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discussion Nicknames and .link

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Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
While binge buying .link domains I discovered that hundreds of "Nickname" domains were still available to register at $2 each. Even Nickname(s).link was available to buy, so for $2 I said what the hell;) It should make for a good platform from which to sell domain names like;


Note that I'll be promoting .link domains to "end users" with or without the help of the new registry Nova.link based in Malta. UNR, formerly Uniregistry was the previous owner of the .link registry and here is one of the reasons that so many Premium domains are available to register;

".Link has close to 200,000 domains in the zone, down from a peak of over 400,000 in 2016. However, that peak was partially driven by self-registrations at Uniregistry"

The above quote came from Andrew Allemann of DNN, and was the trigger that started my binge buying of .link domains. That and the Linkedin association with the keyword "link".

Finally, a little factoid about the name Spooky.com. If you key it into your URL it will take you to GD where they're asking $1,000,000, yes that's one million dollars for the domain Spooky.com.....how crazy is thato_O considering Spooky.link was recently purchased for just $2.

Critique anyone?


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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there is a difference, between a premium term and a premium domain.

when the extension is not one of, or in demand, then the term with that extension may not be seen as premium.

and... even in specific instances where some outliers make the news, without general public acceptance, trust and usage, then they become an extreme alternative for hopefuls.

premium domains like 'spooky.com' definitely receive type-in traffic on a daily basis and without a doubt, that traffic peaks every year during Halloween season.

the potential for it, is incomparable to that of a .link domain

hype... is your only hope



Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks Biggie....ironically i just registered the domain Biggie.link to gift to you if you want it. It cost me just two bucks so it's no biggie:)

and you're absolutely right about; "hype... is your only hope". I've been at this game for a while, and according to our friend Rob M, HYPE should be my middle name.

While I don't know for sure, "Premium" domains are assigned that designation by the registry that's selling them?

I also notice that you have Biggie.us for sale in the "hope" that someone finds it similar to my trying to sell Spooky.link or TopGun.link. You and I both know there's a snowballs chance in hell our domains will be found, however information like SAW's new appraisal program valuing Biggie.com at $254,000 makes for one hell of an observation for a potential "end user" to learn about "if" they're looking to buy the "Biggie" name.

Finally, you and I both know there's zero technical difference between Biggie.com and Biggie.us.....both of these domains can take a consumer to the exact same website regardless of what's right of the dot. It was Verisign that let the cat out of the bag a few year ago about the corrupt nature of the aftermarket, but brokers the likes of Go Daddy/UNR, Turn Commerce, and Huge Domains were able to reign Verisign (the .com monoply) back in, but they won't be able to reign me back in when my message goes viral.

Thanks again for your comments Biggie.


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DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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here is one of the reasons that so many Premium domains are available to register;

While I don't know for sure, "Premium" domains are assigned that designation by the registry that's selling them?


if, you let registry decide, then of course you'll think that there are lots of "Premium" domains available.

also for you to go personal and off-topic to reflect on a.us domain which i use, is irrelevant to the subject.

but back to topic:
the other side of the coin could be seen as:
Uniregistry dumped .link, and it was a smart move, if he saw failure in it's future.

another thing to consider is why godaddy didn't get .link while negotiating to get unireg?

just saying....



Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
Not so sure I was off topic in that I own Biggie.link and I was simply pointing out a wee bit of irony....sorry if you were offended.

I really don't trust anyone in the aftermarket game starting with Go Daddy. While I owned a company, Inquisitor Investigations (from 1995 to 2015) very little gets by me. I've now had a half dozen unethical experiences with multiple registries that speaks volumes about the nature of the industry. In the case of GD, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing (GD and Afternic), and I'm still investigating the reasoning behind it?

You were the one who mentioned "hype" as being my "only hope". You might add "truth" and "law suits" to that equation. When you have the likes of Verisign on your side, it makes for a compelling case. When few if any nicknames with .com are actually available, domain extensions like .link and .us are viable alternatives.

Do you care to discuss how I intend to market .link domains to the health care industry? To the Financial Services and Real Estate industry? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks


Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score

if, you let registry decide, then of course you'll think that there are lots of "Premium" domains available.

also for you to go personal and off-topic to reflect on a.us domain which i use, is irrelevant to the subject.

but back to topic:
the other side of the coin could be seen as:
Uniregistry dumped .link, and it was a smart move, if he saw failure in it's future.

another thing to consider is why godaddy didn't get .link while negotiating to get unireg?

just saying....

Thought i'd circle back Biggie and share with you 1 of 5 .link names I just registered an hour ago and see what you think? It's cultivate.link.....note first that cultivate.com is already registered and it leads to the following site: https://cultivate.com/about/ Furthermore, SAW appraises cultivate.com for 161K and the domain cultivate.co sold for $5,000 in 2017. Then checking with USPTO i learned the name is trademarked for about a half a dozen different businesses none of which I envision. Moving on, cultivate.link was first registered in 2015 then dropped 12/2021.

Biggie...i just paid $2 for this domain which sounds absolutely crazy, but it's the TRUTH. You've heard me talk a lot about risk vs. reward and I challenge anyone reading this why you wouldn't think this could be one of the best risk vs. reward investments anyone could possibly make? btw, I've made hundreds of similar $2 investments/bets on .link domains because this industry is beyond fu*ked up, but therein lies the opportunity as I see it.

Comments? Observations? Questions?.....this is what this message board is about isn't it?


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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I just registered an hour ago and see what you think?

personally, i think you should post your fresh regs in appraisal section, like everybody else.

it's not a general discussion anymore, when you seek opinions about your specific domains.

additionally, i don't care about appraisal site values, so no point in bringing them up... unless you're trying to promote the service or influence others.



Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score

personally, i think you should post your fresh regs in appraisal section, like everybody else.

it's not a general discussion anymore, when you seek opinions about your specific domains.

additionally, i don't care about appraisal site values, so no point in bringing them up... unless you're trying to promote the service or influence others.

You totally miss my point Biggie....opinions are shared in general discussions about pretty much anything. Regardless, appraisals are all over the map as you and I know, but realtors sell millions of dollars in real estate every day by showing neighborhood comparables.

Finally, I'm not trying to sell any of my domains to you or members of this forum, but I am looking for feedback from someone/anyone who actually thinks or believes there has to be a better way to market and sell domains to end users. Apparently you don't think so, but there might be someone who does?


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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You totally miss my point Biggie....opinions are shared in general discussions about pretty much anything. Regardless, appraisals are all over the map as you and I know, but realtors sell millions of dollars in real estate every day by showing neighborhood comparables.

Finally, I'm not trying to sell any of my domains to you or members of this forum, but I am looking for feedback from someone/anyone who actually thinks or believes there has to be a better way to market and sell domains to end users. Apparently you don't think so, but there might be someone who does?
i don't think regging .link is a better way to market anything
but if you do, then do it... and be done

you don't need my approval



Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
i don't think regging .link is a better way to market anything
but if you do, then do it... and be done

you don't need my approval

oh, did i say i needed your approval? i just asked for your thoughts and you gave them to me:rolleyes: Thanks


Level 4
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
My opinion about .link is that it can't be used like a primary domain for any other brand apart from those that already end with link. For example: site.link, page.link, direct.link, etc.

When the use case is less then you probably are just throwing away that money. Even a few $2 add up and you can still get a decent two word .COM for $8-$9 instead. Or if you enjoy the low price you could register .XYZ names which are getting more and more popular.

For making good returns in domaining you need to reject a lot of names before investing in the best that you can find. Start getting picky with what you buy and your portfolio quality will increase.

Wish you all the best either way!! :)


Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
My opinion about .link is that it can't be used like a primary domain for any other brand apart from those that already end with link. For example: site.link, page.link, direct.link, etc.

When the use case is less then you probably are just throwing away that money. Even a few $2 add up and you can still get a decent two word .COM for $8-$9 instead. Or if you enjoy the low price you could register .XYZ names which are getting more and more popular.

For making good returns in domaining you need to reject a lot of names before investing in the best that you can find. Start getting picky with what you buy and your portfolio quality will increase.

Wish you all the best either way!! :)
and that's your opinion Anita, but i totally disagree. "link" actually means something whereas com and xyz mean nothing at all. Now "org" means something, but the "average" consumer hasn't a clue. Are you familiar with Linkedin Anita? What if I were to tell you the extension .link was started by Linkedin? Do you have a clue how many members worldwide Linkedin has?

Anita, i've been pretty successful at most things I've done in life and that includes starting, naming, and operating over a dozen businesses. You don't need to believe me, but I'm not looking for or expecting to make just "good returns" when I know how screwed up this industry is. When the likes of Verisign trashes the "aftermarket", a segment of the domain industry they helped create, it speaks volumes to me......apparently you don't get it:rolleyes:


Level 4
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Well you are wrong. Both .COM and .XYZ have meaning - I'll let you find out what they are :)

How many .LINK domains have sold? If you want to put your weight behind an unproven extension that is your choice. We just gave you our opinion and why we don't see it the way you do.


Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
My opinion about .link is that it can't be used like a primary domain for any other brand apart from those that already end with link. For example: site.link, page.link, direct.link, etc.

When the use case is less then you probably are just throwing away that money. Even a few $2 add up and you can still get a decent two word .COM for $8-$9 instead. Or if you enjoy the low price you could register .XYZ names which are getting more and more popular.

For making good returns in domaining you need to reject a lot of names before investing in the best that you can find. Start getting picky with what you buy and your portfolio quality will increase.

Wish you all the best either way!! :)
This may also help Anita;



Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
Well you are wrong. Both .COM and .XYZ have meaning - I'll let you find out what they are :)

How many .LINK domains have sold? If you want to put your weight behind an unproven extension that is your choice. We just gave you our opinion and why we don't see it the way you do.
Who is "we" Anita? Whenever anyone refers to "we" like you just did, I always want to know who else is on base? I doubt you'll share it with me, but it's a perfect example of why I trust very few people in this industry.


Level 4
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
We is simply me and @Biggie who tried to make you see why you are making a mistake and I agreed with him. I'm done here since our opinions obviously don't matter to you. Next time please don't ask if you don't have an open mind to understand or appreciate others POV.


Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
We is simply me and @Biggie who tried to make you see why you are making a mistake and I agreed with him. I'm done here since our opinions obviously don't matter to you. Next time please don't ask if you don't have an open mind to understand or appreciate others POV.
You might want to ask Rob about me Anita....even though we don't always agree, he's a lot closer to understanding where I'm coming from than either you or Biggie. And speaking of "open minds", that works both ways you know;)


Level 4
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
You might want to ask Rob about me Anita....even though we don't always agree, he's a lot closer to understanding where I'm coming from than either you or Biggie. And speaking of "open minds", that works both ways you know;)

Hehe ok. I will have an open mind with what you said. Now show me your sales :) Let's revisit this talk after a year and see if you could make any money out of the domains you registered. I hope for your success and look forward to hearing more on how you did it then. Till then tc.


Bulloney and Biscuit
May 22, 2018
Reaction score
Hehe ok. I will have an open mind with what you said. Now show me your sales :) Let's revisit this talk after a year and see if you could make any money out of the domains you registered. I hope for your success and look forward to hearing more on how you did it then. Till then tc.
My final reply to you too Anita....i registered my very first .link domain three weeks ago, thus I have no sales YET. Regardless, Rob knows me well enough that he's even been quoted as saying, "Richard can sell ice to an Eskimo". btw, i've yet to find a technical partner for my "outbound marketing" ideas, but it's like the two holes in one I've made in the last 12 months (see attached newspaper article), if I weren't in the game, they'd have never happened🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♀️


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    420.4 KB · Views: 4


Level 1
Oct 13, 2020
Reaction score
Thought i'd circle back Biggie and share with you 1 of 5 .link names I just registered an hour ago and see what you think? It's cultivate.link.....note first that cultivate.com is already registered and it leads to the following site: https://cultivate.com/about/ Furthermore, SAW appraises cultivate.com for 161K and the domain cultivate.co sold for $5,000 in 2017. Then checking with USPTO i learned the name is trademarked for about a half a dozen different businesses none of which I envision. Moving on, cultivate.link was first registered in 2015 then dropped 12/2021.

Biggie...i just paid $2 for this domain which sounds absolutely crazy, but it's the TRUTH. You've heard me talk a lot about risk vs. reward and I challenge anyone reading this why you wouldn't think this could be one of the best risk vs. reward investments anyone could possibly make? btw, I've made hundreds of similar $2 investments/bets on .link domains because this industry is beyond fu*ked up, but therein lies the opportunity as I see it.

Comments? Observations? Questions?.....this is what this message board is about isn't it?

I also own the domain name cultivate. website - would be interesting to see what the opinion is on your cultivate. link

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