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The hydra-headed Wanda

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
When we last left DnForum, Wanda was on her way out, after hurling epithets at just about everyone, and showing her true colors as both small-minded and churlish. She managed to offend just about everyone, and they said so, one by one.

She also threatened people, including me, and some other phantom character, whom she mistakenly viewed as someone else (oops).

Well, I gather, amazingly, that not only is she still around (of course, drama queens NEVER leave for long) but apparently all is forgotten. No public apology, no remorse of any kind. Just a promotion for bad behaviour.

Well, guys, I think you're setting a very bad precedent, and I for one, am very pissed off. Essentially anything goes around here, and I can absolutely 100% guarantee you that this will not end here. This woman will not change, and by letting her off the hook, you've condoned the whole sordid affair.

I believe that a community's strength comes from tolerating differing viewpoints, but the utter insanity of this woman's gutter mouth and lack of civility are way beyond the pale.

From here, I will post only in the for sale area as record of protest. Perhaps it's no loss for anyone, but I won't contribute to a forum that won't protect its members of quality (aka me and lots of others here).

If we were meeting in person and this troll said what she said, we would throw her out by her ear and never welcome her back. Why is this forum any different?



Although I can see where you are coming from, I really do not feel that this is the way to voice the opinion and views.

I feel that the best thing to do is give Wanda one more chance and let her decide, by her actions, if she still wants to be a member of this community.

Now, as for you, DnPowerFul, I have to admit that you did fuel many fires and have played a roll in many of the conversations that went on here.

Please everyone, we can work together and leave personal feelings behind.

Thank you,



Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
Jim, your comment is ridiculous, and implicating me in her behaviour is pathetic. I have spoken for dozens of others who have neither the interest nor the energy to let you--the moderators--know how upsetting her presense is.

Give her one more chance, but I'm not giving you one more chance. I will neither participate in the forums nor offer my extensive knowledge on domains for this board. There is a price for inaction, and it might be the respect of quality members. This forum is not about the moderators, in case you're confused; it's about the quality of the participants and their exchanges.

In case, there is any confusion about my motives, look at this forum I started, which become a genuine exchange of ideas until Wanda hijacked it, attacking me from virtually nowhere and destroying the flow of this thread:


The fact that she was able to hurl epithets at Safesys, a respected member of the board, and not be turfed instantly, tells me everything I need to know about you guys.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2002
Reaction score
Hey DnPowerful,

Dont go you know to much, i like reading your stuff & we know that you have extensive knowledge.

So hang about for a while longer, more of the genuine AN old crowd are joining every Week.

So from a lot of us here STAY. dun go. :)


Jeez, what happened? Where are the remains? If you simply delete an entire thread, you will have erased a marker.

If you lock the thread, it can still be inspected. If someone is hurling personal attacks, you may want to censor it by replacing the attack with a note of censorship, saying, "personal attack deleted." DVDTalk handles it that way and it works for them and they had a lot of struggles as they went from 2000 members to 25000. Too many juveniles there, it was like the debris littering the State Fair's fairgrounds.

Just a suggestion, don't just throw it away, no one learns.

I'll have to talk to msMay.


Ooops, I double posted and apparently cannot delete it. Sorry.

President Gringo

Originally posted by DnPowerful

From here, I will post only in the for sale area as record of protest. Perhaps it's no loss for anyone, but I won't contribute to a forum that won't protect its members of quality (aka me and lots of others here).

Would it not be better to just boycott threats started by her? I've noticed that her recent threads had like 6 views and no posts.

Mods, perhaps the best way to go is to issue temporary bans for anyone acting out of order, and the closing of threads or deleting of posts. Don't take that as an attack on u mods, i know you guys take shit and don't get paid for it but its just an idea.....but it does seem like you are afraid to take actions against people.

makes me realize why I haven't felt the need to be on this forum for more than a month. He never has anything more informative to offer than what I have already learnt a year ago on afternic. The fact that he is even getting support from some moderators here shows me that this forum is destined to suffer the exact same fate as afternic and great domains. Idiots, mainly porn-vendors, like dnpowerful celebrating their sleezy successes and putting down creative people like WandaMay who have become successful on their own without following someone else's program. Do you want everyone to do the exact same thing? How close minded can you be? You guys can have this place and bore each others to death, and tell each others how great you are doing, but the real successful and productive people will be turned off by such a watered down and non efficient outlet and szess-pool of sleeze. If anyone needs a good place to learn something new, go to http://searchengineforums.com . They have actual qualified moderators there. I normally don't share info with everyone but I feel bad for newcomers who are made to feel like doing business online is a dead end street called dnforum.com . To the members with potential and an entrepreneurial spirit I will say this: there are a couple REAL forums about to be launched which will leave this place to the burn-outs and immoral scum like "dnpowerful" (lol..what a nic). So please be patient as I will keep you guys informed and do not look at this place as a resource you will have to endure in order to make it online. I have made that mistake a long time ago with afternic, when they were already on the way down.
Best regards and God bless.
Mike Dammann

Originally posted by SiteTutor
makes me realize why I haven't felt the need to be on this forum for more than a month. He never has anything more informative to offer than what I have already learnt a year ago on afternic. The fact that he is even getting support from some moderators here shows me that this forum is destined to suffer the exact same fate as afternic and great domains. Idiots, mainly porn-vendors, like dnpowerful celebrating their sleezy successes and putting down creative people like WandaMay who have become successful on their own without following someone else's program. Do you want everyone to do the exact same thing? How close minded can you be? You guys can have this place and bore each others to death, and tell each others how great you are doing, but the real successful and productive people will be turned off by such a watered down and non efficient outlet and szess-pool of sleeze. If anyone needs a good place to learn something new, go to http://searchengineforums.com . They have actual qualified moderators there. I normally don't share info with everyone but I feel bad for newcomers who are made to feel like doing business online is a dead end street called dnforum.com . To the members with potential and an entrepreneurial spirit I will say this: there are a couple REAL forums about to be launched which will leave this place to the burn-outs and immoral scum like "dnpowerful" (lol..what a nic). So please be patient as I will keep you guys informed and do not look at this place as a resource you will have to endure in order to make it online. I have made that mistake a long time ago with afternic, when they were already on the way down.
Best regards and God bless.
Mike Dammann

will be FAMOUS one day..

i can assure you! :D

The quality of a forum is dictated by the average quality of its posts.

Wanda's posts account for some 25% of the total posts here. By her own admission she has never sold a domain name and from the comments in the affiliate thread its clear this is a new area too.

On top of that, there have been abusive, racist and many irrelevant posts too. How does encouraging that kind of activity enhance this forum when there are many people who have walked the walk rather than just talked the talk?

Originally posted by safesys
The quality of a forum is dictated by the average quality of its posts.

Wanda's posts account for some 25% of the total posts here. By her own admission she has never sold a domain name and from the comments in the affiliate thread its clear this is a new area too.

On top of that, there have been abusive, racist and many irrelevant posts too. How does encouraging that kind of activity enhance this forum when there are many people who have walked the walk rather than just talked the talk?

i never state anything i can't back up.

go ahead.. challenge me..

Originally posted by safesys
The quality of a forum is dictated by the average quality of its posts.

Wanda's posts account for some 25% of the total posts here. By her own admission she has never sold a domain name and from the comments in the affiliate thread its clear this is a new area too.

On top of that, there have been abusive, racist and many irrelevant posts too. How does encouraging that kind of activity enhance this forum when there are many people who have walked the walk rather than just talked the talk?

to domain sales..

does not mean

the individual has not any worth...

or valuable input...

i have stated

we began agressively marketing our
names on jan 1 of 2001

just sit behind the bush and watch LOL :laugh:

we call it 'Diversification'

meaning.. we are diversified

and Dom

are NOT our only backbone

no one in their right mind ( if they are business minded )

would put all egg's in one basket

the DomSales.
whether we ever sell one or not..
matter 's not..
cause our 80+ invesemtment is NULL
compared to the major players in this

so, if we NEVER sell ONE SINGLE NAME..

won't matter..

cause our core biz is not in this arena.

but we do have our shit together,
and we have researched..

and so.. we'll see..

Originally posted by WandaMay
we began agressively marketing our
names on jan 1 of 2001

my company owns less then 100 domain names.
We have never sold a domain name.

In over 12 months of aggressive marketing you have never sold a domain.

Can you see why a person might view that as an indication that to have a 25% post ratio here is perhaps lowering the average quality of posts?

where did you get 12 mth's
all i've ever posted is i joined Anic on Jan 1 -2002
i'm a newbie.


Simple, you said you started "aggressively marketing" (your words) in jan of 2001, and its now may of 2002 - thats more than 12 months (more like 16 months).

well i inputed the year date incorrectly sys

the real truth is we've begun on Jan 1 of 2002
not 2001

my error

it's jan 2002 is the beginning.

if 2001 was ever input, it was a typo error

marketing began 2002 on Jan 1

I see, so its 5 months of aggressive marketing that have yielded no results.

Well, may I suggest that you show a little respect for other people by not using this forum as your own personal "aggressive marketing" tool and refrain from abusive posts in future and you might learn something that helps make those sales materialize.
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