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Tips from WinFreeCash

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Donna Mahony

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May 6, 2002
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I am frequently asked how I came to make a living from the internet so I thought I would start a small thread here for those who are interested. I do not have a lot of time to post so I will add as I have time. Hopefully others will add suggestions and comments also.

First, read every forum you can. Search engine forums, domain forums, web design forums, even if you aren't into adult, read the adult forums.

Find the folks in those places who are obvious winners. Set your radar on those folks. Ask questions!! But never expect them to just hand over their hard earned information. Show you are sincere and a hard worker and they will help you along the way.

Emulate success!! Do it politely. If somebody has something on their site that you like...ASK permission to use it. Many, many times I "borrowed" from our very own GregR. Even though I could just take it off his site, I always asked permission first.

Stay out of the ever present fueds on these forums. If Tom123 hates Bob 456, it has nothing to do with YOU!! I have many friends in forums who dislike others in other forums. They are good teachers and if you want to succeed....learning is your focus not taking sides.

Give the guy under you a leg up....he just may pass you on the learning scale and remember the day you said a kind word or passed along a little tip. Most of my success came from techo geeks I said a kind word to that have helped in my weak areas.

Try to stick to dot coms. You can take the cash invested in registering .info, .biz etc and BUY yourself a decent .com. The forums are stuffed full with good buys now in this down market. Take advantage of it. Com is proven the others may very well do great in the future..do you have the time and money to wait??

No more time now, I hope you got a little something and I will post more later.
Domain Summit 2024


Level 8
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Aug 20, 2002
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You go girl. :D

I suggest people stay tuned to this thread. The lady knows her stuff. She is a valuable resource of information--with proven success behind her.

(She's got a mean left hook too. I have the bruises to prove it.)


Jedi Master
Apr 8, 2002
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Question for you Win,

DO you make separate pages for all your names and tailor the content / affiliations to the name?

i.e. If you have a computer related name, do you put up a page with advertisements for hardware / software?

Additionally, do you submit all your names to search engines to get more traffic?


Donna Mahony

DNF Regular
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May 6, 2002
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Originally posted by Bob
Question for you Win,

DO you make separate pages for all your names and tailor the content / affiliations to the name?

i.e. If you have a computer related name, do you put up a page with advertisements for hardware / software?

Additionally, do you submit all your names to search engines to get more traffic?


The answer to the first two is: I have too many names to do that but I would suggest it to any one who can do it.

As far as SE's, I will give you the answer that is a bit beyond the obvious. I LOVE the little PPC's. My favorite is Search411.com but there are many many out there. They do get traffic!! Most give you a free $5-$25 to start. Search411.com costs me an average of 2 cents a click for my chosen keywords. I EARN an average of $300 a month just from clicks from that SE!!! Add that to clicks from other sources and other keywords etc and proper targetting and PooF!! Revenue!!!

I said 2 cents a day..I corrected to 2 cents a click.


Level 3
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Sep 19, 2002
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Thank you, WinFreeCash, for providing this thread - and for being so considerate to those of us who have lots to learn. I'll definitely be checking here regularly for further tips and advice you're willing to share whenever you have the time.



Level 5
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May 6, 2002
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>My favorite is Search411.com


>but there are many many out there. They do get traffic!! Most give you a free
>$5-$25 to start. Search411.com costs me an average of 2 cents a day for my
>chosen keywords. I EARN an average of $300 a month just from clicks from
>that SE!!!

Wooh. Must be time to set a minimum bid level. :^)

Someone owes me a drink!


Level 8
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Sep 17, 2002
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Does your main income come from adult sites?

Donna Mahony

DNF Regular
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May 6, 2002
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The majority of my earnings is from PPC. After that meds, travel, adult, tickets. Of the adult..broadband and cams are moving up quickly.


Level 8
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Sep 17, 2002
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Originally posted by winfreecash
The majority of my earnings is from PPC. After that meds, travel, adult, tickets. Of the adult..broadband and cams are moving up quickly.

Actually I have no interest in developing adult sites, altough I
own several names.
I was just interested in the best sector.


Level 8
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Sep 17, 2002
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Oh, one more thing please.

PPC: Do you sell or buy it ? :D

Also, if your time allows this, what is the best way to target meds?

Can you point to some of your best sites? I would like to see it.
I wont copy it, I promise. Scout's honored word!


Level 4
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Aug 12, 2002
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Originally posted by options
Oh, one more thing please.

Can you point to some of your best sites? I would like to see it.
I wont copy it, I promise. Scout's honored word!

I want to have a look too.

Donna Mahony

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May 6, 2002
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Some of my sites:

www.AffiliateDough.com still in the works, probably always will be. So many people ask who I use for affiliates that I made a site. If anyone has any good two or multi tier affiliates, send me your link. I will sign under you and add it.

www.BestPornSites.com I send most of my adult to my directory site.

www.FootballSites.com Recently acquired and under construction.
This is a good example of KISS method as it stands. Just a couple of banners..targeted..and made about $225 last month for the couple of weeks it was live.

Meds and tickets I redirect to an affiliate.

www.ExcitingTravels.com is my travel site. Its a good example of how a site can look pro even by a TechKnowNothing like myself.

www.DNAJustice.com is an example of one of my "dreaming of a big sale someday". It was designed by member SunShine from here a couple of years ago.

Traffic I am not using to sell a product go to a PPC where I sell the traffic www.FindAnyInfo.com


....Our earnings are on average $250 - $400 per month with our internet businesses but it has taken us over a year to just get to that!....we have given ourselves a 2 year timeframe to reach our goal of earning at least $1000 per month, we use findwhat.com as most of our traffic has come from there. I am interested in looking at search411.com as Ive never heard of that one.....thanks :)


Level 4
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Aug 12, 2002
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Originally posted by lhague
....Our earnings are on average $250 - $400 per month with our internet businesses but it has taken us over a year to just get to that!....we have given ourselves a 2 year timeframe to reach our goal of earning at least $1000 per month, we use findwhat.com as most of our traffic has come from there. I am interested in looking at search411.com as Ive never heard of that one.....thanks :)

Thanks for sharing, Ihague!

I have to try findwhat.com too.

Best regards


Donna Mahony

DNF Regular
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May 6, 2002
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Originally posted by NamePopper


I believe this one needs to be...investigated further. For learning purposes of course. :D

To get the "inside scoop"!!!


Level 8
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Aug 20, 2002
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YOU CAN VIEW THE ORIGINAL THREAD THEY WERE PULLED FROM HERE.... http://www.dnforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6789 **

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Originally posted by thinkaholic
I make 100% of my living on the Internet. I would say 90% of it comes from domain name reselling. The other 10% is from my network of websites and design work. This 10% will continue to grow and will turn into a very steady income, but it does take work. All of my success revolves around domain names, though.

Here are my latest Ebay auctions.

It's been a roller coaster ride over the past 7 years, but I think domain names will always be a viable business if you know what you are doing. This means registering the "right" domain names and knowing how to get them before others do. It is a game, but a serious one with serious players.

I guess I consider myself a success story. It's hard to admit it to yourself. I started small and worked my butt off to get where I am now. In 4 years, I went from a 1 bedroom apartment to a 5 bedroom house. I just bought a new Mustang Convertible (it's sweeeeet!) and work from home full time. It involves long hours (it's 1:02am now), making mistakes, and moving on. But the sacrifices are worth the rewards. I don't want to sound like a broken record from a get rich quick scheme, but I really do get to spend more time with my family, buy crazy toys because I can, make my own hours, eat out every night if we want to, and basically do what I want. I'm always thinking of new ideas (hence the name thinkaholic) and I am a workaholic. I love what I do and give it 110% so I don't have to go back to the corporate world and make someone else rich. Tried it....hated it....quit it.

I was a newbie just like everyone else here was at one time. But given the opportunity, commitment, and desire, you can come out on top.

thinkaholic has now stepped off the soapbox and left the building...


Originally posted by options

Hi Thinkaholic,

I just saw a few of your sold websites and I have feeling that some of them were underpriced.
It's not just domain name reselling, it is a lot of work sold.
However, you just proved that to be the only possible and logical way for full time earnings.

Originally posted by thinkaholic

They may have gone for more, but that's what they went for and I accept that. It's been mentioned a thousand times, but a domain name is only worth what someone will pay for it. It just depends on who that someone is. Sure, I can keep waiting for that perfect buyer with millions of dollars to finally make an offer for one of my names, but why wait? I make a very decent living using the techniques I have learned work for me. I've had to learn from my mistakes along the way. Everyone does.

Because I have developed so many sites, I know the tricks to make developing a site much easier and much faster. It takes me very little time to develop a website once I've got the ideas in my head. I've sold many domain names and websites within 24 hours of registering them. It's all a learning process, and if you keep at it, you'll be where I am before you know it.

We all need role models. I have my own, too. If I can be one to others, great! I'll help as much as I can.

Just don't start stalking me! :D :laugh:

Originally posted by thinkaholic

I'm glad it helped and hopefully inspired you and others to set their own goals and go for it!

I develop all of my websites. There's no automation to it, but I've done it SO many times, I can do it with my eyes closed. The only thing I outsource is programmers. I could do it myself, but it saves me time by hiring someone else. Money well spent, I say.

As far as selling websites on Ebay, it's a process that is learned and works best for you. My techniques may not work for you, but I just recently posted what I do when I sell a site on Ebay.

I use Ebay to sell all my domain names and websites and have had a pretty good success rate, I'd say.

You can check out my past auctions at http://www.developeddomains.com/ebay

I always do the following.

1. Always BOLD (Only $2 and it makes it stand out more than a highlight)
2. Always Feature it ($19.95)
3. Never use the gallery or featured gallery.
4. Start all auctions at $1
5. I never use the Buy It Now option. Too risky since someone could set up a bogus account, buy it now, and not pay. Some sellers will do this so their auctions have less competition.
6. I always make my auctions private. Many bidders don't want to be shown that they are buying a domain name. They'll get mass spams from other sellers trying to sell them other domain names. This also protects me, since many users will email your bidders to try to pursuade them not to buy or they have something better, etc. Bad business, but it does happen.
7. Make your description as detailed as possible. Remember, this is your sales pitch to buyers. Make it good!
8. Use the free counter. It will show buyers (and you) how popular the auction is.

These are my personal preferences, so you'll have to decide what is best for your auction and what you want to spend.

Most of my auctions are for complete websites and yahoo listed domain names, so they have more value, but it should work for single and multiple domain names as well.

It feels really good to hear compliments from other users. Thank you. I will continue to do my best to help others.

Feel free to ask me any more questions. I'd be happy to answer them.


....I am interested in those who are making money, how long it took to start a steady income, not necessarily thousands (we are all aimaing for that!) but just for starters, like it took us a year just to get a fluctuating $250 - $400.... I guess part of the time consumption is from those of us that develop our own sites without use of a consultant, the planning, marketing, and the biggest headache, traffic, so many things to consider but links-shop is my latest project which I launched end of July and Im in the process of developing buying-shares.com and GamblersBar.com (this should be a fun one!)....anyone expert on gambling or got sites they can point me to for ideas, will be appreciated! ...It's great to share what we are doing and where we want to go..........the big dream!

Have fun :)


Level 4
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Apr 15, 2002
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Intersing post winfreecash - tks !

You mentioned "tickets" - Do you know any goog affil program there if possible with full page content one can host on own server - just one page will do.

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