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Members Domain Name Showcase

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Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2002
Reaction score
May i suggest a members domain name showcase listing, where each member could list, say 5 to 10 of his or her domain names that are for sale to dealers.

Such category would be a waste of space time and effort if it was a retail type of thing.

Any thoughts anybody ?

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I can't see it doing any harm and if it helps sell domains for people, why not?
Domain Days 2024


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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5-10 of everyone's best names would be nice.Tha way it would not be as chaotic as it is on AN. And the place wouldn't be crowded with crapnames(at least not so many).:)


Americar, Sounds good, 10 is the right number for a showcase listing. Where would it be, linked to our profile? Or are you saying make 'Domain Showcase' a new forum where members can post threads listing their showcase URL's? How would it be much different than the 'Domains For Sale' forum except you could list up to 10 names at a time?


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2002
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I think that either a new forum on the front page, saying members show case; or something to perhaps highlight and indicate that a member has a show case when they log on.

Anything no matter how it would be done would be time consuming and costly, so paying for that privilage would no doudt be appropriate in this case scenario.

I dont mean in points dollars either, so far everything here is for free, commercial reality says that cant continue forever.

I cant see many objections to paying to advertise a members names in a special show case section of the front page, far better than having to look thu old threads to find anything.

And who knows who has what for sale as it is at the moment, a special name show case would eliminate that problem.

But i hope that it would not turn into another afternic, 10 names maximum are my thoughts.


it might also be something were we have like Ebay Stores, but call them DNFORUM Stores. This way, you could like pay $3.00/month and get your own little area (i.e. dnforum.com/username) were you can display and list your domain names.

Possibly also have something like a DNFORUM Stores Search, were a person could input a name and then find out who is selling it, or something close to it.

Just a possiblitiy.


Originally posted by jimb
it might also be something were we have like Ebay Stores, but call them DNFORUM Stores. This way, you could like pay $3.00/month and get your own little area (i.e. dnforum.com/username) were you can display and list your domain names.

Possibly also have something like a DNFORUM Stores Search, were a person could input a name and then find out who is selling it, or something close to it.

Just a possiblitiy.


Hi Jim

I don't want to make suggestions that are technically or economically unfeasible, but I think a chargeable service would only be worthwhile if it was more than a simple listing of domains. (Unless, of course, it's included in some sort of annual fee for the whole site, which you know I support).

What would be useful (if it can be easily built and cheaply maintained, and I'm no designer or programmer), is a functionality to set up simple single webpages for names with easily implemented affiliate programs. (to make things simpler, redirects can be done through mydomain.com).

Now that could make a little profit on the side for a half-decent domain with a little seo work done, while promoting the name itself. That's worth something...

Just my $0.02



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2002
Reaction score
Need to keep this up the front for a while longer



one thing that we must keep in mind is that we do not want to be competition to the community who we serve. There are alot of places that offer domain listings, and by implementing a system like this we would be in competition with some of our members. Its never good to do this with forum communities. I think that was why WebHostingTalk never went through with their Host Directory, because too many of their advertisers/supports were Hosting Directory Owners or Employees.

Just FYI,

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