We're actually headed towards agreement on this one mole.
Nobody said domain selling was easy and its certainly not a guaranteed money maker. There are several different ways that people play it:
some people register obvious tm's and then ransom them to the tm holders - thats bad for domain holders and the internet as a whole
some people look to sell all their domains quickly and use sites like ebay etc and sell for a small profit but with regular turnaround
some people have much higher asking prices and target end users and don't sell (or need to sell) as often but still maintain good revenues
some people don't look to sell at all unless its super attractive as they convert traffic into revenue (you wouldn't believe the kinds of revenue some people make doing this - its simply staggering)
I registered my first .com in late 99 (prior to that I concentrated in .co.uk). 99% of my .com domains are previously deleted domains and I was lucky to be getting drops back when that lanscape was very different to how it is today.
2 years ago companies would go out on a limb to buy a domain they couldn't really afford because they got caught in the "internet is golden" mentality (it wasn't limited to .com's the same thing happened with .co.uk's too - my average, and regular, .co.uk sale was $3k back then).
These days people buy only if they can afford - thats why the market has stabilized at the mid-higher end as the kinds of companies that can afford the asking prices still have more than enough money to buy them and are not taking a risk based on blind optimism.
The gap between low range names and mid-high range names has widened, as has the gap between reseller and end user pricing. The top end has also reduced in values - so now we have a more realistic and commercially sensible structure.
As with any business, some will do well, some will do ok and some will not make it. But its still one of the best opportunities if you play it right - just not guaranteed.
Anyone new to it needs to think carefully about whether they can afford to lose the money the invest to see if it will work for them - and they need to be prepared to research and work to find the domains that will help them turn a profit.