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Offers fast sale of website sorve.com

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
This site will be selling fast i need the cash right away so what ever it goes for it will go.

The site will be sold 48 hours from today
All times are GMT -5. The time now is 09:00 PM.

Hello All,
My name is Marty and i am selling my website that is a pay per submission directory that has great potential.

Here is some info about the site:
Title: Directory Sorve.com
URL: http://www.sorve.com/
Adsense income past 4 months:
Jul-2005 = USD55.25
Aug-2005 = USD55.67
Sep-2005 = USD73.63
Oct-2005 = USD50.16
Average submission sales: $100 per month.
This month the ste made $130 in submission.
PageRank: 4
Alexa traffic rank: 73,618
Average Monthly Stats: http://www.sorve.com/stats.GIF

Income screen shots
paypal: http://www.sorve.com/paypalstats.GIF
google: http://www.sorve.com/googlestat.GIF

Other parts of the site:
http://sorve.com/mail/ - i currently disabled signups but currently still has 50 members.
Webmaster email newsletter that has currently 101 subscribers.

The website is easy to manage and admin.

Im looking for one years income.

I have set a BIN price of $2500

Payment Methods: bank transfer or paypal.

If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.

Thank you

$1250 Current offer

This site will be sold in 24 hours
All times are GMT -5. The time now is 12:33 AM.
Domain Days 2024
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