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Snatcher - The Non-API PHP Drop Catching Script

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2008
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What happens to good domains when they expire? They become available to the public, believe it or not. Every day, literally hundreds of thousands of domains expire and become publicly available for registration. Take a look at these lists of domains expiring within the next few days:

These lists are made available to the public each day through registrars like Namejet, SnapNames, Pool and GoDaddy. Often times these domains carry with them great metrics like pagerank, traffic, backlinks, brandability, or directory listings. There are many parsers you can use to make the lists more manageable and zero in on a domain that suits your niche. One of these is available at n3twork.com, have a look at this parsed list:

The above screenshot demonstrates Sitespotter analyzing a parsed list of domains and determining their creation dates. Sitespotter will also acquire their pagerank, backlinks, and directory listings. But that’s not the product I’m pitching to you here today, read on…

So you’ve found the perfect domain, and it’s going to be available for public registration tomorrow. Maybe you’ll just mosey on over to your favorite registrar and register it when you get a chance sometime tomorrow, right? Wrong… if the domain in question is worth anything, you can bet other people have already set their sights on it. People equipped with tools, namely “Drop Catchers” which are automated bots that repeatedly attempt to register the domain and snatch it the second it drops.

There’s a good chance you could acquire the domain in question by placing bids at all of the major aftermarket domain registrars for about 60 bucks per domain. Who wants to pay that kind of money? Shouldn’t it only cost you about $7.95 to register a domain? Well if you’re planning to register by hand, you’d need a minor miracle to register this domain before the snipers and drop catchers get to it first.

Typically, drop-catching software is available with the usage of very expensive API at certain registrars like eNom and Dynadot. Dynadot, for example, charges $500 just to allow you to have access to their API. Allow me to introduce you to my home-made drop-catching PHP script that does not require API access, only a Dynadot account with prepaid credits in it.

Snatcher is a drop-catching utility that runs on your web server and allows you to enter a list of domains you want to register the second they become available to the public. It automates the registration process by repeatedly attempting to register the domain at Dynadot, and automating the checkout process once it becomes available. It requires no configuration whatsoever, just unzip the files to a folder on your server and you’re presented with your very own dashboard to enter the domains you wish to register along with your Dynadot credentials.

When you do multiple login attempts to Dynadot without API access, you’re presented with a CAPTCHA at the login screen. Snatcher is able to instantly crack this CAPTCHA with 100% accuracy, so your drop catching attempts are never hindered by that inconvenience. Now you’ve completely leveled the playing field and you’re a legitimate contender for that dream domain of yours. You avoided the 500 dollar API access fee, you decided you might register a few more domains in the future so you declined to go the route of pre-ordering it at the aftermarket registrars for 60 dollars, all by purchasing a simple software package called Snatcher for a one time fee of $35.00.

That’s right… a drop-catcher that really WORKS, at a price you can AFFORD. Learn more about Snatcher at www.snatcher.org or even check out a demo of the dashboard and sniping process (the demo is not actually logging into Dynadot servers for obvious reasons, but the speed is just the same). The demo is available at the link at the very top of the page at www.snatcher.org.
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Level 4
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Feb 5, 2008
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Hey guys, just wanted to share this little piece of information with you. I was going through the expiring domain list today as I usually do, when I noticed "dropcatches.com" was up for deletion today at approximately 2pm. Since that domain really appealled to me, I decided I wanted to go ahead and get it. Here's a screenshot of Snatcher successfully doing what it was made to do!



Level 1
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Mar 1, 2007
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Can it work for the Dynadot api service ?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I messaged and emailed the snatcher guy and he didn't get back to me


Level 9
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Aug 3, 2003
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At least they disappeared BEFORE they got your money. Could be worse.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 30, 2002
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what happened Juniper? I want to purchase this but had a question if it's able to catch IDN's.. xn-- which require a language tag


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Might have flown off the handle a bit there gentlemen. My apologies Juniper.


That's right, javascript cron jobs, entirely ajax'ed interface, lightning speed, multiple registrar API connectivity, brace yourselves.
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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2002
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I don't participate in daily drops or have the time to beta test, but will remain subscribed to this thread for updates.

Mark Talbot

Level 7
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Jun 13, 2003
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....Juniper, you may not beta-test, you may not purchase, sorry

Thats sad. Your best customers should be your toughest customers.

Find them, dont delete them. they will make you stronger.

Cut them out and you cut out your best feedback.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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Thats sad. Your best customers should be your toughest customers.

Find them, dont delete them. they will make you stronger.

Cut them out and you cut out your best feedback.

Thanks, Mark.

I can only interpret his statements to mean that if you've been buying drop catches for over 13 years, and buying software to support it, he doesn't want you as a customer.

Strange way to do business - banning people that spend the most money and have the most experience, but if they don't want my money and experience I won't force it on them :)


Buying Premium Domains
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 26, 2007
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Have u tried to compare with namejet / godaddy/snapnames whether u can beat them on any domains?


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Have u tried to compare with namejet / godaddy/snapnames whether u can beat them on any domains?

GoDaddy - no contest... Never lost a domain to Wild West...

If the name is backordered at Snap or NJ, you stand little chance as a one man team.... NJ has too many resources to compete with.


Level 2
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Dec 6, 2011
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Within the last week or so, Dynadot opened up their API to everyone w/a Dynadot account (used to be available only to $500/year bulk accounts). I wrote a blog post series on how to utilize the Dynadot API yourself entitled How to Drop Catch Expiring Domain Names Using the Dynadot API – Part 1 and How to Drop Catch Expiring Domain Names Using the Dynadot API – Part 2. I could never find any helpful code when I was looking (nor did I want to pay for backordering service or pay for code), so I hope this helps to get you started.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Within the last week or so, Dynadot opened up their API to everyone w/a Dynadot account (used to be available only to $500/year bulk accounts). I wrote a blog post series on how to utilize the Dynadot API yourself entitled How to Drop Catch Expiring Domain Names Using the Dynadot API – Part 1 and How to Drop Catch Expiring Domain Names Using the Dynadot API – Part 2. I could never find any helpful code when I was looking (nor did I want to pay for backordering service or pay for code), so I hope this helps to get you started.


Get your own thread? Why is your Site all about me? Who are you? This is too funny - You tried to mimic my code, you failed miserably. In fact you claim to have beaten Namejet with it. Come on man. You sound like some kind of disgruntled customer but you're not even a customer of mine. Thanks for the free advertising though, ass-clown.

Snatcher2 is a tool for experienced domainers. Your method suggests using the Dynadot API to poll for the availability of the domain. To prevent from being banned, that means 1 request per 10 seconds. You beat Namejet with those speeds? Snatcher 2 polls verisign at 300ms between requests.

Snatcher was also the driving force behind Dynadot's move to open up the API to all users. Oh and in regards to your criticism of the web site - there's a new one in production. Check out dropcatches.com for a sneakpeak. And no, you cant get a free copy for a review. Love your "fuze" on the home page as well. Keep your filthy a** out of my threads please.

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Level 2
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Dec 6, 2011
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My apologies for participating in your thread, I should have placed it elsewhere.

I won't, however, apologize for the content of my post. As I understand it, DNforum is a place to talk domains: a place to bounce ideas off of other members, a place to seek help, and a place to help others when possible. I paid Dynadot $500 to use their API and didn't have a penny left to my name to pay for dropcatching software. So I had to code it myself. I couldn't find the coding help I needed back then, have since stumbled my way through it, and am now attempting to pay it forward.

I think we have to assume that your software is superior - that's why you get to charge for it. My script, as advertised, is nothing more than a hack job to show anyone interested in catching an expiring domain that there are other options. Especially if they're scraping by and don't have enough for backordering services or dropcatching software.

To answer/reply-to the rest of your questions/comments:
  • Get your own thread? Will do. Apologies for posting on your thread.
  • Why is your Site all about me? Your one and only post on our site is a result of me finding a website with an interesting advertising approach. That site was yours and you were advertising the "Queen of Snatch". I found that to be humorous, so I wrote about it. Give me the word and I will take the post down.
  • Who are you? DomainFuze.com.
  • You sound like some kind of disgruntled customer - I invite you to point out the words in my initial post that are reminiscent of a disgruntled customer. Again, interesting business decision to advertise disgruntled customers.
  • ...tried to mimic my code - I didn't realize you owned the rights to PHP's cURL, echo, while, etc. functions.
  • Snatcher was also the driving force behind Dynadot's move to open up the API to all users - The e-mail I got from Dynadot did not mention a partnership with dropcatching software providers.
  • ...regards to your criticism of the web site - Please refer to bullet point 2 above. I apologize if it came off as criticism - not the intent. Just saying I wouldn't use that terminology. Give me the word and I will take the post down.
  • And no, you cant get a free copy for a review - First of all, congrats on the new venture - I hope you succeed in promoting the domaining industry. I am willing to beta, should you reconsider. As @MarkTalbot mentioned above: "Your best customers should be your toughest customers. Find them, dont delete them. They will make you stronger. Cut them out and you cut out your best feedback."
  • Love your "fuze" on the home page - Thank you, it's an animated .gif.
  • Keep your filthy a** out of my threads please. - Will do.

All that being said, I didn't attack you/your services, so I'd appreciate the same professional courtesy. Simply being a good neighbor and letting the DNForum community know that options exist. Options promote growth, that's all.

From a business perspective, I'm trying to understand your approach...people are going to be too scared to buy from you, because people are smart enough to know that companies don't magically turn into friendly/helpful/reasonable angels once they're paid.

Before responding, please think about the rest of the DNForum community. I won't speak for them, but I can't fathom that the majority enjoy reading/following mean spirited, fight invoking, trollish posts/threads.


Level 4
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Feb 5, 2008
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Fair enough man. I must say I greatly respect your humility and am sorry for the rash response to your prior post. The reason I was so heated is because in reading through the blog I couldn't help but notice an overwhelmingly negative undertone (this is a mere opinionated observation)... then I stumbled across one of our videos and was very disappointed to see that same attitude carried over in your analysis of it.

I don't expect you to take it down, you're entitled to say whatever you want. My one request would be "don't knock it til you try it".

Again, I do appreciate you going to the trouble of providing me with this explanation and wish you nothing but success. Keep operating with that business-man mentality and you will undoubtedly succeed.


Level 2
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Dec 6, 2011
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No worries, just protecting your turf, I can understand that. I reviewed my blog post and softened up some of the areas that I may have taken offense to, were it written about my site. I'm not quite sure what videos you're talking about, but if you're talking about the Sarah page...I didn't have the time to watch those. I just saw the snatch wording on the page, had a chuckle about it, and wrote a bit on it.

I really am not knocking your service, as you'll read in my amended blog post. Remember that I was forced into learning how to do the code myself, due to lack of funds, so that's what I'm familiar with. Just letting others know that options exist if they want to try their hand at it.

Mark Talbot

Level 7
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Jun 13, 2003
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Options are good for everyone.

Maybe this thread does belong to ludacwisp. Not my worry.

But what is important is nobody needs to be defensive.

One party has a premium service.

The other has the po' mans service.

Both deserve equal attention. Neither deserves to be diminished or ridiculed.

There is room for both.
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