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For Sale Over 150 domain names only $20 bucks each - 4 Letters, One Word, All Short, Long Year

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Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
May 17, 2012
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Over 150 names only $20 bucks each

PM and post what you want.

Listed on multiple sites so don't be pissed if it sold somewhere else first.

1 day clearance sale!! My lose is your gain :disappointed:
These are 100% PREMIUM Value domain name perfect for resale, I need urgent cash to pay my loan to run my printing business "
EverywherePrint" so I have to giveup my domains for fast cash :sigh2:

Choose BULK PREMIUM DOMAIN NAME FOR Heavy discount price! Thats 100% crazy bargain! Shorter Domain = More Traffic


I just sold several domain names for $5000 and $6175. Great for investment. Worldwide buyers welcome.

I need cash urgently to run my printing business "EverywherePrint". If you want to buy one or several premium domain names please reply and offer your price.
I do accept Paypal for small amount and Escow for large amount (escow or domain renew fee at buyer's end).

I paid a lot to get all these domain from Aftermarket. Very rare, extreme hard to be found from aftermarket :eek:, 100% Value and NOT available to found from registrars. Most Domain Name Extension was registered for example everh.com everh.net everh.org which are all gone. :yes: ALL these domain are old and registered for many years before me. Dont miss this oppotunity, do the research and offer your best price:

You can buy one or all:

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Domain Days 2024
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