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Mar 16, 2002
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Here is what is going on guys.

Snoopy and mattyp offered me an amount to sell the site. I was extremely happy to have been offered this, and for the next couple of days we were workign against our time zones and getting closer and closer to the actual sale. A thread showed up about the sale in the forum, and soon later a member PM'ed me and offered an amount which greatly exceeded the amount snoopy offered me. Since me and snoopy did casually agree to sell the site then with an "okay, that price seems ok with me" sort of deal.

One thing I must mention is I was extremely busy yesterday night when I got home, had to complete some things for school the next day, wished somethign like this would have occured during the summer where I had all sorts of time. I even replied to snoopy's PM's at school in my computer applications course making sure nobody noticed..

Another thing, this forum is not sold yet. To clear up the thigns going around "name king" or whoever isn't in this at all, I never even talked to the guy. I probably did make some mistakes and I'm tryign the best i can to not let these excuses get in the way but it's the truth. After the new member made that offer, I had no idea what to do from there. I'm sure an adult would have treated teh situation much differently than how I did. I rpelied back to snoopy asking for a bit more money for the sale so that I would feel better about the sale (amoutn raised wasn't more than $800). This is of course coming from me, a 16 year old (not exactly 17 yet) who to me, every dollar counts. But I do realise the time and effort all 3 mods have done here, I can't thank them enough. At teh same time, I wanted to respect the moderators and get the most out of the site as I could, unfortunately I'll be honest and I think I have some decision makign skills porblems. I thought we might still be able to work something out after I got back from school today, but I get back to a nice IM from a friend saying the mods resigned.

I know I must have lef tout tons of stuff everyone wants to know just ask me here and I'll try to explain.. as for now the site isn't sold and if the site is sold, since the mods had already resigned I would help the new owner if he allows to gather some intelligent moderators here to help with the moderating if the sale goes through.

Again thanks to both Pauls, and matt for helping to organize this great community to what it is now, it's sad we didn't try to work something out before I even sold.

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Level 4
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Jul 8, 2002
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Dan, thanks for your honesty. Can't you guys work it out and complete the sale as originally agreed? It seems that would be best for everyone... fair deal, good will, intact community. This bad situation can still be overcome.


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Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by jalapeno
Dan, thanks for your honesty. Can't you guys work it out and complete the sale as originally agreed? It seems that would be best for everyone... fair deal, good will, intact community. This bad situation can still be overcome.

Amen! that's one smart pepper :D

if you can cut each other some slack and not hold on to hard feelings... I think you may see more value in terms of both money and friendship together than apart. we all make mistakes, especially when rushed and in novel situations. I have bought and sold a house a couple times... and it can be nerve wracking.
I would encourage a little patience.


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Apr 1, 2002
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Originally posted by jalapeno
Dan, thanks for your honesty. Can't you guys work it out and complete the sale as originally agreed? It seems that would be best for everyone... fair deal, good will, intact community. This bad situation can still be overcome.

I agree. I am sure this whole thing has simply been 'talked up' more so than it needs to have been. I believe it can be resolved quite easily and hope that it will be soon.

Let's not let things blow too much out of proportion. :)

Thanks to MattyP, Safesys and Snoopy for all they have done in moderating DNForum to date.


DNF Addict
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Jul 15, 2002
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I'll be honest and I think I have some decision makign skills porblems.

Honesty is always the best policy Dan (and you honestly need to start using a spellchecker :) ). Really though - if you had not come out and admitted you goofed things up people would have torn you apart. You're probably still in for some rough sledding before this is resolved but I'm sure you will learn some valuable life lessons from it.

Both sides of the story will get aired out now and I'm praying that after it is all vented, a way will be found to keep this community together. You certainly deserve credit for opening the venue to everyone and at 16 everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately, mistakes can be very costly (that's why bright people don't make the same mistake twice and I doubt you will either).

on the new price.... give them 48 hours to decide... if they say "nay" ...there will be no hard feelings towards the new owner or you....you proven o be a good "lad" keep it that way...the respect you earned here is with you for the rest of your life!
Dan and the moderators would come to an agreement or partnership ...
there is 3 parts to the greatness of this forum;
the forum itself (Dan)...the moderators (Snoop Mat Sys) ...quality members...!
if any of these ingredients changes so it will the results...
for those of you ...lurking...thinking about opening another forum...expecting the same results..Not a chance!
The forum success was do to the ingredients...hard work...and timing!
traffick is here find ways to obtain revenue...
unless the trust among you has been breached beyond repair


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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One other thing - are you sure this wasn't some big stunt to draw ratings? I noticed that ever since the site went down for several days, the number of people online has dropped below the usual averages. After word has been bandied about all day about this, tonite's numbers have shot up to 60 and are threatening the record. If this mis-step costs you your spot in the domain forum business you might still have a bright future as a network TV executive!


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Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by Don Giovanni
on the new price.... give them 48 hours to decide... if they say "nay" ...there will be no hard feelings towards the new owner or you....you proven o be a good "lad" keep it that way...the respect you earned here is with you for the rest of your life!
Dan and the moderators would come to an agreement or partnership ...
there is 3 parts to the greatness of this forum;
the forum itself (Dan)...the moderators (Snoop Mat Sys) ...quality members...!
if any of these ingredients changes so it will the results...
for those of you ...lurking...thinking about opening another forum...expecting the same results..Not a chance!
The forum success was do to the ingredients...hard work...and timing!
traffick is here find ways to obtain revenue...
unless the trust among you has been breached beyond repair

yep. makes sense.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2002
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And i just got my new .. avatar .. darn ..

I know the other guy don't like .. moving pictures.

or fast cars ..



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2002
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Take their first offer. It's not going to be easy for you to find mods like them.


Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by Omni
Take their first offer. It's not going to be easy for you to find mods like them.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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on the new price.... give them 48 hours to decide

I don't think another "New" price will fly. It was my understanding from previous posts that they had already agreed on a price, then when the bigger offer showed up, Dan asked for more and the mods agreed to pay it. However, after that agreement, the price was jacked up still again. Who would keep negotiating under those circumstances?

I think Dan would have to, at least, offer it to the mods at the last price they both agreed on. In that case it sounds like he would have to renege on his deal with the high bidder, so one party is going to get shafted either way. His first agreement was with the mods though, so I think that is the more fair way to go in a messy situation. It may all be a moot point though, because the mods may have lost their taste for negotiating with Dan. Ironically, if the high bidder realizes he won't get what he thought he was going to be getting (due to defections from the forum), Dan could be left out in the cold all together. Talk about an expensive lesson to learn!


Old Timer
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Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke of Earl

I don't think another "New" price will fly. It was my understanding from previous posts that they had already agreed on a price, then when the bigger offer showed up, Dan asked for more and the mods agreed to pay it. However, after that agreement, the price was jacked up still again. Who would keep negotiating under those circumstances?

I think Dan would have to, at least, offer it to the mods at the last price they both agreed on. In that case it sounds like he would have to renege on his deal with the high bidder, so one party is going to get shafted either way. His first agreement was with the mods though, so I think that is the more fair way to go in a messy situation. It may all be a moot point though, because the mods may have lost their taste for negotiating with Dan. Ironically, if the high bidder realizes he won't get what he thought he was going to be getting (due to defections from the forum), Dan could be left out in the cold all together. Talk about an expensive lesson to learn!

Again. yes. Good advice here from wise people. Still time to follow? Must address both money and hurt feelings.

First off, I have to give Dan an A+ for honesty...it takes character to admit a mistake, especially in public.

As for the unfortunate direction in which your negotiations went...well...we're all human...and at sixteen, you have nevertheless shown more smarts than many have at thirty. While it is true that, from what you've posted, you could have done things more wisely, you sometimes have to make mistakes. It's like the old saying goes: good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from making mistakes; mistakes come from bad judgement. I think everyone here is willing to cut some slack for a young fellow who has made something of a mistake, but has nevertheless done a lot of good.

As for the future of this site, it's difficult to say. The moderators, as I've said before, really shaped the evironment here to make it such a professional and conducive place to talk domains and do business. Finding people of their calibre and willingness to do something like this without pay will likely be very challenging.

Most importantly though, I have to give you, Dan, a big thanks for starting this site...I believe you really paved the way for a new direction in the secondary domain market. No matter what happens, DNForum.com has earned an important place in the history of domain names and the internet.


David G

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Apr 15, 2002
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You guys should realize the forum owner Dan is only a HS Sophomore, just 16 yrs old. Isn't that amazing? I did not know about this until today, thinking he was in his 20's and in College in error.

How dumb and unknowwedgable was I when I was 16, and poor was I at communicating and negotiating (did not even know what that was), and so short of money driving a junk car at the time.

Yet Dan managed to bring us all together and make dnforum.com a success (along with the great Moderators and Members) so in some way he was a genius, and far smarter than most of us at age 16.

You need to understand when you are 16 you are quite prone to things like errors in judgement and poor communications. These issues were heavily involved in this forum sale fiasco.

I am now working on some solutions, more later.

David G

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Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Namethink First off, I have to give Dan an A+ for honesty...it takes character to admit a mistake, especially in public...Miles

I respect you greatly Miles and always thought you may be the most valuable member both at the old AFternic and now here.

However, I apologize saying this, but when you made the post below it touched-off a huge fire storm of negativity. That post may have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

You also seemed to have way exagerated the 3 Mod's value vs the Owner and Members (downplaying the Owner/Members), though the Mod's were important of course.

Can you also imagine how disturbed the rumored buyer was after reading that and thinking so many will leave and the old Mod's will start a new forum and take many members away, and also this forum suddenly has no mod's?

Perhaps you may reconsider or rephrase your comments below. Thanks.


A very, very sad end to this forum. I posted this before, and I'll post it again: the true value of this forum has been the exceptional moderation provided by mattp, safe and snoopy.

While it is disheartening to hear the their participation here has ended in this fashion, I still hope they choose to work together to start another forum like this, perhaps with the goal of even expanding to include other appropriate and profitable domain-related elements.

As unfortunate as this situation is, there is also here a great opportunity. I am certain many here will follow these three domain professionals if they choose to begin a new domain site.

Miles - Namethink

Thanks, Dan, for your update. I think at sixteen, no one really thinks about the consequences of decisions, totally. However, your honesty is admirable. Glad you are recognizing the scenarios, maybe playing them out in your mind. When you strike a deal with someone, it's really fairly old school to honor that deal, not keep negotiating with others on higher prices and then coming back to the first with another price. It's kind of like selling a truck to someone for, say, $1500. Then, someone else finds out you are selling this truck and comes to you and offers you $2500. In terms of monetary value, it's not that big of a price difference, so honor your first commitment--respect and the experience of good dealings will be cemented. Go against that, and not only do you label yourself a bad salesperson, you also go against the grain of good salesmanship and integrity. I'll be anxiously watching to see how this all turns out. The mods are great, the membership here is great. Good luck.

Originally posted by RealNames

Can you also imagine how disturbed the rumored buyer was after reading that and thinking so many will leave and the old Mod's will start a new forum and take many members away, and also this forum suddenly has no mod's?

Perhaps you may reconsider or rephrase your comments below. Thanks.

If the "rumored" buyer wasn't able to understand the key--let me repeat that, key--role the moderators have played in making this site as successful as it has been, then he has no business contemplating the purchase of an online community.

And if the "rumored" buyer can be so shaken in the wisdom of his decision by one post, then maybe his decision wasn't so wise to begin with.

And if the "rumored" buyer is disturbed by posts that have no genuinely disturbing content (profanity, obscenity, personal attacks), then maybe he shouldn't even be reading an online forum.

And if the "rumored" buyer can't handle competition, then he should never, ever consider owning a business.

Realnames, I think you're an alright guy, but you really need to grow up. Take a cue from Dan.


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Namethink If the "rumored" buyer wasn't able to understand the key--let me repeat that, key--role the moderators have played in making this site as successful as it has been, then he has no business contemplating the purchase of an online community...Realnames, I think you're an alright guy, but YOU really NEED TO GROW UP. Take a cue from Dan. Miles

The rumored buyer fully realizes the great value of the Mod's, and stated this many times. It's just that you way over-exagerated them compared to the Ownership and Membership values, paying little attention to Dan's genuis in starting this, and the members and their great posts until later on in other posts you made.

Miles, you caused indirectly, with your rebel rousing post the fire-storm of negativity toward dnforum, Dan and the rumored buyer. You are also an OK guy but need to grow-up Namethink! :mad:
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