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info New Membership Options

An informative domain name related thread.
I would like to inform you about the introduction of new membership options for our forum: Free, Elite, and Corporate memberships. These memberships have been designed to cater to the specific needs and preferences of our members while maintaining equal access to essential features like posting and messaging for everyone.

For members who wish to buy, sell, or discuss domain names, our Free membership offers all the necessary features and requires no upgrade.

If you are an individual with an established business looking to promote it through a custom signature, our Elite membership is the appropriate choice for you. This membership allows you to have a custom signature with up to three lines and three links, along with an Elite Member badge.

For companies who want to bring attention to their brand, we offer the Corporate membership. This membership option provides a custom signature for all your employees, a Corporate Member badge, and a Corporate Member Banner in the top of the DNForum sidebar. Please note that employees must register with your company's official email to be eligible for these benefits.

For upgrade options, please visit: https://www.dnforum.com/account/upgrades

We appreciate your understanding and support as we implement these changes to better serve our community.

Thank you,

The Rule #1

Do not insult any other member. Be polite and do business. Thank you!

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