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What happend to DNFORUM...

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DNForum Moderator
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Sep 4, 2002
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I love this example... e liquid is hot right now... it is used to refill ecigarette cartridges. This name sold under value huge.. This is huge money... huge money... $25g's is a bargain. I have an intimate knowledge of what one of the largest and oldest ecig's retailers... monthly sales are..

... best of all it is a developed ecommerce site selling e-liquid now.. on its way to killing it....I dont think their is anything dubious about e-liquid.com sale price other then... all the money is made as a enduser..

For every Cha-Ching a domain name trader takes to the bank an End User is depositing a larger Cha-Ching.. especially when it comes to monetizing and leads.. revenues.

... Bringing the OP's topic back center.. "What happened to DNforum?"

.... evolution... very simple and sweet.

quoted this post because it shines a light on "why" and "what" when it comes to "premium sale prices" of domain names that some may not consider "premium", by what is an abstract definition.

why these names sold for more? one reason is maybe the seller knew of a market where the name is applicable.

we all invoke our own prejudices , whether it be hyphen, has a number in it or other disciminatory factors, that others will "say" are negative traits.

names like those could have been placed on dnf or another forum and probably wouldn't be considered premium or have received those reported prices.

the point being, knowledge can make a domain premium and if you don't have that, then how can you see the quality?

tools don't cover the spectrum and the filters can be set to discriminate.

it remains your right to search for criteria that appeals to you, yet you cannot see why names outside your criteria exceed value amounts in your eye.

if that's the case, then couldn't the same be true for almost any domain?
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Level 8
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Jul 11, 2011
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Knowledge can make a domain premium.


It remains your right to search for criteria that appeal to you, yet you cannot see why names outside your criteria exceed value amounts in your eye.

I'm going to quote that sentence somewhere some time.


Level 4
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Dec 17, 2011
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I agree with Airmax; all i see here after multiple logins a day is a bunch of junk domains... maybe 8% good threads that make actual real money sales...I see several times worse than my own humble thoughts posted everyday with post after post by same author of lowered price... buy now; you gotta have it.. Not very often does it happen. I came to this board with much hope and desire... I would say the market is pretty over saturated and continuing to get worse and more competitive with this niche type business... I really do enjoy the stories of persons selling for a high profit, fair profit whatever.. but to say it as easy as a lot the newbie marketing ploy leads to believe!
Hard to say the industry is not already tapped... :cheesy:
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Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 13, 2007
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and to sell off the domains that didn't make the cut

@ Atthelake

forums are no place to make money! End Users are the target, forums like DNF are a place for us to unite and discuss our industry. Selling domain names on forums is a bonus.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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i've made money on the forums-

buying the right names,

from the right people,

at the right time...

my target is the price, not a person or an entity


Country hopper
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Jul 9, 2005
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forums are no place to make money! End Users are the target, forums like DNF are a place for us to unite and discuss our industry. Selling domain names on forums is a bonus.
I agree. Nobody in this industry has ever made a fortune flipping domains on the forums. Forums are good for medium quality domains and bring liquidity. But they are not the venue for maximizing the value of your domains.

Don't be too focused on the forums or the marketplaces like Sedo. Stuff that nobody wants is not going to sell easily... sorry that's rough but hardly 1% of the domain supply has possible resale value.

I don't get what that means: 'the market is pretty over saturated': there is always demand for good domains that are priced right. However 99% of the supply is more or less worthless. That is saturation. There are more sellers than buyers in this industry.

The only way to succeed is to build a strong inventory.
If you have really great names the end users will come to you.
Sales skills or exposure are unimportant if you don't have a good product to show.


Level 6
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Apr 14, 2006
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Making money from domain names has long been touted as
the ultimate 'get rich quick' scheme that anyone, regardless
of their finances or skills, can avail themselves of.

Those who have been promoting this view have an obvious
'vested' interest in doing so. The unfortunate aspect of this
is that many people believe the 'pipe dream', put their lives
on hold, and just sit back waiting for their 'ship to come in'.

For 99.9% of people 'though this will never happen!

Can you make money with domains? Sure, but you NEED
money.. you need 'resolve' (and faith)... you need to do your
research and get names that people actually want... and you
need to be competent in the English language, or the language
of your choice if it's an IDN.

Being a good marketer, and personally persuasive, doesn't hurt
either.. :)

I think that another member may have alluded to it, or even said
it outright in another thread, but domaining really is a HOBBY..
and for 99.9% of domainers it should be treated that way.

Whenever you hear someone talk about "our industry", in
connection with domaining, then do yourself a favour and
disregard the comment. The word "industry" does nothing
more than give people the false impression that what they
are doing falls under some real (old school) trade

It doesn't... so cut yourselves some slack and only ever
think about domaining as your "speculative (and hopefully
profitable) hobby". Do that and you will take the pressure
right out of feeling that you have to perform.

Good luck,
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Level 4
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Dec 17, 2011
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Your right! and as a member of the forum I have learned much from other members articles and posts.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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so cut yourselves some slack and only ever
think about domaining as your "speculative (and hopefully
profitable) hobby". Do that and you will take the pressure
right out of feeling that you have to perform.

Good luck,

excuse for extracting...

i like that paragraph, cuz it addresses an area of "domainer stress"

where members often refer to, or examine others successes, in comparison to their own.

the result is often expressed as some form of depression, either personally or in their viewpoint of the "market", when they feel they aren't performing on a comparative level.


Mark Talbot

Level 7
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Jun 13, 2003
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Hanging out at DNF to buy and sell domains is no different than a stock broker hanging out at the NYSE to buy and sell. Ya got a pretty good idea why you are here, and you got a pretty good feel for the market and what you like.

The end users though, they tend to watch crazy Cramer on tv to make their buying decisions, and likely go to Scottrade or etrade to do their buying.

So think of DNF to the end user,..as MSNBC is to average Joe investor end user,...
They might come here to watch and see the balance and feel for the market, and may base their valuations on their end user offers by how they percieve the market condition.

But DNF is not an end-user marketplace, by design and function.


Level 6
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Apr 14, 2006
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Hanging out at DNF to buy and sell domains is no different than a stock broker hanging out at the NYSE to buy and sell. Ya got a pretty good idea why you are here, and you got a pretty good feel for the market and what you like.

While that may feel like a comforting analogy for you, it's not
(in any way) accurate...

Stock brokers get TRAINED, domainers don't
Stock brokers are PROFESSIONALS, domainers aren't
Stock brokers deal with highly 'LIQUID' investments, domainers don't
Stock brokers work to an established PLAN, domainers don't
Stock brokers are RESPECTED by the public, domainers aren't
Stock brokers KNOW it usually takes money to make money, domainers often don't

And, to put this in to further perspective, 95% of 'the goods' a stock
broker sells are GOOD QUALITY investments, whereas 95% of the goods
a domainer tries to sell is junk... (and a quick glance on the forum
will confirm that).

If, as you suggest, an end-user came to this site to "see the balance
and feel for the market", generally, then domainers with valuable/high
priced names are in trouble!


DNF Regular
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Jun 21, 2004
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forums are no place to make money! End Users are the target, forums like DNF are a place for us to unite and discuss our industry. Selling domain names on forums is a bonus.

Forums can be a great place for making money and to network with resellers and end-users alike! ...if the Forum is designed, operates within such an atmosphere, and is perceived as such.
But like any business environment (or life in general) - talk is cheap.

Being here for many years now has shown me the same thing: There's a reason why DNF never became the 'place to buy/sell domains', as previously discussed.
And from what I can tell, it's because it doesn't want to be that way.

Many 'announcements' on changes/upgrades and business partnership opportunities (almost on a weekly basis at one time) were left unfilfilled and gave many domainers I've talked to no confidence such benefits will be brought to fruition any further thereafter...

...and this thread seems to support this current result which has been seen years in the making by many whom used to be very active, friendly and sharing here. (Which still exists from what I seen, but less often imo.)

For 1 example: When I first got an Exclusive Membership I spent a lot of time and money preparing for use of the 'Exclusive Benefits' tools and such, but because they didn't work and support was not there to solve matters or make-up for failures, I was damaged right from the start of my domaining 'career' (if I can call it that). Til this day I never got the 'benefits' of DNF Exclusiveness outside of simply gaining access to read Exclusive sections of DNF.

I left DNF for many years and I am one of those people now whom generally only comes here to buy/sell domains (foolishly or not) and read-up on a few things. Not to say I have much to offer myself thou, but I do when and where I can.

Regardless, I recognize DNF for what it is, and use it as much as possible for whatever level of satisfaction can be achieved while minimizing the amount of my time and money which may get wasted here, despite whatever way things are trending here.

If there is to be a revival - let me know, I'll be there with bells on!! ;)

Best of Luck and Success in All Your Endeavours!
PS: Correct me if I am wrong, most traffic here is looking for Domain Sales? Sales links are what appears next to DNForum in Google search results like many other forums - which tells me Sales are very important for Forums like this, not just 'talk'.


Level 6
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Apr 14, 2006
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For 1 example: When I first got an Exclusive Membership I spent a lot of time and money preparing for use of the 'Exclusive Benefits' tools and such, but because they didn't work and support was not there to solve matters or make-up for failures, I was damaged right from the start of my domaining 'career' (if I can call it that). Til this day I never got the 'benefits' of DNF Exclusiveness outside of simply gaining access to read Exclusive sections of DNF.


You want to blame the owner of this forum for.... what exactly,
your lack of sales?!


DNF Regular
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Jun 21, 2004
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Excuse me brian1234??

On what basis do you make such false insinuations about the owner of this forum being blamed for anything in my post?
Please amuse me.

Adam has been a very nice person to me over the years, even with his busy-ness as a global businessman with an ever-expanding business.
...but that's not to say stuff doesn't happen with his (or anyone elses) business at times. As a 1-off or as a trend or otherwise.
I know I have enough shthpn with/to me on a daily basis, not to mention the accumulation of such with the more people I employ.
C'est la vie! Pobodies Nerfect!

Your post is a further example of why this forum is not like it used to be and threads like this are started.
No one said anything about a 'lack of sales' either.

If you want another example for my previous post:

How about all the insecure jealous people slagging one domain .extension or another?
Making baseless immature remarks towards others and about their character rather than using logic and facts to support their assertions.
Nothing better to do than antagonize others for their own selfishness.
Let alone their commentary is weak and don't even provide comic relief - it's just sad to seem them keep posting.
It's one thing to 'talk' about the .extension, and the facts, or speculation, but naming calling is so high school.

Do you blame the owner of this forum for having this happen to people here on DNF? I know I don't; but I look forward to your answer brian1234. ...also we digress.

The result is the same though, imo: A downward trending shift in the mood of DNF from more positive to less positive. Unfortunate, yet changeable - as imo.

So brian1234, don't take things so personally and twist them, as your professionalism in being a part of this dialogue to making DNF a better place is greatly appreciated.

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Level 6
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Apr 14, 2006
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On what basis do you make such false insinuations about the owner of this forum being blamed for anything in my post? Please amuse me.

Just read your own comment, where you say:

"When I first got an Exclusive Membership I spent a lot
of time and money preparing for use of the 'Exclusive
Benefits' tools and such, but because they didn't work
and support was not there to solve matters or make-up
for failures, I was damaged right from the start of my
domaining 'career' (if I can call it that)".


Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 13, 2004
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The title said "What happened to DNForum"?

Members signed up to learn and conduct business here. There is no guaranty that you will make money after you signed up.

The beauty of this business is there are hundred ways to make money and if you don't make any money then you need to step back and take a look at "What you did wrong"?

There are always two types of people in any business: people who make money and people who lose money and DNF has nothing to do with your success or failure.

Step back - Think - Launch a new Strategy

Good luck!


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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John always posts the best jokes :D

Mark Talbot

Level 7
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Jun 13, 2003
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While that may feel like a comforting analogy for you, it's not
(in any way) accurate...

If, as you suggest, an end-user came to this site to "see the balance
and feel for the market", generally, then domainers with valuable/high
priced names are in trouble!

I think you just made my point Brian. That is the current state of the domain economy in case you havent been paying attention.
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