new. Try mass development and do it like I outlined above. No advertisements on the website. Only relevant keyword domains. 100 day plan. Yup... It's hard work, but what did you expect?? Domain development isn't easy and it's not for everybody. If you put in the hours, you will make money, it is not a question of IF you will but WHEN... I'm telling you that it won't be too long after day 100 and you can make your initial upfront investment within the first few days --- and from there on it's a done deal.

You don't think it's going to work? Well, you should setup a few websites with advertisements and a few without... See which ones perform better, SEO wise. Trial and error... Works great. You see it with your own two eyes... Things happen right in front of you right there and then. You don't have to be a genius or a SEO guru to figure out something when it doesn't work... Some things simply work better. You should always try to better your techniques... You have to! So keep experimenting.. Don't be afraid to try new things. I experiment all the time... It's fun, exciting and once you figure something out on your own and improve --- very satisfying feeling not to mention more money. Cha ching...... Go get em!
Domain Summit 2024

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Until the search engines change their algorithms. Then you're back to square one if its not in your favor. :D It is advisable to become some sort of a "SEO guru" if you are going to depend on search engines for monetizing domains.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Until the search engines change their algorithms. Then you're back to square one if its not in your favor. :D It is advisable to become some sort of a "SEO guru" if you are going to depend on search engines for monetizing domains.

the search engines depend on you too :)

don't do anything to piss them off and they will keep the visitors coming 24/7/365

obviously if you don't keep up with the times you will get dusted

the SEO game is very competitive and it is only getting more and more competitive with every day passing

there is plenty of opportunities on non mainstream and specialcty/hobby niches for example

i would strongly advise people against entering finance/health/real estate for example because u stand no chance... people involved in those niches have years of experience and teams of people behind their projects and hundreds of thousands of dollars to throw around per month to keep their biz going

start small... work ur way up

find ur niche...


unlimited opportunities --- that is the best part


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 20, 2008
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I only recommend going with .com / .net / .org domains though that contain relevant keywords.

Since your strategy depends on SEO, how about other extensions such as .info or .biz?
I heard they are treated the same way by Google.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Since your strategy depends on SEO, how about other extensions such as .info or .biz?
I heard they are treated the same way by Google.


don't waste your time on any of those

besides, just because you have the domain florida.biz for example

or florida in some other wierd ccTLD

google doesn't care and wont give u any extra ranking points for having the keyword in the domain name

com / net / org => favored

they are credible global tlds in each and every country

all the rest arent... unless it is an actual ccTLD and ur website is targeting that locale

...it can only help u then

.info .biz .ws .cc ....skip em


Level 10
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score

don't waste your time on any of those

besides, just because you have the domain florida.biz for example

or florida in some other wierd ccTLD

google doesn't care and wont give u any extra ranking points for having the keyword in the domain name

com / net / org => favored

they are credible global tlds in each and every country

all the rest arent... unless it is an actual ccTLD and ur website is targeting that locale

...it can only help u then

.info .biz .ws .cc ....skip em

It is actually a fact that having the keyword in the domain is better for SEO, and also PPC (quality score).

Secondary extensions are not disfavored by the search engines from my experience. If you are looking for SE traffic as opposed to direct type in traffic these extensions can be just as effective. Here is a good example. A website using a keyword .info domain with a hyphen, for a very popular keyword term.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
It is actually a fact that having the keyword in the domain is better for SEO, and also PPC (quality score).

Secondary extensions are not disfavored by the search engines from my experience. If you are looking for SE traffic as opposed to direct type in traffic these extensions can be just as effective. A good example:

it does help a bit.... u are right about that

anyways --- u see, any domain can be developed and then rank

even a domain like sdkjfdfkj-dfkdsfkh-dfkjdsf.cc and 49843598.info as well and not forgetting realestatehouseshomesapartmentsrentsaleandbuy.mobi

it is a fact that com / net / org are favored and given extraaaa extra points and favorable treatment over all other extensions across all countries, so dont make ur life miserable and create barriers.. use what works

unless u enjoy a real challenge :)

this thread is all about simplifying things if u know what i mean

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
it is a fact that com / net / org are favored and given extraaaa extra points and favorable treatment over all other extensions across all countries, so dont make ur life miserable and create barriers.. use what works

I'd have to respectfully disagree with that as well. There are tons of top level country domains in other tlds besides .com, net and org. As far as type-in traffic, certain extensions are favored but not so important with search engines. What you're experiencing or seeing is an illusion because those extensions were out first and had more time to become established.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
I'd have to respectfully disagree with that as well. There are tons of top level country domains in other tlds besides .com, net and org. As far as type-in traffic, certain extensions are favored but not so important with search engines. What you're experiencing or seeing is an illusion because those extensions were out first and had more time to become established.

do a search for any semi-competitive search query... just anything random and go thru the results

is even 10% of the websites that come in the results of the top 100 other than the global tlds.... com/net/org and the .gov / .edu ??

come on.. this is not a domains SEO discussion here and you are so wrong ;)

newbie mistake 101 thinking that just because you have the keyword in your domain you are going to rank for that keyword

it doesn't work that way

this discussion....it is how to simplify things with mass development

getting off topic here

not sure what u are trying to prove here either :p
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David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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It is actually a fact that having the keyword in the domain is better for SEO, and also PPC (quality score). Secondary extensions are not disfavored by the search engines from my experience. If you are looking for SE traffic as opposed to direct type in traffic these extensions can be just as effective......

Agree with most of that but don't see a connection with quality scores.

As far as typeins go I believe com and org get at least 98% of the total (not considering some popular CC's such as .de .ca and co.uk - which also can get good typeins from their nation)

That is why I suggest concentrating development on .com and .org since you can get some typeins instead of relying fully on SEO.
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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Agree with most of that but don't see a connection with quality scores.

As far as typeins go I believe com and org get at least 98% of the total (not considering some popular CC's such as .de .ca and co.uk - which also can get good typeins from their nation)

That is why I suggest concentrating development on .com and .org since you can get some typeins instead of relying fully on SEO.

.net is just as good as .org as far as development goes

...the extension doesn't really matter and does not carry so much weight at the end of the day if you develop the website properly as long as it is one of the three that i have mentioned

com / net / org

.com has type ins -- we all know that, nothing new

net / org ---> great alternatives for any website that is to be developed


Level 10
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Agree with most of that but don't see a connection with quality scores.

As far as typeins go I believe com and org get at least 98% of the total (not considering some popular CC's such as .de .ca and co.uk - which also can get good typeins from their nation)

That is why I suggest concentrating development on .com and .org since you can get some typeins instead of relying fully on SEO.

If you are relying on PPC traffic, using keyword domains increases quality score resulting in higher rankings and lower CPC.

It is better to use a .com domain if you are relying on users typing in the address, they will type .com more often than not. If you are using a different extension you will lose alot of traffic.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2005
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One thing...all the major search engines don't like mirrored sites...no matter how much SEO you do your going to get nowhere except maybe the first site crawled...so how can you use one template for hundreds of sites and expect to get any kind of decent rankings or even PR1 on them all?...
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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
One thing...all the major search engines don't like mirrored sites...no matter how much SEO you do your going to get nowhere except maybe the first site crawled...so how can you use one template for hundreds of sites and expect to get any kind of decent rankings or even PR1 on them all?...

re-read my write up...

...i mentioned several times that you will need unique and relevant content on each and every website

it is a must

search engines love content and lots of it... but even if u have just a little, it is better than nothing --- sometimes it is good enough to rank in non-competitive niches right within the top 5 results

i've ranked thousands of websites with just a few paragraphs of text (less than 100 words total) with a dozen or so images per page --- it gets the job done lovely

it is possible... i do it every day and so do many other clever search engine marketers

do the research.... dig dig... diggggggggg em up

there is plenty of opportunities out there that don't involve too much work as far as development goes, as long as u cover all the basic seo stuff... and u have good keyword domain names, u should be all set

dont expect to get 30 out of 30 websites ranking at the top

even if its only 15.. or 10

even if its 5

u should still be ok and roll in the dough :)

get it?? play it lottery style



quiet effective !


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 8, 2003
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I have started to develop a network of country/travel websites.

I am using Blogger.com as the template.

I am happy with the websites, although they are confined to one page of content, and I have achieved good search engine rankings. Number 1 on Yahoo for some of them. Yahoo has done a great job of picking up all the sites. Google......they are there but not as good.

The "problem" that I am encountering is the lack of relevant adsense ads.

All the sites have good content, related to the country but the ads keep going back to "blogger" ads and "get rich quick" ads.

How do I get the adsense to be relevant? Traffic is starting to pick up but the ads aren't relevant so there is no revenue.

One example of the websites is www.odetoitaly.com From that site you can see the complete network. About half are developed.....the others are parked.

It takes quite a bit of time which is ok, but am I on the wrong track here?

Thanks for any response.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
I have started to develop a network of country/travel websites.

I am using Blogger.com as the template.

I am happy with the websites, although they are confined to one page of content, and I have achieved good search engine rankings. Number 1 on Yahoo for some of them. Yahoo has done a great job of picking up all the sites. Google......they are there but not as good.

The "problem" that I am encountering is the lack of relevant adsense ads.

All the sites have good content, related to the country but the ads keep going back to "blogger" ads and "get rich quick" ads.

How do I get the adsense to be relevant? Traffic is starting to pick up but the ads aren't relevant so there is no revenue.

One example of the websites is www.odetoitaly.com From that site you can see the complete network. About half are developed.....the others are parked.

It takes quite a bit of time which is ok, but am I on the wrong track here?

Thanks for any response.

use google adsense "section targeting"



you should move your sites off of blogger once they get established more or less..

go with wordpress

get a web host and self manage everything ur self

u will be happy u did.... think long term

Google AdSense ads are automatically targeted to the content of your webpage, but sometimes you may want to emphasize or downplay certain sections of your page -- for example, you may want to emphasize the first paragraph of your article or ignore your menu bar. With section targeting, you can help us determine what parts of your content are important so that your site can show more targeted ads. Our crawlers will still look at your entire website, but your suggestions will assist us in improving your ad targeting.


good luck


Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 7, 2009
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very good point in the original post about not going overboard with ads.

many newcomers to development go overboard with ads to their detriment in organic search ranking. Google allows a maximum of 3 Ad Units and 3 Link Units per page, and many newcomers think they should max that out. However, that often backfires when you get less search engine traffic because of all the ads. I've found that 2 Ad Units per page is optimal. 3 is the absolute maximum i'll use (that includes Ad Units plus Link Units).

One of the things I like to do is use 'prop' sites for my 'money' sites. If I have a site that is monetizing well with ads (lets call that a 'money' site), I'll develop a few sites with lots of content, but NO ads and then use keywords to link them to the 'money' site. the sites with no ads have better SEO 'cred' and boost the PageRank / Relevance / search ranking of the 'money' site.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Launching a website plastered with too many ads won't get you nowhere.. Regular people won't link to you either, even if you do have some good information.

One must find the balance.... Unfortunately most people just don't know what it is because they lack the development experience or common sense. This stuff isn't rocket science but still most people don't follow the best practices... Go figure.

Live and learn! :)
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