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Domain idiot of the day #2 - and the award goes to...

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Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Feedback: 15 / 0 / 0
Once in a while, after days or weeks of the typical low ball offer, it can be a serious good time to just blast the first idiot that crosses the line.

Without further adieu I bring you idiot #2.

Idiot #2

Subject: Inquiry about Blank.com

> Name: Idiot #2
> Email: info@imanidiot
> Phone: 555-5555
> hi i would like to purchase this domain from you, i have had the
> domain valued and this offer is in excess of that, please let me know
> soon as possible if you are willing to sell for this price as we are
> looking at another name.
> Offer: 150



I don't base my domain sales on unnamed/unknown valuation services. Good luck.

Idiot #2

> why bother replying then, i made you an offer if you want to be such a
> tosser about it stick it up our arse.You know that price is way more than
> its value.
> by the way your website has to be one of the worst looking sites on the
> net you moron wannbe.
> any one conducts business like that is only heading for crash and burn.
> Good luck in gimps vill cause youll need it.


Replied just to highlight what an idiot you are. I'm usually very patient
with domain inquiry's, 98% of the time I ignore stupid comments or low ball
offers, then a real lost newbie like yourself comes along and makes an idiot
offer claiming they had the domain appraised...you fing tool, you aren't
even sharp enough to include the name of the appraiser...think I give a rat's
ass the number some unnamed anonymous appraiser
puts on one of my domains...your a complete tool if you think that would
work....I want you to keep your $150, you can use it for lunch money or if
you really thought ahead you could use it as a springboard to move out of
your parents basement....good luck dumb ass...

Idiot #2

> Hi thanks for that, thats all i wanted. that name is our business name for
> which we are pursuing through icann and the court if we need to.
> We conduct business on another company i own which is a well branded
> online presence to i have good claim to domain. I have made you a decent
> offer. I you would like you to show me your valuation im sure it wont be
> any more than 50 us dollars.
> So best of luck to you.
> ps yes im a complete newbie how did you ever guess :}


What you did was make an initial offer with a lame comment:

<< i have had the domain valued and this offer is in excess of that,
please let me know soon as possible if you are willing to sell for this
price as we are looking at another name.

Your intent was obviously to convince me that I should not ask for more than
your mysterious, unidentified appraisal. You then made a statement implying
that you have other choices and are therefore not committed to my domain.
This also was done to in an attempt to influence my asking price.

Yet here you are, still lacking any negotiation skills and still interested
in the domain, somehow those other choices just vaporized I suppose.

Not one to give up on your pseudo strong arm tactics you now think it smart
to threaten me with Icann. I picked up the domain fair and square, you have
never owned it and now you want to try and take it from someone because you
were asleep at the wheel.

News for you champ, you have no rights to the name, get over it. I only hope
you spend the 2k required to find that out :)

...and you wonder how I ever guessed you were a newbie.

His business partner then replied and suggested that they may have gotten off on the wrong foot. I have yet to reply and don't think I will. Amazing how the price of a domain will rise in relation to an interested party's dickheadedness.

Thinking of starting a regular column of these...

Idiot #1 can fe found here:
Domain Summit 2024


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 4, 2002
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I think I'll send you a lowball offer, just so I can become famous too! :)


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 11, 2008
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I'm a fan of your Idiot series. I read the previous one before and this one is hilarious too. Please keep it up if you see more of these idiots :p


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Another low baller naming his own price and getting upset when the seller refuses it.... They must be heavy Priceline users.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 12, 2006
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Randamo, send those lowballs to Denny007 ;)


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2006
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I'm getting flooded with domain purchase inquiry spam from the UK, again... Pretty sure it's a DNF member. Really getting fed up with it.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
what a loser. I can only hope he might be reading this seeing everyone laugh at him. is the domain really blank.com? if so you have some nice names.
Last edited:


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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I see you're all making fun of my partner and myself. We're starting a business called "Blank Checks" where people can order custom checks - far better than what the banks supply you with.

We have checked with our team of attorneys and they all agree, even the ones who specialize in interweb laws that we do have a 100% legitimate claim on your domain and are currently drafting letters to ICANN and we're also starting court proceedings against you.

We offered you a fair price based on the appraisal from our super-secret and ulta-conservative schoolyard appraisal service. They all said your domain was worth $50 so we offered you an extra hundred dollars for your troubles.

Obviously you're a cyber-squatter and your emails prove to us, our attorneys, and will prove to a jury that you registered the domain clearly in bad faith just to make monet off our good name.

(Please note: the above post is a JOKE and severly laced with SARCASM)).

If the business is worth that much to them - then maybe they should have paid more attention and offered something reasonable for the domain.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I would say...ok, please send your non-refundable down payment to "you & paypal address"

..more info to follow once it's completed so I know you are a serious buyer willing to complete the purchase in full.

Then after the first non-refundable payment advise him the price of the domain is 1,500 total as he offered in the first place and in your reply to him change his 150 to a 1500 in the quoted email below and then ask him where the other 1350 is and say you only send 150!....then refund back his money once he starts to cry about it after busting his chops a bit about it...lmao

I did it once..was totally hilarious.
Last edited:


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Once in a while, after days or weeks of the typical low ball offer, it can be a serious good time to just blast the first idiot that crosses the line.

Without further adieu I bring you idiot #2.

Idiot #2

Subject: Inquiry about Blank.com

> Name: Idiot #2
> Email: info@imanidiot
> Phone: 555-5555
> hi i would like to purchase this domain from you, i have had the
> domain valued and this offer is in excess of that, please let me know
> soon as possible if you are willing to sell for this price as we are
> looking at another name.
> Offer: 150



I don't base my domain sales on unnamed/unknown valuation services. Good luck.

Idiot #2

> why bother replying then, i made you an offer if you want to be such a
> tosser about it stick it up our arse.You know that price is way more than
> its value.
> by the way your website has to be one of the worst looking sites on the
> net you moron wannbe.
> any one conducts business like that is only heading for crash and burn.
> Good luck in gimps vill cause youll need it.


Replied just to highlight what an idiot you are. I'm usually very patient
with domain inquiry's, 98% of the time I ignore stupid comments or low ball
offers, then a real lost newbie like yourself comes along and makes an idiot
offer claiming they had the domain appraised...you fing tool, you aren't
even sharp enough to include the name of the appraiser...think I give a rat's
ass the number some unnamed anonymous appraiser
puts on one of my domains...your a complete tool if you think that would
work....I want you to keep your $150, you can use it for lunch money or if
you really thought ahead you could use it as a springboard to move out of
your parents basement....good luck dumb ass...

Idiot #2

> Hi thanks for that, thats all i wanted. that name is our business name for
> which we are pursuing through icann and the court if we need to.
> We conduct business on another company i own which is a well branded
> online presence to i have good claim to domain. I have made you a decent
> offer. I you would like you to show me your valuation im sure it wont be
> any more than 50 us dollars.
> So best of luck to you.
> ps yes im a complete newbie how did you ever guess :}


What you did was make an initial offer with a lame comment:

<< i have had the domain valued and this offer is in excess of that,
please let me know soon as possible if you are willing to sell for this
price as we are looking at another name.

Your intent was obviously to convince me that I should not ask for more than
your mysterious, unidentified appraisal. You then made a statement implying
that you have other choices and are therefore not committed to my domain.
This also was done to in an attempt to influence my asking price.

Yet here you are, still lacking any negotiation skills and still interested
in the domain, somehow those other choices just vaporized I suppose.

Not one to give up on your pseudo strong arm tactics you now think it smart
to threaten me with Icann. I picked up the domain fair and square, you have
never owned it and now you want to try and take it from someone because you
were asleep at the wheel.

News for you champ, you have no rights to the name, get over it. I only hope
you spend the 2k required to find that out :)

...and you wonder how I ever guessed you were a newbie.

His business partner then replied and suggested that they may have gotten off on the wrong foot. I have yet to reply and don't think I will. Amazing how the price of a domain will rise in relation to an interested party's dickheadedness.

Thinking of starting a regular column of these...

Idiot #1 can fe found here:

why put yourself thru all that?


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Feedback: 15 / 0 / 0
why put yourself thru all that?

What turned out to be a simple and straight forward reply from Poker, turned into a pissing match real fast... It happens. Sometimes it's better not to reply back to these time wasting idiots, But then again, some take on a life of their own that become memorable...

Like the guy from Pottsville, PA who inquired about a Remodeling domain, The most nasty and bitter man I ever came across. Needless to say, I got more than even with this guy... It's a great story with a hilarious ending. If I find the emails, I'll post it in another thread.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Actually didn't care about his offer since the guy was being such a prick...it's also a good idea to let your steam out once in a while on someone that deserves it...low ball offers, bad bluffs and just general buyer ignorance, it all builds up when you get offers every day.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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either way, at the end of the day he's just a dumbass :)


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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For $150 you could have offered to deliver an appraisal of the name :pound:


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Feedback: 10 / 0 / 0
How'bout having a Hall Of Shame with all the Idiots listed :smilewinkgrin:
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