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All Is Fair In Love, War and Business

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2002
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Please read the piece below by Gary Wiesner regarding how to handle and not too handle competition.

I am not posting this to start yet another debate as to whether emails received from a DNForum member are spam or not or whether the use of this forums' mail service was right or wrong, just to highlight that competition is a fact of life!

I am sure much of it will ring bells in your ears even though it relates to a totally unrelated industry to that we we are all part of. (Apart from you AMERICAR :D )

All Is Fair In Love, War and Business by Gary Wiesner

I’ve been hearing a lot of complaining recently about how competitors in our industry are not “playing fair”. I’ve been told that these competitors have the nerve to go directly to the market place and offer lots of great programs to lure your customer away from the protective bosom of your company into their evil corporate clutches. Boy, talk about nerve!

How dare they invade our comfy little world and stir up trouble. Our customers were happy with the way we did business before these interlopers showed up. Our customers were happy waiting for the parts they ordered until we were good and ready to deliver them. 24-hour service? Heck they were lucky if they got a delivery within 24 days! Accurate description? Well at least it was accurate the way we looked at it. Fast call response? It depends whose standards you are going by. We usually got around to calling back within a few days if we had or could find the part. We didn’t bother calling if we didn’t have it, that’s just a waste of time! No surprises on delivery? Heck, most of the time our customers weren’t surprised, they were dumbfounded!

Now these outsiders are trying to steal these customers that know and love us right out from under our noses. They don’t even try to hide what they are doing! They send salesmen to our customer’s shop to convince them. They hold meetings with insurance companies to prove that they can do a better job of servicing their needs. They send fliers, ads and brochures directly to your customer to show that there is a better way to do business. They are trying to make us look bad, and we are making it easy for them.

When was the last time we took a good hard look at the way we do business? Are we involved in any certification program that we adhere to? Are we CAR certified, CAR Gold Seal, I-Car Gold or Platinum, or ISO certified. Do we receive an independent survey or assessment of our goods and services from an outside source that lets us know how our customers really feel about our company? When did you last wonder “what can I do to make my competition hate me”? That is what your competitors are doing. They are doing what competitors are supposed to do, competing!

So, stop complaining! Get out and do something about it. Show your customers you can do what the “big guys” are promising. Be ready to deliver in more ways than one! Do whatever it takes to fight back and stay competitive! Remember, nobody likes a complainer. Our last Presidential election proved that!

Taken from http://www.autorecyc.org/docs/newsroom/speaks/2001/speaksmayjune01.htm

All sounds familiar huh?

Come on guys and gals, every industry and business has to work to be better than their competitors.

And anyway, this forum is dedicated to Domain Names, hence the name DNForum.com.

SiteTutor.com is a webmasters community - more than just domains, somewhere for people to learn how to develop and profit from the internet.

Each site will attract different types of members, some will be members of both, but, at the end of the day that is the choice of the individual.

sitetutor.com is in competition with here, so what! I as a free person will remain a member of both, use both sites to improve the many skills required to achieve some form of success in business.

Is that wrong? To me that is my right as a free person, and I shall wander where ever the doors remain open. If a door is shut, then hoepfully what I learn here and there will allow me to find the key.

The key to making a success of my life.

To close, apologies for the length of this post, it is not intended to threaten or undermine people and their opinions. I hope that it has a positive effect and encourages people to better themselves in life and in business.
Domain Days 2024

Originally posted by vialli

And anyway, this forum is dedicated to Domain Names, hence the name DNForum.com.

SiteTutor.com is a webmasters community - more than just domains, somewhere for people to learn how to develop and profit from the internet.

Each site will attract different types of members, some will be members of both, but, at the end of the day that is the choice of the individual.

Is that wrong? To me that is my right as a free person, and I shall wander where ever the doors remain open. If a door is shut, then hoepfully what I learn here and there will allow me to find the key.

Vialli, I don't agree at all,

Most of the forums on wanda's site are domain name related, the rest are related to web site development and hosting (just like here), so lets be clear the subject matter of both sites is virtually identical.

All people have a choice as to where the want to post but that's not the issue at all. The issue is about abusing a competitors resources to promote a site; by sending out bulk spam messages with many people receiving multiple emails.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
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Only amongst Wanda's disciples would you have people continuing to try and make spam an issue of freedom and competition.

People, give it a rest! The issue is such a non-issue it's unreal. Spam is an amazing pain in the ass, and so too are you people that try to spin this another way.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score

My post was not condoning the send of messages to members using DNforum's Message system, but it seems that everyone is worring about this point far too much. My post was imply saying that when the going gets tough the tough have to get going in the world of business, otherwise you get let behind.

This is not new to you and i am not preaching, it just seems that people are harping on about a few emails when the real issue is that there is another forum site which will be in competition to the one here.

As intended, I will continue to use both as there will always be something to learn from someone, somewhere.


Lets not go down this route, I was only expressing my opinion, the way I see it. At no time did i condone the emails being sent as re-iterated in my reply to snoopy, just the fact that the competition is there whether you or anyone else likes it.

It is entirely up to you whether you use on site, both sites or a completelt different forum.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2002
Reaction score
Darn Steve.

The Bar and Grill is a .. BYO

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