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MERGE! Orlando 2017 [advance info, DNForum discount, hotel link]


Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 27, 2005
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We have kept a lot of the information somewhat low-key about the upcoming MERGE! conference, and I wanted to get some early info to DNForum members as well as a link to special pricing and discount hotel link

WHAT: MERGE! Orlando 2017
WHEN: October 14-18, 2017
WHERE: Marriott's Orlando World Center
WHY: Awesome value and unparalleled networking due to multiple conference access
WHO: All'y'all DNForum Members, investors, developers, technologists, students, startups, major brands, and more

DNForum Members can save $200 on MERGE! tickets with this link:
Eventbrite: https://mergeorlando17.eventbrite.com?discount=_M_DNFORUM-MERGE-200
Also, book your rooms using this link to save massively while the room block still has space available (going fast):
Marriot's Orlando World Center - https://aws.passkey.com/go/DomainConference2017

tl;dr version:
In putting together vendor-neutral conferences for us to meet at, I had this crazy idea to also pull in developers, brands, and other technologies that use domain names, and draw in the industry connections that help us grow awareness and aid in making our business of domain names thrive and flourish. I teamed up with Ray Neu (son of Barbara and Howard of THEDomainConference and TRAFFIC founders) to form MERGE!, which is a whole new thing that I believe will be worthwhile to attend and valuable from a networking and growth perspective for many of us.

We're treating MERGE! like a 'worlds fair' event - hosting a number of different events within MERGE! (new and old), one of which is THEDomainConference in its third year. People head to that every year, and know it has a wealth of good networking and opportunities, as well as being a who's who of experts on appraisal, brokering, registries, registrars, domain advertising, registration, TLD Applications, email services and other investment opportunities.
Your MERGE! Ticket covers access to all non-closed sessions at all the subevents, the networking events, the seminars, and more.
  • THEDomainConference is joined by many other subevents, activities and open meeetings, which also will include (at least, there are more pending agreement)
    • MERGE.NETWORKING - THEWhir Networking Event (these have been running since 2004) which attracts hosting/ssl/email and services,
      • Allegravita is doing an enhanced version of their China Bootcamp for people to understand engaging with that large economy and market,
      • a Digital Branding event for CIO/CMO and director level people,
      • SEO/SEM/Marketing Automation
    • MERGE.TECH -
      • Blockchain Roadshow - learn about cryptocurrency and other uses of this robust technology,
      • IoT content
      • CryptoCurrency
      • Security, Privacy, Encryption
      • AI and Automation
    • MERGE.LEGAL - McGrady Domain Academy - learn about domains (and social media) and law from the person who quite literally wrote the book on it,
      • CMS Summit will have Joomla/Automattic (WordPress and .blog)/Drupal and other content management platform vendors/experts/developers/theme vendors/designers/consultants and perform educational sessions as well as certification programs,
      • Startup focused sessions
      • (potentially - pending agreement) A hackathon
    • MERGE.UNO - FUNDIR.LAT Content and sessions in and around highlighting the entrepreneurial spark and successful Hispanic businesses and opportunities in the Latin American and Spanish speaking markets.
    • PLUS - Waaaaaaaay more than what is listed here, with space for user groups and other sessions, meeting space for ICA members gathering, DNForum Members' welcome social, investors' focus (microfinincing, vc/angels, hedgefunds, etc) and more.

You can meet other DNForum members at the event, and we will have very exciting announcements about additional content and keynote speakers as we approach the event. There have been a couple articles on DNJournal:
http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/low...s/20170613.htm and http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/low...s/20170501.htm and http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/low...s/20170410.htm.
Many of you have attended a TRAFFIC, NamesCon, or THEDomainConference in some corner of the world, and have exposure to some of what a vendor-neutral conference that remains focused on general industry discussion can be. I was going to use DOMAINfest in that mix, but that was owned by Oversee and often focused upon their rhetoric or telegraphing their perspective (or showcased their in-house auction service or portfolio while they owned one). By the way, the MERGE! team consists of people who founded all of those shows, so you know there will be solid content and good experiences.

MERGE! is totally neutral. Liken it to the auto industry show - not the Chrysler auto industry show or the Ford auto industry show.

I hope you'll be inspired to join us for MERGE! - we're working very hard to make this an exceptional event that is worth the time and money for our attendees, speakers, and sponsors.

See you there!

PS, please also look at the IAEF.ORG charity that we are supporting through the event, and consider supporting them as part of the event (or separately). They are doing great things and improving the lives of those less fortunate than us.

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