Cinran, such a feature would be virtually useless. Given a name that is scheduled to be dropped, it will become available at 1400 Eastern US time plus however long it takes Verisign's drop procedure to get to that name in the list. Given what I know about the drop, I could predict, right now, what time any name will become available in the next 5 days. I'd wager I could predict it to within 3 seconds, in fact.
Why this won't do you much good is because Club Drop knows this. And Pool knows it. And every other drop-catching service knows this, and they all go for the name within microseconds of when it's available. Unless you're a registrar, using an RRP connection to Verisign's batch pool, you have essentially no chance to get the name.
DropShark will let you identify which names are dropping on which day and allow you to seek out the ones you want so that you can submit them to the drop-catching service of your choice.
The next version will have API hooks into Club Drop, and perhaps a few others as well, to make it easier for you.
I've also been convinced by a number of people to put in general domain searching (including tools to calculate link popularity, keywords, etc.) in the next version. In essence, one customer has said to me, "put that in, and I can get rid of the rest of this garbage I use." Sounds good to me.
Want access to the beta for the next version weeks before the demo hits the streets? Register 1.0 now, and you'll have it. That is, registered users will have the betas made available to them as they're ready - yet another benefit of registering this 1.0 version (plus, I trust you can see that I'm supporting, and intend to keep supporting the heck out of DropShark).
Yeah, sales pitch. Sue me