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Urgent advice needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Level 10
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2004
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IMO They are BLUFFING ! They'd hardly offer $200 and threaten court action.Stuff them they're trying to force you into a peanut deal.Hold out, you'll get much more.Tell them you've had another offer today for $750 and $500 and see what they say.Since when has NICK been trademarked?

ooops I misread your figures lol.Add a zero
Domain Summit 2024


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2002
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That is some great advice.

I got the w9 and stuff in the mail today. It came from MTV networks.
She is the vice president of intellectual property business and legal affairs.
She said in the letter that once she gets the transfer forms, ( whole bunch of Stuff) and the w9 she will send the $200 which was agreed upon.

This lady is realy assuming that I am letting them go for $1000 for each name.
She even sent it airborn express.. I have not talked to her today, So should I break the silence or should she.

She sent all kinds of legal crap and I am suppose to transfer them to verisign.

Should I break the silence?

Thanks for all the advice.. This is a big bite

This is the email she just sent today.

Hi Shawn - I got your message this morning. We have sent you the documents to complete the transfer along with the W9 tax form so that we can pay you. If you could just send me an email back confirming that we agreed on the amount of $2000($1000 for each) for the transfer of nickkid.com and kidnick.com.

Thanks Shawn!


DNF Regular
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Aug 23, 2004
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i would leave it for a few days and see if they call you up, once you had time to think about it and have decided on a price that you would be willing to sell them for, talk to them, tell them how much the names meant to you. just take your time and dont agree to anything without first thinking it through, and make sure you read all the legal docs and all the small print, make sure you know exacly what you are agreeing too


Level 8
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Sep 11, 2002
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Take the $2000. It's a fair price. At some point they may decide that they don't really need these domains afterall. Which they don't since they have Nick.com. It was probably just brought to their attention that somebody else has NickKid.com and KidNick.com and some suits went into "Cover Your Ass" mode. If you drag this out with them they may just lose interest or go the legal route and then when and if they lose they will just forget about these domains that they don't need anyway.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2002
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If you are going to just ask for a little more, don't bother, you may lose it. In other words, don't ask for $2500, or $4000, then you will just wonder if they would have gone higher, or who knows, they may just say forget it. If you are going to negotiate again, go over $10,000, or else, just take the 2K. Don't risk losing the deal over a small bump. Go for all or nothing!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2002
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By the way did you know that they have NickKids.com and it just redirects to Nick.com. This really looks to me like somebody just got a bug up their ass about somebody else having these domains. You should definitely take the 2K and not drag it out.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 16, 2003
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Agree with Giant Domains. nick.com is a name, not a brand. MTV want to use their billion dollar media network to put a branded .com out for kids to remember. they probably have $10 million budgeted on the website. Laurie is taking you for a ride offering $100. KidNick.Com is going to be flashed onscreen to millions of kids for the next decade and you'd take $1000? Watch cable TV one morning, the Nickelodeon channel!

Just reply to the email...

Thanks Laurie I received the forms, however I am still thinking about the offer. I have estimated the retail value for these names at $xx,xxx otherwise the names will be for my son. I will sell you the names for $35,000. Nick would be devastated at the loss and I think that is reasonable. Thank you.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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sjp said:
VP - Intellectual Property
Business and Legal Affairs

this is great and all, but you really shouldn't be putting her info on the web!


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2002
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This is great advice.. I just emailed her and I am sure she will be calling first thing in the morning.

I will continue to take all advice thanks for everything,


Level 3
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Sep 5, 2002
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I think you should edit out these posts before they get indexed by the search engines.

sjp said:
This is great advice.. I just emailed her and I am sure she will be calling first thing in the morning.

Jedi, I thought I erased her last name. I normally do not put names on here.. So do you have any advice???

I will continue to take all advice thanks for everything,


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2002
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jedi said:
this is great and all, but you really shouldn't be putting her info on the web!

I edited my post and took her name out.

Jedi can you edit yours?


DNF Member
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Oct 10, 2003
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If you want to take the $2k but benefit your kid a little more, ask her if they could bring you to their studios and give you a tour with your kid. Or, send your kid something unique from the network stars.

$2k is a fair price for the domains. If you don't want to sell them, and never commercialize them, I don't believe they could just take them otherwise.


Level 2
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Aug 5, 2004
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SJP, I just checked for the trademark issue, well they can't legally sue your or something, think about it, they might register it soon!

I think asking for $5000 will be fair for you ($2500 each).. you might lose the deal if they decide not to bother.

Another advice, don't sign papers or anything.. list your domain on a trusted domain-broker and make the sale online, let the broker send you the legal documents.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2002
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Here is the message that was sent to me today.

what do you think

Your recent e-mail to has been referred to me for a response. You have previously indicated that a large amount of traffic intended for MTV Networks ("MTVN") and our NICKELODEON channel has been diverted to two Internet domains which you have registered, nickkid.com and kidnick.com. This is not surprising because the domains incorporate as a principal feature our internationally famous NICK trademark which is used on programs and products for kids. Because you also stated that these domains had originally been purchased by you not for the purpose of profiting, but for a family website, we negotiated with you in good faith. The result of those negotiations was an agreement to pay you $1000 per site - which not only compensated you for the registration fees, but also provided a bonus as "thanks" for bringing the matter to our attention.

However, now that Ms. Dillon has sent you the necessary paperwork, you have reneged on that agreement (on the apparent advice of your wife) and are demanding some unspecified greater sum to transfer the domains. This action has significant legal ramifications, and I want to make these clear to you.

1) This constitutes breach of the oral contract that existed between you and MTV Networks. In your communications with Ms. Dillon, all material terms were agreed to (e.g. payment terms, transfer requirements, etc.). The completion of the transfer forms and W-9 was not necessary to the formation of the contract, but was only necessary to your performance and our disbursement of the funds. As you have failed to perform on your obligations, you are liable to MTVN for breach of contract and MTVN has the right to enforce the agreement in a court of law.

2) By attempting to profit based on the confusion created between your domains and our trademark, you are now acting as a "Cybersquatter." The Anti Cybersquatting Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. 1125, provides, in pertinent part:

(A) A person shall be liable in a civil action by the owner of a mark, including a personal name which is protected as a mark under this section, if, without regard to the goods or services of the parties, that person--

(i) has a bad faith intent to profit from that mark, including a personal name which is protected as a mark under this section; and

(ii) registers, traffics in, or uses a domain name that--


(II) in the case of a famous mark that is famous at the time of registration of the domain name, is identical or confusingly similar to or dilutive of that mark;

* * *

(B) (i) In determining whether a person has a bad faith intent described under subparagraph (A), a court may consider factors such as, but not limited to--

* * *

(VI) the person's offer to transfer, sell, or otherwise assign the domain name to the mark owner or any third party for financial gain without having used, or having an intent to use, the domain name in the bona fide offering of any goods or services, or the person's prior conduct indicating a pattern of such conduct;

* * *

(VIII) the person's registration or acquisition of multiple domain names which the person knows are identical or confusingly similar to marks of others that are distinctive at the time of registration of such domain names, or dilutive of famous marks of others that are famous at the time of registration of such domain names, without regard to the goods or services of the parties; and

* * *

(d) In a case involving a violation of section 43(d)(1), the plaintiff may elect, at any time before final judgment is rendered by the trial court, to recover, instead of actual damages and profits, an award of statutory damages in the amount of not less than $1,000 and not more than $100,000 per domain name, as the court considers just.

[Note: Some cybersquatters have also been subject to criminal prosecution under the Truth in Domain Names Act which prohibits a domain name that misleads children to adult content. As you negotiate with these "other companies" for the domains, you may wish to be aware of this legislation as your domains do in fact mislead children into believing that there will be content related to children's programming on your site. However, MTVN takes absolutely no position regarding the applicability of this statute in this matter.]

What the ACPA means in this case is that there is no question that the domains incorporate the famous NICK trademark, and that there has been actual confusion by consumers who e-mail you seeking our services (I believe you described it as "overwhelming"). If a court finds that you have a bad faith intent to profit from the domains now, not just at the time you registered, then you can be liable under the Anti Cybersquatting law. To find bad faith, the court can rely on your offer to sell the domains to MTVN and your admitted attempts to sell them to other companies with no rights to the trademark but who would presumably seek to unfairly trade off the traffic that is being generated from the confusion created by your domains. The statutory damages or fine that can be awarded is from $1,000 to $100,000 per domain.

It is not the policy of this company to do business with cybersquatters, and we only negotiated with you because it was our belief that you were not operating as one. Typically, we pursue legal action against persons that we feel are infringing our trademark rights rather than set the precedent that MTVN can be "held-up" over domain names. Given the number of marks that we deal with, it is worth the time and money for us to enforce our rights vigorously.

Now, it would appear that we were misled, as you are asking that we give you even more money for the transfer. This is precisely what the cybersquatters that we file suit against do. They attempt to cash in on the value of a domain name that exists only because of the incredible amount of time, money and energy that the people of this company have invested to make NICKELODEON such a popular channel with kids around the world. On their own, your domains are worth no more than they cost to register. It's only when you siphon off the goodwill of our channel that the domains have any value at all.

It is our continuing hope that you are not determined to divert the value of our efforts to your own ends. If your message to Ms. Dillon was due to a misunderstanding of your legal obligations and our legal rights, then we are also willing to honor the contract that you made. Please complete the forms and return them in the pre-paid envelope, and we will send you a check for $2000. We will not, however, negotiate further or increase the payment. If you decide to continue to breach the contract, we reserve the right to pursue any and all legal remedies available to us. Please respond via e-mail and let us know of your decision.

Please note that this message is not intended to be a complete recitation of all relevant facts and/or law, and is written without waiver of any rights MTVN may have, all of which are expressly reserved.


Please give me advice.


Exclusive Lifetime Member
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Jun 28, 2004
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Accept their offer and get on with your life, imo.


Level 5
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Sep 24, 2002
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bidawinner...: . It is not greed that is taking place here. IF there is NOT a trademark issue which I cant find one, Then Why Am I going to let them scare me?

All advice is needed of what I should do.


DNF Regular
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Mar 29, 2003
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The advice you really need is from an attorney. You might want to consider hiring John Berryhill for true legal advice.

As I understand it they can take you to court if your domain is "confusingly similar" to their trademark. If you've admitted that some of their traffic is going to your domain that's also not a good thing. It does not sound like they are going to negotiate at this point. You are not a cyber-squatter - since you registered the domain without intending to sell it back to them for a profit - but they are likely to keep harassing you.

If it were me I'd either sell at this point for $2K or hire an attorney and not sell at all.

Leonard Holmes

sjp said:
Here is the message that was sent to me today.

Leading Names

DNF Addict
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Jun 30, 2003
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I think 2k is fair.

"On their own, your domains are worth no more than they cost to register. It's only when you siphon off the goodwill of our channel that the domains have any value at all."

They have a point, let em go for 2k unless you feel they are worth more to you than 2k. If you do decide to take them on, be prepared for a fight.

- Rob
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