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namecheap.com ?

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Domain Summit 2024


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
i would not want to use them for reselling


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
There are better ones out there if you ask me.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
May 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nic
There are better ones out there if you ask me.

I need someone that can match their prices.
They sell domains to you for only $7.99 with a small non-refundable startup fee of only $25.

Any others like that?



The name says it all :D

Wait for eNom's new PDQ. Preview it at http://www.enom.com/help/faq_pdq.asp

Don't forget you can be a reseller, but a happy customer is what counts. Your name is attached to that sale. Get the best. It always pays off in the mid-long term.

btw... AssuredSatisfaction.biz is still available.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2002
Reaction score
But enom requires $500 set up... I think?


$99 bucks :D

I'd probably get one for the heck of it - personal registrar :D

Wait a second... I think there's a little confusion, here.

For starters, NameCheap is an eNom reseller. As an eNom reseller, it is able to create eNom reseller accounts beneath its own eNom reseller account. And when you pay the $25 to NameCheap, that's precisely what it does: Creates a new eNom reseller account beneath its own eNom reseller account -- one that can be logged-in to directly on the eNom web site where the new NameCheap/eNom reseller will have all the features of a regular eNom reseller account that a person could get directly from eNom.

eNom's new (still upcoming, at this writing) PDQ product is something that a person can only obtain if they're an eNom reseller. The cost to sign-up for and use PDQ will be $99 per year. But the cost of becoming an eNom reseller in the first place so that one may even avail oneself of the ability to sign-up for PDQ is, in effect, the minimum initial funding of the reseller account which is $500. In other words, you can't get PDQ unless you're an eNom reseller. And you can't become an eNom reseller -- at leat not a direct eNom reseller -- unless you do the minimum initial funding of the reseller account credit balance at $500. Thereafter, replenishment of the eNom reseller account credit balance is $100 per replenishment.

That's where the value of signing-up to be a reseller at a place like NameCheap comes in...

...and starts to look really attractive, to wit:

When you sign-up as an eNom reseller with NameCheap (or with any eNom reseller, for that matter), and then when you first log-in to your new eNom reseller account on the eNom web site, your reseller account credit balance is, of course zero. However -- and make sure you understand this so you'll see its value -- the eNom system treats you as if you're an existing, mature reseller whose balance has simply slipped to zero. As such, you may then initially fund your reseller account's credit balance with only $100 -- the minimum replenishment amount that all resellers pay whenever they wish to replenish their reseller accounts.

Do you see what that means? It means that by signing-up as a reseller with NameCheap, you end-up being allowed to become an eNom reseller without having to pay eNom's $500 initial funding level. Instead, you need only pay $100 initially. And, for that $100 you get a price ($7.99) that, had you signed-up directly with eNom, would have required of you an initial funding of nearly $4,000. The aforementioned $500 initial funding directly to eNom pre-pays the purchase of 55 names at $8.95 each. To get one's reseller price directly from eNom down to $7.95, one must initially funding his or her eNom direct account with $3,975 which pre-pays the purchase of 500 names.

Signing-up as an eNom reseller with NameCheap for $25 plus the $100 minimum funding gets you the same prices per domain that eNom direct resellers must pay nearly $4,000 in order to get!

I suspect that Nic is basing his "they suck" on NameCheap's track record of usability and support to its retail customers who purchase and maintain their domain names via NameCheap's own custom interface and back-end programming which, in turn, communicates with the eNom system. That, I think even NameCheap would have to painfully admit, has been a little flakey at times -- not usually, mind you, but certainly at sometimes. And when it has, I've read in various places, NameCheap's support has sometimes not exactly been as quick to respond as some of its clients would have liked -- or so they've claimed. And that issue, I'll leave for the folks at NameCheap to jump in here and address if they wish to.

But a person who pays NameCheap its twenty five bucks and then lets NameCheap set them up as an eNom reseller beneath NameCheap's eNom reseller account does not even deal with NameCheap's custom interface. NameCheap's resellers use the eNom web site directly -- just like NameCheap itself does. So, at least for NameCheap's resellers, it doesn't even matter if NameCheap sucks (which, in my opinion, it doesn't... but I'm just saying). All that matters for those NameCheap customers is how well the eNom web site works.

And one of the features of which an eNom reseller -- no matter whether a direct eNom reseller or one created beneath NameCheap's (or any other eNom reseller's) reseller account -- may avail itself will be eNom's new PDQ system which will cost eNom reseller $99 per year. That $99 per year fee is separate and apart from the aforementioned initial funding of the reseller account credit balance.

Hope that clears things up.


Yup deselms, thanks for the effort in typing all that in for the heads up. Members like you are really helpful. I need to go to bed ... ciao

Being a reseller for eNOM, and knowing that NameCheap is also a reseller, AND having used NameCheap for a year for more than 200 domains, I would have to say it would be in your best interest to find a different eNOM reseller to give you a good price on a reseller account.

What is VERY important to look out for, is the quality of the Tech Support and Customer Service the eNOM reseller you sign under, has.

My personal experience with NameCheap, though $8.88 is a decent enough price, you are also buying CHEAP, unreliable technical support!

No phone number to contact....... Days go by with no response to e-mails, domains that are close to expiration, mysteriously are no longer available in your account to remove the registrar lock to enable a transfer OUT of NameCheap. Making it impossible to transfer the names out unless you e-mail them, and HOPE to have it straightened out BEFORE the expiration.

This coupled with a difficult site for navigation and domain name management, especially for those with MANY domains!

There are some REALLY GOOD eNOM resellers that can give you both a good price and decent support. So take your time and look around for a good one!

You'll be happier and you will stand to profit more, with LESS B.S.

eNOM in my book, is the best game out there for domain name resellers!

I may not offer a $7.99 price for initially to resellers, however you can be sure that you will get great support, with a great deal of experience in using eNOM. VOLUME dictates the prices I offer to the reseller who signs up with Beyond Domains.

The new PDQ interface is REALLY VERY NICE!! And saves me so much time by comparison to using Rocket Registry links, like I used to do at Beyond Domains. Using Rocket Registry links meant I had to process each new account myself, with PDQ this is done automatically for me!!

However, there are a few things you should know about the PDQ interface and how it works....

1. You may have only ONE (1) PDQ account per reseller account. However, you may use the PDQ interface with any other domain name as well.

2. If you currently have a domain site up and running, you may not want to COMPLETELY dedicate that domain name to the PDQ interface, as you will not be bale to retain the content of your site. eNOM does take over the DNS and you do not have the option of adding other content.

To solve this problem, I used BeyondDomains.net for the PDQ interface, because this would make sense to my clients, though it's the .NET, it is obviously Beyond Domains. Then I just have links to BeyondDomains.net for domain name registrations, transfers, and domain name management from BeyondDomains.com.

This way I still have my main BeyondDomains.com site running, with all my content and my search engine rankings staying intact, with all the advantages of PDQ available for my customers, using BeyondDomains.net.

PDQ is the BEST thing eNOM has introduced in the past year and WELL WORTH the $99 yearly fee for it's use.

I have submitted a WISH LIST to eNOM requesting control over the Meta Tags, and Header Info, as well as the Page Title. In addition I would like to see STATS to better inform me of where my sales are being generated from.

I signed up for PDQ the day it became available and I have been using it ever since! I LOVE IT!


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
yes benno that was cleared up by deselms 3 floors up ! :)

powerpipe (enom reseller) charges a standard $7.99 with no upfront fees.


I use namecheap.com to register names and have found them to be excellent.

They have always answered queries and in fact once spent some time and effort in locating a name for me that was registered at a different registrar.

It was a .info name and the registrar is not on the whois.

Took them a couple of days to get me the info but get it they did and emailed it to me.

Can't complain at all about them.



Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
May 21, 2002
Reaction score
I am also pretty impressed with namecheap.
I found their support very responsive, especially for that price. Just yesterday they have set up my personal nameservers within 12 hours. And they let me pay by paypal as well (which not many registrars do).
Of course there are glitches in the system (I experienced them as well), but they are usually solved very quickly.
They are not perfect, but for that price, they are certainly a great deal. :D

BTW: Has anyone ever had experiences with the directi reseller program? Their price is unbeatable and their upcoming API should also be pretty good as I heard.

Actually, I just dicussed it with OWNDOMAINS.COM since I know they are reseller for ENOM.com (THEY ARE USING PDQ).

I checked it with them, and they told me they can do it, setup fee USD 30 (paid by PAYPAL) and grant me a price of 7.99...

Their response is so quick and nice. :)


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Jun 7, 2002
Reaction score
I must say some of you people are very dedicated! Wow! There is a lot of talk about eNom resellers. www.dnbuy.com is also an enom reseller and my totally biased opinion is that DNbuys service and support is better than all others out there. It may have something to do with the fact that I am involved with the company but I would definitely welcome your unbiased opinions about us.

Thanks folks.

Jim Kerr
DNbuy inc.
[email protected]


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2002
Reaction score
I have been using DNbuy for almost a year and I must say, there's no need to look any further. When are you going to release your reseller plan to the public?
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