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advertisement No membership fee, no commission marketplace launching soon


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 27, 2008
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As a Domainer since 1998, I’ve seen many marketplaces come and go. I’ve seen the worst and the best. I’ve never seen a marketplace that allowed buyers and sellers to sell/buy domain names at zero commission and allow buyer and seller to chat in real time to negotiate a deal. On top of that, one with ultra-professional landing landing pages. That need has not been met until now.

HiveBuilders.com that is being built for domainers by domainers will offer all of that at no cost. The website is currently allowing domainers to enter their contact information to be notified upon launch. It’s timing couldn’t be better with current inflation. Paying 20% commission when it could be in your pocket is much better for both buyer and seller because it would allow greater price flexibility on the seller side by not having to give up 20% of the sale.
Domain Summit 2024


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 28, 2012
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How are you going to make money?

As a Domainer since 1998, I’ve seen many marketplaces come and go. I’ve seen the worst and the best. I’ve never seen a marketplace that allowed buyers and sellers to sell/buy domain names at zero commission and allow buyer and seller to chat in real time to negotiate a deal. On top of that, one with ultra-professional landing landing pages. That need has not been met until now.

HiveBuilders.com that is being built for domainers by domainers will offer all of that at no cost. The website is currently allowing domainers to enter their contact information to be notified upon launch. It’s timing couldn’t be better with current inflation. Paying 20% commission when it could be in your pocket is much better for both buyer and seller because it would allow greater price flexibility on the seller side by not having to give up 20% of the sale.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I run a free Canadian Domain Market site and I can tell you starting up is hard work, it takes constant attention to get the site running and unless you have something that sets you apart from the bigger players you will probably struggle.

I focus on the Canadian market, that is my niche and I have to say I tried it without a niche by launching NamePost.com and that project failed due to lack of participation. I now incorporate those domains into our Canadian marketplace and although small we do fairly well.

So I was going to say find a niche of sorts but yours seems to be commission free, server costs add up pretty fast so my concern would be the same as @accurate . With hundreds of domains it is a lot of work to change marketplaces, so without income what are the assurance that things will keep working if we put in the effort to move?

I think publishing your business plan and market vision will go a long way to establish trust. In the domaining world it's all about trust and commission free is only one of the pre requisites we consider when picking a marketplace.

For me the number one thing is bulk tools, for someone else it's different so I look forward to reading more about your service.

PS. Love the landing page, the bee hive idea is very clever.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score

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