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My First Post

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Hello all!
I'll start out saying I'm sorta a newbie to the domain world. I've done a lot of reading though lately and wow.. there are so many levels to the domain business! Recently, I was reading about expiring domains and that was really interesting. I was even thinking about diving right in. As I read more I realized that going to Snapnames wasn't gonna get me my dream domains. Being a student in college, I came to the conclusion that I don't have enough time, resources, and knowledge to get the domains I'd really like. (note: i'm trying to get domains to develope for some websites I have and maybe after I get out of school, for a future business)

Also I wanted to share what an enlightenment (wonder if that's the best word) when I realized why over the years I have ended up at the ultimatesearch and buydomain pages so many times as I was surfing the web.

Anyway, I've decided my best bet is to try to buy domains from the owners directly, instead of hoping to snatch one when it expires. What I've done is made a huge list of potential domains I want and some variations to cover all my bases. Then I was off WHOISing. After a while I couldn't stand typing each .com .net etc manually. What I was trying to do is check the WHOIS to see if they are a company or individual, then check the site itself to see what my chances are of buying it from the owner.

So then I went searching all over and the best Google got me was this site:
and it isn't exactly working for me (maybe I had to many domains listed)

You get all your domains listed on the left, you click on one and there's the whois info and if it looks promising I open up a new window and check out the website.

Right now I'm looking at perl and php scripts and lastly I think I will try programs/software for looking up domain names I guess.

What I want to do is just copy at list of domain names I'm interested in and have something (a script, program, or a website!) bring up the whois info all in one place, instead of manually going one by one. There's got to be an automatic way! :D

Also, (i don't know if this is even possible) is there way where you can look up a company/person and see all the registered names they own? This would definitely make my searching easier in some cases!

Lastly, since I haven't bought any domains yet, if anyone can direct me to resources (sites, books, etc.) on how/the process/tips for buying domains would greatly be appreciated. I think I really need some examples on how to negotiate prices and how to write emails in a certain way. Because (sadly) the few owners I have contacted, have never responded. Maybe because I don't have a lot of $$$. I set up a savings account with $1500 for buying domains (heaven forbid my parents find out -- they'd say it would be better spent on the school books) :rolleyes:. In fact, since money is a real big issue, I told myself not to spend more than $500 on a single domain, unless it's one on my top list. I even balked at Afternic when I saw a $50 membership fee. :laugh:

Well, this is getting long (sorry) so to help you out I'll list my questions:
1) Anybody know of a multiple domain whois?
2) Is there a way you can lookup a company/person and see all the domains registered under them?
3) Suggestions/Resources on domain buying?
4) Do I even have enuff money? hehe

I think I will continue saving up over the years, how much do you guys think is enough funds?
I know my chances are pretty slim, but say I go after a 2 letter domain someday, how much ya think I'd need? (though I doubt I'd ever get my hands on one). :D

Okay okay I think I've asked too many questions for a first post. I'll be quiet now. Thank you for reading!

Domain Summit 2024


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
Reaction score
Welcome Mango. You sure are methodical and this is good, and you aren't zooming off to reg heaps of domain names without thinking it through, which is also good.

My 2 cents worth is that you should look hard and wide until you come across the best .com - nothing else - that $1500 will buy, and buy it off an exisiting owner who might want some quick cash. This is far better than blowing the $1500 to reg 150 mediocre new names, or 15 average names at $100 each.

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I use signaturedomains' bulk check - it's good because you can also see how much interest is in a name across com/net/org/info/biz/us in one hit.



Forum Announcements
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I would suggest reading up Domain Guru's "The Insider's Guide To Domain Name Speculation" here:


It's really a good book for starters, covers basically everything in domain reselling..


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2002
Reaction score

having a issue with the amazing grasp of the business you have without having first registered a few hundered lame names

very well done

however are you telling the whole story the domains you need to chase to that extent with the resources you request which do exist are not the names that your looking for

(note: i'm trying to get domains to develope for some websites I have and maybe after I get out of school, for a future business)

you sound like a pro on a fishing trip for competive info

if i wrong which i often am its a compliment

if your lokking for traffic typein typos mispells generic and links (which will evaporate if not used and revelent content industry)
and the cream of the crop you will need tools to be competive without spending a fortune.

contacting the owner while i hate to say it as it hurts the drop pool done agressivley can work but the ratio of name garnered versu alerting the owner if you can find them is less than desirable but is the only choice of some who cant compete with the field.

if you want quality domains and even good catchs thats doable for reg costs and brandable names can be had all day long.

your thought process is on the money and you should be succesful in any game you play.

i have some resources that you can purchase reasonably and some refferal for services and even some free info if you wish to mail me as i cant mail you.

there are a lot of bright people in this game( i am the token dummy) and everyday someones perfecting the wheel.
good luck with your pursuits



Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 31, 2002
Reaction score
Where else can you find a business where competitors help each other? This is a very quazy.

quack :D

Originally posted by domainduck
Where else can you find a business where competitors help each other? This is a very quazy.

quack :D

The cartel is trying to get world oil producers to cut production to stabilize prices.


Thanks everybody for responding!
I'm reading the posts over pretty quick, 'cause I will have to get to class, hopefully I can answer some things.

I'm really not into like reselling domain names or making money off 'em. I just wanted a dozen (maybe less) names that to my disappointment were already registered by people-- some who were actually doing something with the name and others nada. When I found out that domain names can expire, I was like wow maybe I could actually get those names. Instead of settling for a less than perfect name, I had actually hope lol. Also I think it's because I'm pretty picky person and wanted the best I can get. Though, with all the reading I done so far, I saw this domain name game is actually a very serious thing and competative. So that's where I decided I'd just be better off buying it from the owner.

Some of the websites I was talking about are for me and some are projects I have with friends. One project I'm helping with is an email service. Well, one of the things that we wanted was domain name(s) that were memorable for users. I found searching for unregistered email-like domain was virtually non existant. Also, we polled people and they really like short short domains for their email. Other sites I have myself range from a huge fan site to game sites to web design to campus clubs and orginizations.

Anyway, I think I might've gotten hooked or something with the domain thing (i've been reading/researching for a month now) and just found it so fascinating... yep I think i'm definitely a nerd :D. Whoever said I sounded like a pro (i haven't even bought any domains lol) thanks. I'm really more into web design and making websites. I don't know if I can turn that hobby into a business someday, or maybe I can get into this domain thing. :razz:

Oh yeah, if you wanna email me or send me stuff I put my email on the left I think. It's OK, that is my spam-anything-goes account.

(that is my favorite fruit if u wanted to know)


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
are you mango from saturday night live ! :)


Originally posted by Nic
are you mango from saturday night live ! :)

sorry, no :D
In fact I don't recall every seeing Mango on SNL...

To answer another question that someone mailed me is how I managed to not buy any domains. It's really simple: I don't have a credit card :rolleyes: hehe
If, I really wanted a domain I'd either have to ask my parents or have a friend do it. I know some registrars accept money orders, but I haven't found any of those yet. Though, I am hoping my bank will approve of a student credit card soon! Until then, I'll just keep reading up on things. So far, this is the place I learned the majority about the domain world; oughta thank you guys for all your wonderful knowlege you share. This is one of those places you can learn so much and not ever have to post (is that a good thing? :razz: ).



Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Jun 29, 2002
Reaction score
Welcome Mango and good luck!

It would be nice to see a newbe avoide all the mistakes we all made, and you seem to be willing to learn :)


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Jun 29, 2002
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welcome domainer and I hope you have as much fun as I do here :)


1) Anybody know of a multiple domain whois?
2) Is there a way you can lookup a company/person and see all the domains registered under them?

I found answers to some of my questions-
1) I found 2 sites that almost have what I wanted. Right now, I'm looking at making a custom script or using either one of these programs (would be great if anyone can provide feedback on 'em):
http://www.findgoodnames.com/index.htm (free)
http://www.alphacomsoft.com/avdomains.htm ($$)

2) Google Answers is awesome:

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