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offers Great Domains for Websites, CreditRepairNet.com, and many more

Offers wanted on the domain(s) listed in the original post.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score

All names in the list below Will be up for offers, You can PM me or post an offer for a name in this thread.

All names are perfect names for websites, most of them are exact match keyword domains with a net or web ending, witch is the best you could possibly hope for if you don't want to pay xx,xxx for your own startup.

All Domains are registered with GoDaddy.

Domains+ possible uses for them:
BadAssNet.com : uh, so many possible uses i cant possibly name them all, you could for one use it as a site to put your BadAss affiliate program on as they always love to say

CartoonsNet.com : A cartoons streaming net

CreditRepairNet.com :Sell credit repair eBooks or offer a service etc) Credit Repair has 50k exact match monthly searches and a CPC of about $19! And again with only net at the end and a well built website do you think you could catch some of that?

FatLossNet.com :FatLoss is a very big industry , Selling eBooks on this domain alone + a little marketing could be it.

How2Net.com: Somehow this domain sounds like a big one to me,its the How 2 Network!

My4A.com: Easy.... very easy to remeber 4 character .com domain the word My+4A 4A could be 4+whatever you pick A to be short for

MyAlienWeb.com: Not all that many options on this one, but still a great and easy to remember domain, after all if i was to care about aliens id want to have my own alien web :)

MyComedyWeb.com: Either Resell it to a comedian! or build it out yourself and just simply sell comedy stuff, im sure there is endless stuff available you could sell for commission!!

MyMP3web.com: Sign up with some type of affiliation programm for mp3 stuff, then just sell songs, id suggest thou that users can sign-up and do some stuff on it because of the name, It says MYMP3WEB think from the viewers eyes.

MyTunesWeb.com: could build some site on this that allows you to mix your own songs, i can imagine this one going big also.

NetExotic.com: Not much to say here its just ...... Net Eoxotic.

OnlineDonkey.com: Brandable domain, and thats it, hundreds of ways to use this

OnlineTronic.com: Another brandale domain many ways of usage.

OnlineViva.com: Most People practically live online so why not on OnlineViva.com. the majority knows that viva means life in Spanish. Could also just as well use this for a Social website!

SuperHeroNet.com: Either stream superhero movies on this domain or just simply sell action figures with some type of affiliate program, or just simply sell them yourself and do the shipping thou i would not recommend this :) or use it as a fan club page for superhero`s!!!

TheAffiliateNet.com: Clearly not just any network its THE affiliate Network! TheAffiliateNet.com!!

TheAppsNet.com: Buy this domain and own The Apps Net, obviously i would sell apps on this site.again with some type of affiliate program (there is LOADS out there) or sell your own Apps if this is what you do!

TheBookingNet.com: Not much to say here, sell flights with an affiliation program, its a great and remember able domain!

TheNameNet.com: Well you could use this as a domain suggesting site, or just simply for all types of names for dogs,cats,birds, babys.... etc.

TheSexpress.com: There are about 1.9K monthly searches for sex press so to own THE sexpress would surely give you a good name!

TheWarNet.com: Either put wargames on this one and earn with Ads or put War news on it, and again earn with ads, of course those are just 2 options , i am sure there are more

TrailersNet.com: very short streight to the point domain, either for trailers as in move trailers or as in The ones you live in! :)

That would be it, if a name and idea caught your attention send me an offer,
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