I've been buying and selling names since about '97. I don't feel I'm a "big" player in the game, but I've had a few big sales in the 5 figures. Most are under 1k, but when you sell a few of those each month, they add up. I wrote DNSecrets last year and it's sold very well. I'd say over a thousand copies sold so far, and YahTool, which I also developed last year has done very well, too. It's a very targeted product, but it's really coming around. Just partnered with Local Whois and am getting some steady traffic now.
I hope I'm not spamming you guys with all my sites, but I just released a new software for Ebay users called Auction Watchdog, which I'm still beta testing.
All beta testers get a registered version for free! I would appreciate anyone beta testing it for me. Just join the mailing list and you'll be directed to a download page. I have a survey to fill out after you test it and in return, I'll give you a free registration code to unlock it. For anyone that uses Ebay, you'll definitely see the value of Auction Watchdog.
By the way, I also designed the ebook cover for Lee's ebook.

That's another website I own, but enough about me...
Talk to you guys soon!