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Transfer Hassles with bulkregister.com

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2002
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Anybody else having trouble transfering a domain away from bulkregister.com?

I purchased a domain from a bulkregister account holder who changed the WHOIS to my details, with my correct e-mail address as the contact and then have tried in vain to get bulkregister to allow me to transfer the domain to a REAL registrar.

Even though I have initiated a transfer to an ICANN-accredited registrar, bulkregister refuses to send me an e-mail asking me to approve the transfer? Whassup? Must I get the original owner and holder of the bulkregister.com account (whose name and details NO LONGER APPEAR IN THE WHOIS RECORD) to approve the transfer. If so, this is against ICANN policy--the contact person in the WHOIS is the one to approve transfers!!!!

I am less than pleased!!!!

Domain Summit 2024


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
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>>have tried in vain to get bulkregister to allow me to transfer the domain to a REAL registrar.

I've used BulkRegister as my main registrar for a few years and they've always been excellent. I've never transferred a name away from them, so can't help on your transfer problem though.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2002
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Yes, it has been registered for far longer than 60 days. Only the registration details were changed by the bulkregister account holder. If a change in registration details with bulkregister puts an outward transfer on hold for a long period, that is a big reason to NOT use them. If you sell a domain, the buyer can't use the damn domain unless he/she/it has a bulkregister account--which is the last thing I want right now.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2002
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fizz-- Wow, I am amazed that you've never transfered a domain away from one of your accounts. This is one of the biggest hassles I have ever seen from a so-called registrar. It's right up there with the difficulties NSOL gives someone trying to leave the flock, but at least NSOL responds. Bulkregister is SILENT.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2002
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Oh, so this is a "tech support" issue? I will leave a few e-mails for them as well. God knows they give us little people no phone numbers to use.......

BulkRegister Phone Numbers:

During domain name dispute, Domain Name is in "Registrar LOCK" status.

60 calendar days :
May not change sponsoring registrars with respect to any SLD name for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after registration of such SLD name.

Domain Boot :
If your domain is expired but not yet deleted into the available pool of domains (usually about 40 days but varies depending on the registrar) if may be "booted" or locked so it cannot be transferred to another registrar until the owner pays them another year.

(Registrar LOCK, Domain LOCK) :
Several TLD Registries have the ability to create what is known as a Domain LOCK. The Domain Name may not even be transferred to another Registrar. The Domain will remain in a LOCKED status until you yourself choose to remove the LOCK.

Good Luck!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
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>>fizz-- Wow, I am amazed that you've never transfered a domain away from one of your accounts.

Dotsofdomains, I’ve got a couple hundred names with BulkRegister and the only transfer problem I’ve had with them was not being able to transfer names from other registrars into my BR account. For a long period – and I’m not certain if this is still the case – BR only allowed name transfers from NetSol into BR, which IMO has limited their ability for growth.

My renewal fees at Bulk are $10 and although I could save $1.05 by transferring my BR names to my GoDaddy account, it just isn’t worth the time this involves to battle through all the GD adverts, plus the inherent small risk of the loss of a name or two that can happen with transfers.

When I do transfer names from other higher-priced registrars to my GoDaddy account, I do it one at a time, as I like to safeguard each name by placing a SnapBack on it while the transfer process takes place. And I then reuse the SnapBack for the next transfer etc.

Ultimately I would like my portfolio under one roof so I can see at a glance what’s coming up for expiration, without any nasty surprises, LOL

I'm just transferring 13 domains out of bulk to inww - i'll let you know how it goes.

Last time I tried to do this, a few weeks before renewal date, they didn't send out confirmation emails so they ended up gaining the renewal fees - but bulk have shown themselves to have no interest in helping people who have their domains stolen so I see them as a liability.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
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>>bulk have shown themselves to have no interest in helping people who have their domains stolen so I see them as a liability.

safesys, this is a concern, would you please expand on this?

I have a friend who had a very good domain hijacked out of bulk over 10 mths ago, bulk proved totally impotent and uninterested in helping to retrieve the name (the domain is still not back with him).

Also, bulk have no spine when it comes to dealing with Verisign registrar. On more than one occassion if Verisign asked for a domain back, bulk gave it to them without asking for proof that it was registrar error and not just a normal non renewal.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
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Thanks safesys. Registrars need to show more concern with hijacking as in my experience this activity is increasing.

In the past two weeks I've thwarted hijacking attempts on two of my names, one held with Bulk and the other with Dotster.

With regards to Bulk's dealing with Verisign on dropped names that you mention, one would wish that their position here matched their hard-line action taken over NetSol's direct-mail issue, as highlighted on Bulk's home page:

"Internet domain naming giant VeriSign [NASDAQ:VRSN] on Tuesday was ordered to halt a direct-mail campaign one day after BulkRegister filed a lawsuit against its No. 1 rival seeking to stop the mailing."

bulks activities seem to run parallel with financial impact - the odd domain theft/clawback here and there won't hurt them, but a continued marketing campaign to poach customers would - hence their action in the latter and disinterest in the former.

Originally posted by dotsofdomains
Oh, so this is a "tech support" issue? I will leave a few e-mails for them as well. God knows they give us little people no phone numbers to use.......
I don't know if this is a tech support issue or not, but you did not say in your first note that you had contacted anyone at BulkRegister about the failure to transfer, and posting the question to this list is not likely to answer an issue internal to BR if you have not already asked them.

One of the things that always surprises me is how people will ask on a discussion list before they have ever asked the supplier. In many cases, when asked when they did so, the answer is something like "they never answer emails or phone calls." These statements often from the same people who continue to recommend these same registrars. It blows my mind.



Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2002
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Please don't read your own assumptions into my posts and attribute them to me. I stated that I hadn't considered it a "tech support" issue, not that I hadn't contacted the company. I have indeed contacted the company, but they have elected not to respond. Perhaps they do that in "bulk" as well.

Lighten up dod.

You did not state you had contacted them - I could not have guessed you did and found their support lacking based on your post.

I suggested you contact tech support. As I would expect any of our own customers to do if they have any problems with our service.

Forget I asked. I won't bother to try to help you again.



Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2002
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Again, t-, you misread my posting not once, but now twice: I said:

"Oh, so this is a "tech support" issue? I will leave a few e-mails for them as well ."

I could hardly have read "as well" in your first message and known when I answered it that you had emailed them and asked them anything, since you did not say directly or even indirectly, that you had contacted them in your first message.

If you go back and read your first message again, the one that you keep telling me I did not understand, all you said was that you have tried to transfer your domain away and have not received any confirmation.

Nothing about how you have tried to contact them. Sorry. I cannot read your mind, therefor asked you if you had contacted tech support and what they had replied.


As for why I bothered to ask for clarification, sometimes I don't know. It seems to only end in abuse. We get many transfers from BulkRegister - and most of these go through without any problems. When we do have problems with these incoming transfers, they are usually prompt to reply to our email with the reason that the domain is "stuck" and have been generally helpful - unlike many other registrars.

Good luck.



Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2002
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If those of you posting above will agree, let's just kill this thread.

I think too well of all of you members to have generated ANY bad will. Dan, please kill this thread. I apologize for starting it.
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