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Fixed prices set for the domain(s) listed in the original post.
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Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score

I`m selling 90 % of ALL my domains due to serious personal reasons that right now I can`t disclose. Also I`m quitting at least for a few years with the domain industry and internet in general. With lots of regrets but I need money and so this is your chance to pick up something extremely valuable from a reputable seller that has never caused any problem with buyers.

I hope to be back one day.

I`ll miss you guys but I have no choice.


These are my LLLL.com for sale.

All the following ones are registered at GoDaddy and the expiry date is next to each one.

NWZP.COM 7/26/2008 $30 SOLD
GIWJ.COM 7/23/2008 $30 SOLD
GJUW.COM 7/26/2008 $30 SOLD
IUFQ.COM 7/23/2008 $30 SOLD
IYJR.COM 7/26/2008 $30 (JR=Junior) SOLD
HWJU.COM 7/23/2008 $30 SOLD
QCOU.COM 8/16/2008 $30 SOLD
EQHV.COM 8/14/2008 $30 SOLD
FVFY.COM 8/5/2008 $30 SOLD
UQHH.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of UQH.com) SOLD
UQRR.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of UQR.com) SOLD
LQNN.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of LQN.com) SOLD
GVYV.COM 8/5/2008 $30 SOLD
XVFF.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of XVF.com) SOLD
PVFY.COM 8/5/2008 $30 SOLD
VGGX.COM 8/5/2008 $30 (typo of VGX.com) SOLD
RRQV.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of RQV.com) SOLD
QKNN.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of QKN.com) SOLD
QKRR.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of QKR.com) SOLD
QVFF.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of QVF.com) SOLD
QXNN.COM 8/14/2008 $30 (typo of QXN.com) SOLD

TDZU.COM 7/23/2008 $35 SOLD
FPOQ.COM 8/14/2008 $35 SOLD
OUQC.COM 8/14/2008 $35 SOLD

FZMN.COM 7/16/2008 $40 (MN= Minnesota) SOLD
BFUJ.COM 8/2/2008 $40 SOLD
IYLR.COM 7/23/2008 $40 SOLD
IYML.COM 7/23/2008 $40 (ending in L = Limited) SOLD
IYRG.COM 7/23/2008 $40 SOLD
IYRM.COM 7/23/2008 $40 SOLD
LBXT.COM 7/26/2008 $40 SOLD
LVNZ.COM 7/23/2008 $40 (NZ=New Zealand) SOLD
OXLR.COM 7/23/2008 $40 SOLD
OXND.COM 7/23/2008 $40 SOLD
OYGR.COM 7/23/2008 $40 SOLD
YQCA.COM 8/16/2008 $40 (CA= California , Canada) SOLD
PDZT.COM 7/26/2008 $40 SOLD
PMZF.COM 7/23/2008 $40 SOLD
QCAJ.COM 8/16/2008 $40 (CA= California , Canada) SOLD
RCZR.COM 7/23/2008 $40 SOLD
GQNN.COM 8/14/2008 $40 (typo of GQN.com) SOLD
VQMY.COM 10/12/2008 $40 (with MY in it, rare!) SOLD
ZMRF.COM 9/29/2008 $40 SOLD
QMYG.COM 10/12/2008 $40 (with MY in it, rare!) SOLD
QRNN.COM 8/14/2008 $40 (typo of QRN.com) SOLD
RMYQ.COM 10/12/2008 $40 (with MY in it, rare!) SOLD

GPQL.COM 8/14/2008 $45 (ending in L = Limited) SOLD
GQNL.COM 8/14/2008 $45 (ending in L = Limited) SOLD
LTQL.COM 8/14/2008 $45 (ending in L = Limited) SOLD
ZPLU.COM 9/29/2008 $45 SOLD
OQQL.COM 8/14/2008 $45 (ending in L = Limited) SOLD

TNYV.COM 8/27/2008 $49 (TN=Tennessee or NY=New York in it)
AUBQ.COM 8/21/2008 $49 (AU stands for Australia)
BVYB.COM 5/11/2009 $49
EVQL.COM 8/16/2008 $49 (ending in L = Limited)
FMQU.COM 10/16/2008 $49
GNYQ.COM 8/27/2008 $49 (NY=New York)
XFFU.COM 7/30/2008 $49 SOLD
DZFN.COM 7/31/2008 $49 SOLD
EGTQ.COM 8/16/2008 $49
EPQL.COM 8/16/2008 $49 (ending in L = Limited)
NZSR.COM 8/5/2008 $49 (NZ=New Zealand) SOLD
OMZC.COM 8/14/2008 $49 SOLD
VPCY.COM 8/5/2008 $49 (with PC in it, rare!)
YEYJ.COM 8/5/2008 $49
RQLA.COM 8/14/2008 $49 (LA = Los Angeles)
RUKQ.COM 9/17/2008 $49 (UK in it)
RUYQ.COM 8/14/2008 $49
RYRQ.COM 8/14/2008 $49
TUZF.COM 8/14/2008 $49
ZFNZ.COM 9/29/2008 $49 (NZ=New Zealand , "Zero Fear New Zealand" ?) SOLD
ZPCU.COM 8/5/2008 $49 (with PC in it, rare!)
ZPCV.COM 8/5/2008 $49 (with PC in it, rare! Or with CV at the end , double opportunity!!)
GEPQ.COM 8/14/2008 $49
GUPQ.COM 8/14/2008 $49
LQEL.COM 8/14/2008 $49 (Double L + ending in L = Limited)
LQIO.COM 8/14/2008 $49 (ending in O = Online)
OQFF.COM 8/14/2008 $49 (typo of OQF.com)
OQHH.COM 8/14/2008 $49 (typo of OQH.com)
PUYQ.COM 8/14/2008 $49
QZAU.COM 10/19/2008 $49 (AU = Australia)
QZUA.COM 9/29/2008 $49 (rare ending in A)
XUKB.COM 9/17/2008 $49 (UK in it , Extra UK Business?) SOLD

EQCV.COM 8/16/2008 $60 Electronic Quality Curriculum Vitae
ERZF.COM 8/12/2008 $60 (ER= Emergency Room)
OFYQ.COM 8/12/2008 $60
OVQI.COM 10/31/2008 $60 (ending in I = Inc.)
OZKB.COM 10/31/2008 $60 (OZ = Australia)
UMYQ.COM 8/23/2008 $60
XITQ.COM 8/12/2008 $60 (great LLLL with IT, a rarity!!!)
QGNA.COM 9/29/2008 $60 (rare ending in A)
NZRG.COM 8/5/2008 $60 (NZ=New Zealand + ending in G = Group , New Zealand Radio Group?)
NZLG.COM 8/5/2008 $60 (NZ=New Zealand + ending in G = Group , New Zealand Law Group?)
QJQA.COM 10/19/2008 $60 (rare ending in A)

VPCJ.COM 8/5/2008 $69 (with PC in it, rare! "Video PC Jobs" !!!!)
OZJS.COM 8/14/2008 $69 (OZ= Australia "OZ Jobs Sydney")
OZLC.COM 8/14/2008 $69 (OZ= Australia "OZ Law Centre"!!!)
OQYL.COM 8/14/2008 $69 (ending in L = Limited)
PZNL.COM 9/29/2008 $69 (NL= Netherlands + ending in L = Limited) PENDING SALE
QITJ.COM 8/14/2008 $69 (great LLLL with IT, a rarity!!! "Quality IT Jobs" !!!)
QUKG.COM 10/12/2008 $69 (UK in it + or at the end KG = Kilograms)
RNZF.COM 9/29/2008 $69 (NZ=New Zealand , "Royal New Zealand Force" !!!!!!!!!!!)
YCUF.COM 8/5/2008 $69
YFOV.COM 8/5/2008 $69
ZRDE.COM 8/14/2008 $69 (DE = Germany, ULTRA-RARE!!! Don`t forget that Z is a Premium letter in Germany!!!)

IIZG.COM 10/10/2008 $80
LZGI.COM 10/31/2008 $80 (ending in I = Inc.)
IUKQ.COM 9/17/2008 $80 (I UK ?)
NZJL.COM 8/14/2008 $80 (NZ=New Zealand + ending in L = Limited , New Zealand Jobs Limited?)
NZML.COM 8/5/2008 $80 (NZ=New Zealand + ending in L = Limited , New Zealand Media Limited?)

OZPL.COM 8/14/2008 $99 (OZ= Australia "OZ Poker Limited"!!!)
UOUW.COM 11/12/2008 $99 (3 vowels + W , a BIG rarity!)
UXYB.COM 8/5/2008 $99
UXYF.COM 8/5/2008 $99
UXYG.COM 8/5/2008 $99
UXYL.COM 8/5/2008 $99
YSUY.COM 8/5/2008 $99
OQDN.COM 8/6/2008 $99 (Only Quality Domain Names = perfect for your Domain Business!!)
OQJO.COM 8/14/2008 $99 (Only Quality Jobs Online!! Perfect endusers chances!!)
OQNZ.COM 10/19/2008 $99 (Online Quotes New Zealand = perfect for an insurance business in NZ!!!)
OZJL.COM 8/14/2008 $99 (OZ= Australia "OZ Jobs Limited"!!!)
YVPO.COM 8/8/2008 $99 (ending in O = Online + GREAT ACRONYM: "Your Video Poker Online" !!!!!! WOW!!!)

OOGJ.COM 6/14/2009 $100 (rare double O) PENDING SALE
OQLI.COM 8/22/2008 $100 Pronunciable and ending with I = Inc.
DFUO.COM 8/2/2008 $100 (ending in O)
RUDF.COM 8/2/2008 $100
SUDF.COM 8/2/2008 $100
ILQY.COM 8/19/2008 $100 Pronunciable
ITXB.COM 1/25/2009 $100 (great LLLL with IT, a rarity, at Snap. all ITLL go for min 4 figures!!)
NFVY.COM 8/4/2008 $100 (almost a NAVY typo!)
RGLU.COM 12/17/2008 $100

GPBU.COM 5/30/2009 $130 (GP= Family doctor)

IXYB.COM 8/5/2008 $150 Pronunciable
YGEB.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable
YGEF.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable
YGEG.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable
YMEF.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable
YRIL.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable

UAZE.COM 8/4/2008 $250 Pronunciable
UFEQ.COM 4/29/2009 $250 Pronunciable

EPYF.COM 1/25/2009 $300 Pronunciable
IEPY.COM 8/2/2008 $300 Pronunciable
IRYB.COM 4/14/2009 $300 Pronunciable
OZUE.COM 6/8/2009 $300 Pronunciable
DLUY.COM 6/22/2009 $300 Pronunciable/brandable

UIGU.COM 8/4/2008 $500 Pronunciable

Then also registered at Joker.com:

OPPB.com $350

Created in 2004 and Registered till March 2009 , has some backlinks and is a PR3:

Domain: oppb.com
Keywords (Autodetected) oppb
Frequency (MSN) 12700
Backlinks 4,069
PageRank 3
Alexa Rank Not Ranked
Traffic (Visits / Day) N/A

http://EstiBot.com Valuation : USD 870


Please read terms and conditions below prior to claim sold as I have some preferences about the way to receive the payments.

I am very interested in Bulk deals as my time online now will be VERY limited and also if you are in a transaction with me, please be patient as it may take up to few days now for me to complete any deal. I will of course always try to complete within 48 hours but don`t worry if it takes up to a week. In the worst case scenario, I`ll refund all your money. I care about my reputation much more than few thousands $.

I have described as good as I could this listing but please you are invited to double check everything as I`m human too and can type something wrong sometimes too. Any question is welcome.

PayPal payments : if you like a domain that is in my list, you can make the offer at Sedo and then I`ll move it to auction, if no one elses outbid you, you win and can pay Sedo with PayPal, then Sedo will pay me (-10 % of course). I removed the asking prices from my sedo listings so you can offer the asking price that I`m asking here for the ones that are not less than $60

1) MoneyBookers (MoneyBookers has a fantastic cheap Escrow as well if you like to use it, costs only 1 % of the transaction and guarantees safety for both buyer and seller)

At moneybookers I know that you can fund your account from your bank account, it takes a few days but it works.

I hate PayPal and I refused so many payments lately just because I don`t even have the time to deal with them if a there is a problem, they freeze accounts too often and I absolutely NEED money now.

There is no cheaper and safer option than MoneyBookers and if you are afraid for your money than we can use their Escrow service which will cost you less than the PayPal fees , as explained here:


"Fees: Our fee is paid by the buyer and is 1% of the purchase price (but a minimum of EUR 2)."

2) Moniker Escrow (buyer pay the fees)

3) EscrowAustralia.com.au (adviced for Australian buyers only)

4) by bank wire to my bank account , my reputation should guarantee you that what I offer is what I give. I can provide info of other reputable buyers that paid me in advance up to $3,000 by wire and you can ask how I carried the transactions.


I reserve the right to end this sale at any time.

Multiforum offer : first to post "sold" will have the right to purchase.

Claiming "sold" will guarantee you priority to purchase but should payment not be completed within 1 calendar week (7 days) , I have the right to sell your unpaid domains to someone else.

Best regards,


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Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
Special offer valid for the next 48 hours only:

10 % OFF on purchases above $100 (except for the domain OPPB.com which is already priced too cheap)

Note: I may not reply within the 48 hours but as long as you claimed it sold on this thread, we`ll complete the deal at that price ASAP.

Also please, if you send me a PM , then write here PM sent.

Last edited:


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
PM Sent !




and all the ones priced between $30 and $45 (included) are now PENDING sale in a Bulk deal.

(if you are interested in any of those, you can still submit your interest on this thread, and if the payment won`t be completed within 7 days, then I may offer you a second chance)

The cheapest available LLLL.com are now at $49


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score


Sorry but that one was already PENDING SALE in another forum from yestarday.

I just updated the list.

If the buyer does not complete the payment within 7 days, I`ll offer it to you.

Last edited:


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
I just got an idea that may help both me and people who prefer to use PayPal:

if you like a domain that is in my list, you can make the offer at Sedo and then I`ll move it to auction, if no one elses outbid you, you win and can pay Sedo with PayPal, then Sedo will pay me (-10 % of course).

I`m currently removing the asking prices from my sedo listings so you can offer the asking price that I`m asking here for the ones that are not less than $60

This should make it.

Here below the adjusted prices valid only for individual names, some names have been heavily reduced (from $99 to just $60) , some increased (the ones priced $49) .

TNYV.COM 8/27/2008 $60 (TN=Tennessee or NY=New York in it)
AUBQ.COM 8/21/2008 $60 (AU stands for Australia)
BVYB.COM 5/11/2009 $60
EVQL.COM 8/16/2008 $60 (ending in L = Limited)
FMQU.COM 10/16/2008 $60
GNYQ.COM 8/27/2008 $60 (NY=New York)
EGTQ.COM 8/16/2008 $60
EPQL.COM 8/16/2008 $60 (ending in L = Limited)
VPCY.COM 8/5/2008 $60 (with PC in it, rare!)
YEYJ.COM 8/5/2008 $60
RQLA.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (LA = Los Angeles)
RUKQ.COM 9/17/2008 $60 (UK in it)
RUYQ.COM 8/14/2008 $60
RYRQ.COM 8/14/2008 $60
TUZF.COM 8/14/2008 $60
ZFNZ.COM 9/29/2008 $60 (NZ=New Zealand , "Zero Fear New Zealand" ?) SOLD
ZPCU.COM 8/5/2008 $60 (with PC in it, rare!)
ZPCV.COM 8/5/2008 $60 (with PC in it, rare! Or with CV at the end , double opportunity!!)
GEPQ.COM 8/14/2008 $60
GUPQ.COM 8/14/2008 $60
LQEL.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (Double L + ending in L = Limited)
LQIO.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (ending in O = Online)
OQFF.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (typo of OQF.com)
OQHH.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (typo of OQH.com)
PUYQ.COM 8/14/2008 $60
QZAU.COM 10/19/2008 $60 (AU = Australia)
QZUA.COM 9/29/2008 $60 (rare ending in A)
EQCV.COM 8/16/2008 $60 Electronic Quality Curriculum Vitae
ERZF.COM 8/12/2008 $60 (ER= Emergency Room)
OFYQ.COM 8/12/2008 $60
OVQI.COM 10/31/2008 $60 (ending in I = Inc.)
OZKB.COM 10/31/2008 $60 (OZ = Australia)
UMYQ.COM 8/23/2008 $60
XITQ.COM 8/12/2008 $60 (great LLLL with IT, a rarity!!!)
QGNA.COM 9/29/2008 $60 (rare ending in A)
NZRG.COM 8/5/2008 $60 (NZ=New Zealand + ending in G = Group , New Zealand Radio Group?)
NZLG.COM 8/5/2008 $60 (NZ=New Zealand + ending in G = Group , New Zealand Law Group?)
QJQA.COM 10/19/2008 $60 (rare ending in A)
VPCJ.COM 8/5/2008 $60 (with PC in it, rare! "Video PC Jobs" !!!!)
OZJS.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (OZ= Australia "OZ Jobs Sydney")
OZLC.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (OZ= Australia "OZ Law Centre"!!!)
OQYL.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (ending in L = Limited)
QITJ.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (great LLLL with IT, a rarity!!! "Quality IT Jobs" !!!)
YCUF.COM 8/5/2008 $60
YFOV.COM 8/5/2008 $60
ZRDE.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (DE = Germany, ULTRA-RARE!!! Don`t forget that Z is a Premium letter in Germany!!!)
OZJL.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (OZ= Australia "OZ Jobs Limited"!!!)
YVPO.COM 8/8/2008 $60 (ending in O = Online + GREAT ACRONYM: "Your Video Poker Online" !!!!!! WOW!!!)
OQDN.COM 8/6/2008 $60 (Only Quality Domain Names = perfect for your Domain Business!!)
OQJO.COM 8/14/2008 $60 (Only Quality Jobs Online!! Perfect endusers chances!!)

IIZG.COM 10/10/2008 $80
LZGI.COM 10/31/2008 $80 (ending in I = Inc.)
IUKQ.COM 9/17/2008 $80 (I UK ?)
QUKG.COM 10/12/2008 $80 (UK in it + or at the end KG = Kilograms)
NZJL.COM 8/14/2008 $80 (NZ=New Zealand + ending in L = Limited , New Zealand Jobs Limited?)
NZML.COM 8/5/2008 $80 (NZ=New Zealand + ending in L = Limited , New Zealand Media Limited?)
RNZF.COM 9/29/2008 $80 (NZ=New Zealand , "Royal New Zealand Force" !!!!!!!!!!!)

OZPL.COM 8/14/2008 $99 (OZ= Australia "OZ Poker Limited"!!!)
UOUW.COM 11/12/2008 $99 (3 vowels + W , a BIG rarity!)
UXYB.COM 8/5/2008 $99
UXYF.COM 8/5/2008 $99
UXYG.COM 8/5/2008 $99
UXYL.COM 8/5/2008 $99
YSUY.COM 8/5/2008 $99
OQNZ.COM 10/19/2008 $99 (Online Quotes New Zealand = perfect for an insurance business in NZ!!!)

OQLI.COM 8/22/2008 $100 Pronunciable and ending with I = Inc.
DFUO.COM 8/2/2008 $100 (ending in O)
RUDF.COM 8/2/2008 $100
SUDF.COM 8/2/2008 $100
ILQY.COM 8/19/2008 $100 Pronunciable
ITXB.COM 1/25/2009 $100 (great LLLL with IT, a rarity, at Snap. all ITLL go for min 4 figures!!)
NFVY.COM 8/4/2008 $100 (almost a NAVY typo!)
RGLU.COM 12/17/2008 $100

GPBU.COM 5/30/2009 $130 (GP= Family doctor)

IXYB.COM 8/5/2008 $150 Pronunciable
YGEB.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable
YGEF.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable
YGEG.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable
YMEF.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable
YRIL.COM 4/14/2009 $150 Pronunciable

UAZE.COM 8/4/2008 $250 Pronunciable
UFEQ.COM 4/29/2009 $250 Pronunciable

EPYF.COM 1/25/2009 $300 Pronunciable
IEPY.COM 8/2/2008 $300 Pronunciable
IRYB.COM 4/14/2009 $300 Pronunciable
OZUE.COM 6/8/2009 $300 Pronunciable
DLUY.COM 6/22/2009 $300 Pronunciable/brandable

UIGU.COM 8/4/2008 $500 Pronunciable


Any offer must be placed through Sedo`s market system.

These prices are valid only for people who:

1) don`t want or can`t use MoneyBookers or pay me by wire

2) are not buying in Bulk

For both of them , cheaper prices may be available, just check the earlier posts of this thread.
Last edited:
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