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TC's departure.

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Domain Summit 2024

The worst part is, it was totally and completely unnecessary.

TC was in chat a few minutes back and was saying that he needed the freedom to express himself - but thats not a god given right in someone else forum.

Its all very childish and I am still stunned that someone I liked has acted like that in retaliation to not getting his own way.


Forum Announcements
Mar 16, 2002
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Banning someone is something I hate doing, but the couple people banned here have had well more than one chance. If you hadn't noticed, TC started a thread earlier today about an e-mail I sent him, just a selection of it, just to make me look bad. What's happened basically, he didn't like the idea of the new signature rules I have, and just went crazy from there by loading his signature with a bunch of similies, going crazy with his location text, and even just recently he changed his username to something not so pleasant. He's used profanity right in this forum directed at me just yesterday, which alone could have been a reason to ban him. Hopefully now thigns will calm down.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Dan
Banning someone is something I hate doing, but the couple people banned here have had well more than one chance. If you hadn't noticed, TC started a thread earlier today about an e-mail I sent him, just a selection of it, just to make me look bad. What's happened basically, he didn't like the idea of the new signature rules I have, and just went crazy from there by loading his signature with a bunch of similies, going crazy with his location text, and even just recently he changed his username to something not so pleasant. He's used profanity right in this forum directed at me just yesterday, which alone could have been a reason to ban him. Hopefully now thigns will calm down.

This banning shit is too much !!!!

this forum might not survive.. if you keep banning your members.

a.k.a Afternic syndrome


Forum Announcements
Mar 16, 2002
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I don't keep banning people, there's only 2 people who've been banned in the half year I've had the site open. Why won't this site survive? By banning the people (2 people) who repeatedly break the forum rules and act like a total nut, I think that will help the forum survive.

I think there wasn't much of an alternative, TC seemed like a nice guy, but nobody can condone what he's being doing lately, which was deliberate disruption of this site. If he did that on most other moderated forums the outcome would be the same.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Nic This banning shit is too much !!!!this forum might not survive.. if you keep banning your members. a.k.a Afternic syndrome

That's not so, you have it wrong. One reason AN was a failure and closed forums is because they did the opposite, no policing at all, rarely if ever banning members, though they had tens of thousands of them.

At AN you could do or say anything you wanted, threats, spams, intimidation, and all the worst obscene language imaginable. Afternic could care less. :mad:

P.S. I believe TC was the one who started all of this regarding the graphical sigs when he discovered it could be done. He started all those stupid giant vertical images of Britney Spears and others. Before you know it many others jumped on TC's bandwagon and annoyed the more serious and more professional members and visitors here.

"annoyed the more serious and more professional members and visitors here."

Speak for yourself, sport. More like, "annoyed the stuck-up, anal retentive, micromanaging geezers here."

Now enjoy your merry time without me.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by timechange "annoyed the more serious and more professional members and visitors here." Speak for yourself, sport. More like, "annoyed the stuck-up, anal retentive, micromanaging geezers here." Now enjoy your merry time without me.

TC, you seem like a nice guy and do have a great business reputation on eBay and you sure were 100% professional and businesslike in dealing with me and our domain transaction. :)

Its just that the giant images annoyed many here and made it look unprofessional and took up lots of bandwidth without any purpose at all, except to have some odd type of fun.

You really did over-react when Dan blocked the images. You should have just accepted his decision since he is the owner/moderator here and had a right to block the images.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Originally posted by RealNames

That's not so, you have it wrong. One reason AN was a failure and closed forums is because they did the opposite, no policing at all, rarely if ever banning members, though they had tens of thousands of them.

At AN you could do or say anything you wanted, threats, spams, intimidation, and all the worst obscene language imaginable. Afternic could care less. :mad:

P.S. I believe TC was the one who started all of this regarding the graphical sigs when he discovered it could be done. He started all those stupid giant vertical images of Britney Spears and others. Before you know it many others jumped on TC's bandwagon and annoyed the more serious and more professional members and visitors here.

No you [ snip ], thats not what i meant.....
i meant that if this continues... the banning shit.... members here will be too afraid to speak their minds and express themselves... and this site will end up like afternic....

afternic syndrome= all hype no reality= one day its a respectable site the next its a JOKE

Originally posted by Nic
afternic syndrome= all hype no reality= one day its a respectable site the next its a JOKE

It was a respectable site before the images, then it started looking like a kids chat.

Everyone needs to take a step back and think about what they are here for. If you're not already making 6 figure+ income from domains, then it might be an idea to quit playing and fighting and start learning and earning.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Nic No you dumbass, thats not what i meant.....i meant that if this continues... the banning shit.... members here will be too afraid to speak their minds and express themselves... and this site will end up like afternic....
afternic syndrome= all hype no reality= one day its a respectable site the next its a JOKE

Most people would have read into your post exactly what I read, implying banning people was what you meant by saying Afternic Syndrome, meaning something AN did.

If I was the moderator I would consider banning you what with your recent posts against Dan and this Forum for banning these 2 and also you attacking with crude insults :mad: for no reason other than a simple misunderstanding of your unclear words.

Why do you have to be so insulting calling me a 'DUMBASS' and using the words 'BANNING SHIT'? It's rude and insulting to both myself and Dan.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Are we all Adults here ?
maybe not....
i apologize... i will use PG language from now on and explain everything i mean very clearly and elementary.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
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BTW ( by the way, incase realnames or other PG domainers might not know) realnames, Realnames.com might be dropping "real "soon, i suggest you snap, NWinner it "real" soon ! :)

(BTW2 Nice to be associated with a company that went belly up)

Also I was not attacking Dan, i was only expressing my opinion.

And if you still want to keep Kissing Dan's and other moderators @$$e$$ ( notice my PG effort :) ) there are other less obvious ways of doing it.

And last but not least, i have not caused any problems in this forum EVER.... check if you want..... all i did was express my opinion on a specific subject...thats all....

Snoop dog, safesys, matty all know i'm no dog (snoop no pun intended :) ) !!!

And if that is too much, too hot to handle or too cold to hold.....
by all means BAN me.....

(BTW3 I would not know what to do or where to go if that where to happen lol :) :) )

Originally posted by Nic
Are we all Adults here ?
maybe not....
i apologize... i will use PG language from now on and explain everything i mean very clearly and elementary.

It is worth keeping in mind that this is not an adults only forum, not that that would be any reason for using abusive language.


Snoops, in instances like this, you show yourself to be a great moderator, guiding, without triggering off the adrenaline.

I think that aussie MattyP must be the hack man around here, firm, no nonsense type of moderating who moves in to clean the mess fast and efficiently.

Dan, the Terminator. NOugh said.


Originally posted by timechange
"annoyed the more serious and more professional members and visitors here."

Speak for yourself, sport. More like, "annoyed the stuck-up, anal retentive, micromanaging geezers here."

Now enjoy your merry time without me.

Your a good man TC.
Sorry to hear of the incident.

But, sometimes we gain from things that we loose!

Take care pal!
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