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.mobi - the sound of inevitability Mr. Anderson

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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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I was thinking about posters' comments that .mobi is not needed, that it's just another way for ICANN to rip us off, that the Telcos are behind it and that the only domains that ARE needed are simply the dot commons and the primary International tlds.

But it occured to me....

It's not just Telcos... it's the manufacturers, the networks, the content providers, the advertisers... They consider the Portable marketing its own International TLD... it's own "world".

Cell Phones outnumber Desktops over 4 to 1. Cellular Networks already HAVE their own "internet" built. Verizon, for instance, has been operating an Intranet for quite some time now and explains why they are the one major network player against .mobi (now, their competition).

As for needing it... Take the ext. out of the discussion... there NEEDS to be a standardization for Portables. Some way to ensure that a website will work on them.

While the Internet Marketing World seeks to find bigger, brighter, fancier ways to deliver content and presentation rich website environments, the Portables are unable to process these advancements. Businesses that spend huge amounts of money for Java Scripting, PHP, ASP, Flash and other website enhancemens are unaware that their websites will simply be ignored by the 400% MORE portable Internet users.

As a Business, now that it's done (whether I like it or not) I am now in a position to either change mywebsite to be compatible with a cell standard (reverse design evolution), pray and hope that someone comes out with a script that will automatically deliver one website for desktops versus another for Mobiles, set up a Mobile Page on my cell and redisign my home page to give users/visitors and option that actually WORKS on a Mobile... or....

Simply buy a .mobi and redirect it to a page on my current website that is compliant with Mobiles.

For $15 bucks... I'll to that. And the Huge Corporations behind the .mobi movement will spend the money and take the stress in educating the mass markets in expecting to find my website there at .mobi waiting for my customers.

It is not WE they need to convice to use .mobi, to use it as a standard, to realize that when you see .mobi attached to a domain, that it virtually guarentees that it will wortk quickly, effieciently and perfectly on one's mobile.... not we....

It's the Billions of Cell Phone Users that are the NEXT generation of Mobile Internet Users.

Sheep, lemmings, sponges.... call them what you will but check out the local high school, Taco Bell on a Saturday or the line at the movie theater on a Friday Night...You'll see them by the thousands... Early Adopters of technology standing in line, begging and pleading to find MORE to do on their cell phones.

They are texting phenoms. They can type on their cells, even without QWERTY boards, almost as fast as I can on my Descktop keyboard.

The internet on a cell phone is NOTHING to them but TOTALLY NATURAL.

There's no need to convince them... just let them know where to go.

And they're there.

Are you?

Domain Summit 2024


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 28, 2006
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My opinion is that .mobi is a great opportunity for domain brokers. Brokers who started out in early 90's are now sitting back and enjoying the monthly revenue or eating away their profits "thats good for another 1000 years!". That leaves us! The brokers who started out in late 90's, this is our chance to take this great land rush and register names, that we could only dream of owning. The .mobi extension will be a success and will dominate, sinse we all know cell phones dominate 4 to 1 against our good old friend PC.

More often now people on the road use a cell phone to access directories and search engines. No time to stop in the streets to look for a internet cafe. Cell phone is instant access to the world wide web. In the next 5-10 years, using internet on your phone will decrease in price. I remember people telling me 10 years ago, why you spend so much time in the world wide web and pay $60 a month. Lets go play at the arcade/library. There were a large group of communities like the one here at DNFORUM, saying the world will end this year. and the next, and the next. Nothing will change, but the fact is; .mobi registration = $30 for two years divided by 730 days = to 5 cents a day and now times this too 10 .mobi registrations = for 50 cents a day for the next 730 days you will have a chance to own a premium high overture doman name.

I speak for myself and behalf of the people who do belive in loosing and profiting in domains. The point is, you sell one name for a guranteed profit of $1000. You have paid for the 10 domains, and ended up with $700 profit. This = PROFIT and low risk investment.

I started out with $40 US investment in 1996, I lost $40 because I lost focused too people saying QUOTE: .com corporation is just another collection agency for the rich. They will only collect!!! Well we all know, those of you who started out with investing few small numbers are now planning to take a trip to Mars!

I told myself, I'm back. Yes the year is 1999, people also then told me, your too late into the game. Your domain portfolio is worth 0. 0 I asked, YES THEY SAID 0. Well, that did not change me. I started out again with a $40 investment. Purchased 4 domains, 6 months later. You have received an offer, please log into sedo. 8 weeks later, I'm at the bank cashing a low $xxxx US check. 40 = $XXXX four digits!

7 years later, I operate 400 domains with a profit of Low $XX XXX USD. All for a $40 dollar investment. Now if you divide 40 by 365 days .10 cents a day. 10 .mobi domains for the next 2 years is .50 cents a day.

I have already received a $200 offer for AsiaTravel.mobi, a return profit of $120!!! I see a lot of people buying domain names, that would never be searched by anyone, thats a bad investment. Buying domains is not just visiting your favoured domain house and going crazy with your money.

Searching for a domain is based on , overture for keyword, industry size, and demand for the next 10+ years. Your investment for 10 years, has a guranteed profit to cover the expense with one sell.

ALways keep your eyes and ears wide open for the market of the future. Technology will dominate us so hard, that we will loose contact with ourself. The computer today will be your father tomorrow! Computer of tomorrow = Cell Phone.

Other than the love of parents and education. The computer will grow up with you, and age with you. The only difference between us and the PC is, when we age. We fade! When the computer ages, its like VLAD DRACUL. It only gets stronger as it collects more information.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2006
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Thanks for your write ups, very nice to read.

I was around in January 1999 regging whatever was left only, not as much as people would think, so I really really also appreciate this .mobi opportunity..
I came back to domaining recently after years, and so glad for this, it was so tough to get reg a solid name lately until this .mobi arose!

4 - 1 !

great two word combos I am still excited about searching..

the mobile device tld is greater than any other tld launch since the dot com.
If you are reading this then you got in at the ripe time. Look at what is still available!

Most people in the world don't own a computer for various reasons, yet most do have the potential for a cell phone with time.. and the cellphone can evolve to the PDA as prices drop just like desktop prices have dropped since they first came out big.

YIM etc. already has free internet to internet calls, so if the phone manufacturers make devices that all carry the internet, and support .mobi, then won't that make mostly all phones with internet access connected to calling? Free calls?!

Verizon has already become an ISP now. Its a trend. By the way, I have a treo 700w, and I use it to surf whenever I am not near my desk. Its wonderful, try it; then, you know better some of what to register .mobi


GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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the only people heavily investing in .mobi's are the ones who can't get their hands on a decent .com


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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the only people heavily investing in .mobi's are the ones who can't get their hands on a decent .com

GT Web: No offense but you really come across a pathetic person who can't stand others enjoying their happiness.

I have been reading your unwarranted attacks for quite sometime now on domainers who registered dot-mobi domains.

If they are feeling good discussing their mobi registrations then so what? Let them do it...for God's sake this is a domain discussion forum and that's what people do......especially groups of people with similar interests/thinking.

If you don't like dot-mobi, then don't bother. No one is forcing you to say dot-mobi is great.

It seems you just can't let it go: are you a mean person or you just pissed that you made a wrong decision and now regret it? Why will a person be so jealous?

I am a great fan of .com domains .... Buying domains for 9 years.....90% portfolio is dot-com and rest other extensions such as .info, .net, .org, .biz, .us, and got about 80 dot-mobies too (.mobies are less than 1% of our portfolio).

Now my point is I always missed all landrushes for all extensions as I thought dot-com is the best BUT I DID NOT GO AROUND ATTACKING PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT OTHER TLDs.

I just hope you maintain some dignity and stop ruining for people who got dot-mobies especially if you can't provide debate with a reason.

Hope you take some advice from a fellow Canadian......:humble:



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2005
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If they are feeling good discussing their mobi registrations then so what? Let them do it...for God's sake this is a domain discussion forum and that's what people do......especially groups of people with similar interests/thinking.

Agreed. But not specifically referring to GT Web. Everyone needs to lighten up a bit and let others enjoy themselves. Attacking newbies seems to be a sport for some. I guess they forget, this isn't a gang, team or fraternity. You don't get jumped in, paddled, or have your chest pierced with a sharp instrument to be a DNforum member, you simply join...

All of us can learn something here. And if we make mistakes along the way, who cares? Hell, I've made plenty...


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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Agreed. But not specifically referring to GT Web. Everyone needs to lighten up a bit and let others enjoy themselves. Attacking newbies seems to be a sport for some. I guess they forget, this isn't a gang, team or fraternity. You don't get jumped in, paddled, or have your chest pierced with a sharp instrument to be a DNforum member, you simply join...

All of us can learn something here. And if we make mistakes along the way, who cares? Hell, I've made plenty...

Agree 100%.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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GT Web: No offense but you really come across a pathetic person who can't stand others enjoying their happiness.

No, I'm just a realist.

Everyone on this forum loves to play the politcally correct game. "Well I don't really like .mobi but I'm glad your happy and I'm sure you'll make your investment back. Now lets all sit around a campfire, hold hands and sing Kumbaya."

I just tell it as I see it, if you don't have the cojones to do the same that's fine, but don't start bad mouthing me because of it.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 19, 2004
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Nobody yet knows how .mobi will fare, but that is why it is called speculation. Back in 1992, I and a partner formed a website just for laughs, then we lost interest and just let the domain drop, had we realized the value of domain names back then, we would have held onto it as i am certain that it is quite valuable in today's market. The funny thing is we were trying to make money from the internet and thought that a website would be a great tool, little did we realize that we didn't need a site at all....just the name alone would have been all we needed IF we had the foresight, and just thinking of all the possible names that were available back then....well it makes me ill to realize we had missed that opportunity...let the naysayers think what they want...I know that I don't want to regret missing another opportunity like that again...I haven't invested heavily, but I did register a couple of names that I believe could be of value should .mobi take off..I have also done the same with IDN's..should they prove to be a waste of money, at least it will not be that much of a loss, but if they prove to be another .com boom then I will be happy that I FINALLY had the foresight that I missed back in the early 90's.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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No, I'm just a realist.

Everyone on this forum loves to play the politcally correct game. "Well I don't really like .mobi but I'm glad your happy and I'm sure you'll make your investment back. Now lets all sit around a campfire, hold hands and sing Kumbaya."

I just tell it as I see it, if you don't have the cojones to do the same that's fine, but don't start bad mouthing me because of it.

I just hope you let go of it.

Who knows what will .mobi be 5 years from now?...GOOD, BAD, OR UGLY.

Its up to you...I hope you participate with a reason and logic instead of putting other people down with your statements like:

the only people heavily investing in .mobi's are the ones who can't get their hands on a decent .com

With your experience and background in domaining/development, you can certainly do better than that :)



Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 12, 2006
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I just tell it as I see it, if you don't have the cojones to do the same that's fine, but don't start bad mouthing me because of it.

Your posts have helped save me a fortune for sure (at least in the short term). I did buy a few but only a few. Thanks.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 7, 2006
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GT Web: No offense but you really come across a pathetic person who can't stand others enjoying their happiness.

I have been reading your unwarranted attacks for quite sometime now on domainers who registered dot-mobi domains.

If they are feeling good discussing their mobi registrations then so what? Let them do it...for God's sake this is a domain discussion forum and that's what people do......especially groups of people with similar interests/thinking.

If you don't like dot-mobi, then don't bother. No one is forcing you to say dot-mobi is great.

It seems you just can't let it go: are you a mean person or you just pissed that you made a wrong decision and now regret it? Why will a person be so jealous?

I am a great fan of .com domains .... Buying domains for 9 years.....90% portfolio is dot-com and rest other extensions such as .info, .net, .org, .biz, .us, and got about 80 dot-mobies too (.mobies are less than 1% of our portfolio).

Now my point is I always missed all landrushes for all extensions as I thought dot-com is the best BUT I DID NOT GO AROUND ATTACKING PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT OTHER TLDs.

I just hope you maintain some dignity and stop ruining for people who got dot-mobies especially if you can't provide debate with a reason.

Hope you take some advice from a fellow Canadian......:humble:


ah yes.. like i said in another thread a few days back, honesty shines through like nothing else.

try it sometime gt.

these are true words this man has spoken, i know you will never realize it but you've got to wonder.. heh, dont be sad gt. dont be jelous if the 1% chance that people will make money from .mobi actually happens.. yes, i said it was a 1% chance because thats probably what you would say.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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"Well I don't really like .mobi but I'm glad your happy and I'm sure you'll make your investment back. Now lets all sit around a campfire, hold hands and sing Kumbaya."

Now I am disgusted. Campfires ? what did a campfire ever do to you, and to think you live in vancouver. :flame: :boink:


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 28, 2006
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I agree, there is just too many members here ... who have nothing better to do other than making negative comments. The funny part is, the ones who do, leave you 0 for an answer or some stupid feedback. Are the ones who have no clue what they are talking about. Rather than asking questions or brainstorming with one another to help each other make wiser choices in our investments. They come out SLAPING YOU IN THE FACE. QUOTE: YOUR DOMAIN IS WORTH 0, or .MOBI SUCKS. What sucks about it, the fact that you are not a wise player. Taking risks, is part of life. Part of investing managemant. All I know is, 8% of my portfolio now is .mobi domains. Each one guranteed a sale.

Cheers to everyone! Dont be a black sheep. I can see you!


DNF Member
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Aug 12, 2005
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I think nearly every post I have read by GT is bagging or knocking someone or something!

We may not need to wait long to get an indication of how valauble our new .mobi portfolios have become...

the T.R.A.F.F.I.C auction next week of 10 premium .mobi names will either have a few of us crying in our milk or opening the bubbly!!

Personally, as previously said, I am very optimistic, we shall know more very soon!

Cheers all.



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Your posts have helped save me a fortune for sure (at least in the short term). I did buy a few but only a few. Thanks.

Not sure if you knew this but GT is a very young domainer. I usually ignore what he has to say for this reason, but will say that he has done quite nicely for himself in the "car related" domain field.

Go to bed GT!! ;-)

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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I may be young, but I have more experience on this forum and in the domain industry than many of the members of this forum (not all of you, obviously).

If you look in the appraisal section, I have actually posted positive comments on 2 .mobi domains (one was vlogs.mobi, I can't remember the other).

If your names are really good, I congratulate you and tell you the names are very good. If your names are crap, I ask you what the heck were you thinking when you registered these?

and I think being called a "bragger" is totally unfair. I hate people who brag on this forum and almost never do it myself in anyway. I never mention publicly which names I own or how much money I make or anything of the sort, so saying I keep "bragging" is simply wrong. As for saying I knock everyone...once again that isn't true.

If people posted better names for appraisal you would see many more positive comments from me :)


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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one thing for sure, .mobi has been great for dnforum, because it has really got a lot of discussion going on both sides of the issue. I'd like to fast forward a year to see how .mobi actually pans out, I'm hoping for the best.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 7, 2006
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I may be young, but I have more experience on this forum and in the domain industry than many of the members of this forum (not all of you, obviously).

If you look in the appraisal section, I have actually posted positive comments on 2 .mobi domains (one was vlogs.mobi, I can't remember the other).

If your names are really good, I congratulate you and tell you the names are very good. If your names are crap, I ask you what the heck were you thinking when you registered these?

and I think being called a "bragger" is totally unfair. I hate people who brag on this forum and almost never do it myself in anyway. I never mention publicly which names I own or how much money I make or anything of the sort, so saying I keep "bragging" is simply wrong. As for saying I knock everyone...once again that isn't true.

If people posted better names for appraisal you would see many more positive comments from me :)



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