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.co.uk domains

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Hi guys,

I'm tring to find inexpensive (under $10/year) .CO.UK domain registrant. Can you help me?

Please advise for this company www.123-reg.co.uk. See what is written in their Terms and Conditions:

Your account is for your personal use only. You must not divulge the password to any other person, and you should take reasonable precautions to ensure that it is not discovered by other people.
Users must not participate in any form of un-solicited bulk e-mailing or spam.
To protect your privacy we never distribute your name or e-mail address to any third parties.
Data stored on our servers is not guaranteed to be backed up.
We shall not be held liable for any loss or damages caused by the use or misuse, unavailability or removal of services.
We reserve the right to cancel your account at any time without notice. We reserve the right to amend and update these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice.
By logging into your account, you are indicating your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
To claim a money back guarantee you must provide details of where you can purchase the domain cheaper and with the same services within 7 days of buying the domain.

Is this mean I do not own my domain?

Best Regards
Domain Summit 2024

You own the domain. I think these guys are talking about the other account services they offer along with your domain. They have a good reputation. We have sent customers to them who wanted to pay with a Solo card instead of a regular credit card. No complaints have come back from any of these referrals.

Your price should not be difficult to find either. Be aware though that .uk domains are registered for 2 years, not one. This is a Registry requirement.



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Yep, 123-reg are quite good - I've registered a lot of UK domains with them.

It works out to one of the lowest around:

£6.79 for a .UK domain (2 years)
That's only a £1.79 overhead (The Nominet UK registry charge a £5 statutory charge for UK domains per 2 years).

Webforwarding/email forwarding is free plus they do a brilliant mapped webfowarding - eg: it will pass subdirectories.
YourDomain.com/ ----maps to----> myspace.myisp.com/myspace
YourDomain.com/directory ---> myspace.myisp.com/myspace/directory)
It works like proper webspace!

I wouldn't worry about those terms and conditions - the domain becomes YOUR property (legally). You will get a certificate from Nominet UK after about 6 months (they have a HUGE backlog and they are nonprofitmaking) - which confirms it to be yours.


This is also a good UK domain and COM/NET/ORG registrar.
The reason I use them is because the service is *very* personal and good - they reply personally (and you can even phone them up) within a few hours to your queries and have always helped me out with any problems.
They are a little more expensive, but it's well worth it just for the friendly service!
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