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How to generate revenue

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Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
May 3, 2002
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HOw to make money using websites?
I know if I have lot of capital I can build a useful service or sell goods.

Let us say with a budget of $500, how can start a revenue stream?


Some of my domains:

Domain Days 2024

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by sgopalam How to make money using websites? I know if I have lot of capital I can build a useful service or sell goods. Let us say with a budget of $500, how can start a revenue stream? Thanks, SG. Some of my domains: ShoppingSpecial.com BusinessUniverse.com WallstreetSpecial.com MP3Guru.com CarsPlaza.com

This is the million dollars question thus far unanswered after being addressed by many of us for years :confused:

The closest I have seen to answers on making money with our websites involving PPC and Affiliate Programs requires sites with 5,000 or more uniques a day :eek: a rarity few and far between. Ask member/moderator safesys about this as he has done some good posts about this.

The best way I can think of to define a money-making potential website/domain and way to proceed for almost everyone here is to have well targeted keyword rich url type-in websites and sell your own high-markup products/services ;)

BTW, the domains you listed do not appear to fall under the money-making definitions above. Sorry.

I guess you've not been reading the posts people have made in the other threads realnames, because lots of people have posted good advice on this very topic in response to your questions. Look at bidawinners posts for example.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 7, 2002
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RealNames ...

I'll take shot at this. You do NOT need names that get 5000 uniques to make money from PPC. What you need in names that get traffic! You can make money from PPC whether a name gets 3 hits a day or 500 hit's a day. The key is .. having names that get traffic .. whether through type-ins or Search Engine.

You can make money if you have lots of names that get 5+ hits a day each. The more you have .. the more you make. Real simple. If you have names that get a total of 5000 hits a day .. you can make some money. If the get 20,000 aday .. well you can do much better.

It's all about traffic ...

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys I guess you've not been reading the posts people have made in the other threads realnames, because lots of people have posted good advice on this very topic in response to your questions. Look at bidawinners posts for example.

Yes, I have read those posts very well and I believe Bid and others are basically saying what I said. I don't see any conflict in views and agree with most of the other posts here regarding the need to have well targeted keyword rich domains and offering our own products and services for most all low traffic sites.

Why do you think I did not read the other posts very well? I fail to understand why you are trying to make it sound like I am wrong and have contrary or incorrect views on this :confused:

Exactly where I am incorrect safesys? Please tell me. I think you are just saying this as you really enjoy playing the devils advocate with me for some weird reason :mad:

bids post had nothing to do with the 5k uniques a day - it was to do with tapping niche markets and making small revenue from lots of sites that adds up to a nice figure.

you seem to ask the same question over and over again regarding revenue - and despite what people tell you, you still seem to be expecting some magic formula that means revenue without effort. Several people have spent time explaining different approaches to you but you're dismissive of them and post a comment like:

This is the million dollars question thus far unanswered after being addressed by many of us for years

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys bids post had nothing to do with the 5k uniques a day - it was to do with tapping niche markets and making small revenue from lots of sites that adds up to a nice figure. you seem to ask the same question over and over again regarding revenue - and despite what people tell you, you still seem to be expecting some magic formula that means revenue without effort. Several people have spent time explaining different approaches to you but you're dismissive of them....

I did not ask this question, but was replying to sgopalam who asked how to make money with low traffic sites, yet you made it sound like I was the one who started this thread only to bitch about this subject.

Many other members have posted about the difficulty of making money with low traffic webitses, not just me so why do you attack me all the time and say I am dismissive, etc., when all I am doing is basically agreeing with the others and offering my own ideas (which by the way I believe to be accurate).

I also am fairly certain I am correct in saying this "The best way I can think of to define a money-making potential website/domain and way to proceed for almost everyone here is to have well targeted keyword rich url type-in websites and sell your own high-markup products/services." Do you safesys disagree with that?

A number of my other replies were regarding replying to helping others with thoughts on this. Most all the that has been about low traffic sites, not 5,000/day, something you have posted about.

I think you are the one not reading the posts correctly safesys and also seem to be mistating the issues seemingly blaming me for expecting a magic formula. I know there is no magic formula except the formula in the 2nd paragraph up from this one, which is clearly the only way to make money on low traffic sites.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by aactive RealNames ...
I'll take shot at this. You do NOT need names that get 5000 uniques to make money from PPC. What you need in names that get traffic! You can make money from PPC whether a name gets 3 hits a day or 500 hit's a day. The key is .. having names that get traffic .. whether through type-ins or Search Engine.

You can make money if you have lots of names that get 5+ hits a day each. The more you have .. the more you make. Real simple. If you have names that get a total of 5000 hits a day .. you can make some money. If the get 20,000 aday .. well you can do much better. It's all about traffic ...

I am NOT the one who has insisted 5,000/uniques a day are needed. I got that figure from safesys who is well understood to be adamant in his views regarding 5,000/day or more.

Please convince safesys that you can make money on 3 hits a day as you said. Originally I doubted that such heavy traffic was required but safesys quickly and adamantly said it was so. Read his posts on this issue.

Safesys started to get me convinced the 5,000 figure was correct and as soon as I started posting on the difficulty of making PPC money with low traffic sites and somewhat agreeing with him he immidiately turned on me and seemed to suddenly switch gears on the issue saying in not so many words I should listen to others regarding low traffic site revenue :confused:

That was totally contary to his other posts insisting very high traffic sites were needed to make PPC money. Safesys allegedly simply enjoys contradicting others, myself in particular :mad:

I don't see any point in replying to your post realnames, I just hope you can find a way to generate a revenue that fits in with the effort you are prepared to put in.

Originally posted by RealNames

I am NOT the one who has insisted 5,000/uniques a day are needed. I got that figure from safesys who is well understood to be adamant in his views regarding 5,000/day or more.

Please convince safesys that you can make money on 3 hits a day as you said. Originally I doubted that such heavy traffic was required but safesys quickly and adamantly said it was so. Read his posts on this issue.

I am a patient person by nature, but for the LAST TIME the 5,000 uniques a day was for ***PPC*** revenue to be worthwhile.

I have said again and again that you can make money from less traffic, its PPC that need the high traffic to convert well.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys I am a patient person by nature, but for the LAST TIME the 5,000 uniques a day was for ***PPC*** revenue to be worthwhile.
I have said again and again that you can make money from less traffic, its PPC that need the high traffic to convert well.

I know, so why do you think otherwise? I have posted many times that I clearly understood you meant PPC and Affiliate programs.

Apparently you did not read those earlier posts and did not read my earlier apologies to you regarding the initial misunderstanding.

It would have also been helpful and polite of you if you would have acknowledged my apology. I asked you if you read my apology by both a post and private mail but you did not reply at all.

Your original post is quoted wholesale in my reply above - and you did not mention PPC once in it - that was added in your edited version.

You cannot make worthwhile ppc money (se based) on 3 hits a day - you can with the other approaches as I have said before, so why would I need convincing of something I've already agreed with elsewhere?

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys Your original post is quoted wholesale in my reply above - and you did not mention PPC once in it - that was added in your edited version. You cannot make worthwhile ppc money (se based) on 3 hits a day - you can with the other approaches as I have said before, so why would I need convincing of something I've already agreed with elsewhere?

This is incorrect safesys. I admitted and apologized regarding an earlier misunderstanding regarding PPC revenues. You refused to acknowledge my apology even when I asked you by both posts and PM.

For the last time safesys, I fully understand you have always been talking about PPC and Affiliate Programs and known that for a long time already.

BTW, if in fact I edited a post it was to avoid any misunderstanding or to clarify it, and not done for any other reason or a cover-up attempt as you seem to think.

For the last time safesys, I fully understand you have always been talking about PPC and Affiliate Programs and known that for a long time already.

Please convince safesys that you can make money on 3 hits a day as you said. Originally I doubted that such heavy traffic was required but safesys quickly and adamantly said it was so. Read his posts on this issue.

Surely thats a contradiction?

If you've known all along that I was referring to PPC, why are you saying that I need convincing that you can make money from 3 hits a day? Its a simple fact that 3 hits a day in ppc won't make you any worthwhile revenue - but 3 targetted hits a day for a high value item can.

If you think I "enjoy" contradicting other people then you're wrong - I want to see people do well, thats why I spend as much time as I do trying to help. But there are limits to my patience.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Getting back ON TOPIC, your best bet if you don't have "type in" domains (which the original poster's clearly aren't) is to put time and effort into building a site with useful CONTENT and some suitable AFFILIATE ADS scattered around, and then start promoting it in the search engines, generating reciprocal links, and all the other activities that webmasters who don't have the luxury of type in traffic have to do to get traffic to their site.

Out of your $500 budget, set aside $100-150 to get decent hosting for your new site (including a dedicated IP address) and then hang on to the rest of the money until you can find a specific use for it (such as paying for submission to a search engine such as Inktomi or ASK, or to a directory such as Yahoo!)

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys Surely thats a contradiction? If you've known all along that I was referring to PPC, why are you saying that I need convincing that you can make money from 3 hits a day? Its a simple fact that 3 hits a day in ppc won't make you any worthwhile revenue - but 3 targetted hits a day for a high value item can. If you think I "enjoy" contradicting other people then you're wrong - I want to see people do well, thats why I spend as much time as I do trying to help. But there are limits to my patience.

I don't understand the contradiction here safesys. Perhaps you read that somehow or perhaps I did not use the best words but no contradiction was intended. Of course, I agree 100% with you that its impossible re PPC. So why do you think there was a contradiction, when there was not? .:confused:

To use a quote from Namethink the reference to 'convincing you' was made "tongue-in-cheek" (a joke) or to exagerate the point it was far fetched the average website could make money on 3 hits/day based on PPC, which you would be the first one to attest to and last one to convince it was possible. Right?

I was not aware we need to very closely check the wording of posts here to make sure they are very exact and explicit and absolutey no room for any wordage or terminology errors or misuse or different interpretation of the words used. Of course that is done in a formal manuscript, article for media publication, or book but normally not done to such an extreme involving forum posts.

It's also odd you were so heavily in favor of Namethink's tongue-in-cheek post and critical of me for not realizing it was so, but so critical of my own tongue-in-cheek words. Perhaps we should all use the King's English here and especially stop any tongue-in-cheek to make your moderation of our posts easier.

You are reading the posts very closely and perhaps reading between the lines a bit too much. Perhaps you should also check your own word usage more closely as this entire confrontation between us is related to you not making things clear yourself.

That misunderstanding started regarding you meaning 5,000 hits/day are needed to justify a 'high ticket' domain puchase but my (wrongly) understanding you meant high ticket website product sales since I do not think you made the distinction clear at the time.

Once again I must say it seems like you are always on the offensive or defensive and ready to instantly lash out at me over things we actually both agree on for the most part but you seem to interpret things differently or read between the lines too much.


Safesys. I hate to say it but "I told you so"

Btw, realnames, I am not sure the green faces are anymore professional than the sigs you objected to so vehemently.


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by MattyP Safesys. I hate to say it but "I told you so" Btw, realnames, I am not sure the green faces are anymore professional than the sigs you objected to so vehemently. Matt

Exactly what are you trying to say MattyP with that comment? It seems you are perhaps trying to embarass me by implying you told Safesys something negative about me that has come to pass, or at least that's the way I am reading you MattyP. If you are merely sending a personal message to safesys why not send it via PM rather than a public post?

Also, am I the only one here using the green faces? I think some others here use them frequently too. What is wrong with that anyway? Why does Dan Gessler offer it as a feature of dnforum if it should not be used too much? Why don't you tell Dan he should not offer them anymore for members to use?

You are also totally wrong in equating these small green icons to the giant size stupid and idiotic images so many here used after Timechange found out it could be done, such as the giant American Car, Britney Spears, JLo and other ridiculous oversize images posted by some members here for no valid purpose whatsoever other than to have some stupid fun, act childish and annoy others.

Your odd attempt to compare the small Green Icons to the giant Images so many here abused this forum with is really weird MattyP and makes no sense at all. Especially since the green icons are there for a good and valid purpose in conveying a meaning behind a sentence without going into personal detail, be it smiles or angry icons. It is much more polite and less controversial than spelling everything out in lots of words in forums and is commonly used by many other forums too.

It's quite strange a Moderator here would say such ridiculous things MattyP. Is that perhaps because you were in favor of the giant image fiasco. BTW, was I the only one to complain about them? No. In fact, the complaints were posted by others BEFORE I also jumped on that bandwagon, is that not so? Would you like me to locate the original posts by others who complained first so you can be critical of them too rather than just try to embarass myself? :mad:

For people with lower levels of traffic people should probably be trying to find a suitably targetted affiliate for their domains or join one of the ppc's who have been known to take those with smaller amounts of traffic (HINT: 7SEARCH). I think the important thing to think about is traffic quality also, some people would probably make more from a domain with 100 hits through an affiliate than others might make from 5000 hits to a search page, if the 100 hits is of high enough quality. I'm not saying pay per click is bad revenue wise, quite the oppositite, its just that it isn't the only way to make money. I've heard of lots of people making decent money from relatively low amounts of traffic, its just that you may have to work hard to find suitable affiliates for each domain.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 11, 2002
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RealNames just start at some point, revenue will start coming in. If you like to have a million dollar the very first day, than its not possible, even with the traffic sex.com gets
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