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Offers ManilaInternational.com, MediaRanks.com, CheckUnits.com, CargoTour.com, RevenuesAi.com, WorldMetaverse.Net. Up for Hearing Offers


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Apr 29, 2023
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  1. ManilaInternational.com:
    This domain name suggests a focus on international business in or related to the city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Potential uses for this domain name could include a travel or tourism website, a business directory, or a news site focused on the Manila region.
  2. MediaRanks.com:
    This domain name implies a focus on media rankings or evaluations, potentially for websites, social media accounts, or other online platforms. A company or service that provides media ranking and analysis services could use this domain name.
  3. CheckUnits.com:
    This domain name could be used for a variety of purposes related to "checking" or verifying something, potentially in the realm of real estate or property management. For example, a property management software company might use this domain name for a tool that allows landlords or property managers to easily track and manage their rental units.
  4. CargoTour.com:
    This domain name suggests a focus on tours or travel related to cargo or freight. This could potentially be used by a shipping company or logistics provider to offer tours of their facilities or operations, or by a travel company that specializes in freight-focused vacations or travel experiences.
  5. RevenuesAi.com:
    This domain name implies a focus on artificial intelligence (AI) for analyzing or optimizing business revenues. Potential uses for this domain name could include a software company that provides AI-powered revenue analysis tools, a consulting firm that specializes in revenue optimization strategies, or a news or research site focused on AI and business revenue.
  6. WorldMetaverse.Net:
    This domain name suggests a focus on a virtual or digital "metaverse" that encompasses the entire world. This could potentially be used by a gaming company or virtual world provider, or by a tech company that is working on developing a global digital ecosystem.

    Transfer through Sedo, Dan
Domain Days 2024

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