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Complete SEO Domination service - Crush Competition with this Powerful SEO Package

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
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"Greatest and Most Powerful SEO Service Ever. Period."

1) Every website needs Backlinks for it to Rank in Search Engine.
2) These backlinks should be diverse (Different platforms and different people to have maximum effect)
3) Backlinks should be spread over days so search engines feel its all natural
4) Backlinks should be from Powerful Sources
5) Backlinks should be from places having 100% Unique and well written content
6) Every Backlink should have more backlinks in order to pass more powerful Link Juice

We offer all of the Above to you in one Complete Package

Here is what we have to offer:

MODULE 1 - Keywords + Unique Content

1) We will help you rank for 3 Keywords - that is correct !!!

2) These 3 keywords can be totally unrelated or from same website and different pages. (Same Niche preferred)

3) Each Keyword will have two fresh articles written for it - so that makes it a total of 6 articles.

Total Value of the content alone - $60

For everyone who has already ordered from our team knows the quality of our Content Writing service - Remaining can check out our DNF sales thread with over 100 +ve reviews - Article Writing Service at DNF

4) Every article will be manually spun in order to produce many more Unique articles.

Module 2 - Powerful Web 2.0 Accounts + Backlinks

1) We will make you accounts on over 20 different Super Authority Web 2.0 sites (like blogger, wordpress, hubpage, quizilla, wetpaint etc)

Each of these will host all 6 articles with your relevant backlink and each will get a unique and different version of the article.

Each Web 2.0 site will be :

> Regularly Pinged
> Social Bookmarked to over - 20 Popular social bookmarking sites
> RSS feeds will be submitted to over 20 different RSS aggregators

MODULE 3 - Article Directory Submission

We will submit your articles to over 50 High PR and over 250 other article directories.

This will get you some really powerful backlinks and will also help you get targeted traffic from Article directories.

Note : Article directories at times take over 10 days to approve articles (in such case URL of the article can not be provided)

MODULE 4 - Social Bookmarks and RSS Feed Submissions

We will create accounts for you on all the top Social Bookmarking (Top 20 sites) and RSS sites.

Your Money site along with all other backlinks that we will create will get Social Bookmarked.

We will then submit RSS feeds of the created Web 2.0 sites and your Money site to all major RSS aggregators.

For those who have already done a lot of social bookmarking will know what kind of traffic and authority these bookmarks and RSS feeds carry.

MODULE - 5 - Backlinks from Web2.0 and Forum Profiles

To further add more diversity in your backlink structure we will create accounts for you on some High Authority Web2.0 profiles and some HIGH PR forum profiles.

Number of Web 2.0 Profiles created - 40 + Profiles

Number of Forum Profiles created - 200 to 300 Profiles

Each Profile will get you 3 backlinks - So that is basically 340 x 3 backlinks = 1020 backlinks !!.

Profiles will be randomly Social Bookmarked so they add more authority to your website.

Module 6 - Highly Targeted BLOG Comments

We will get you backlinks from a a very targeted source of blogs (i.e. Niche Specific)

Some important pointers:-
1) The blogs will be from your own Niche, if you have given us a niche that is very rare then you will get comments from General Blogs

2) Most important point is the Out Bound Link - The blog network that i post to only allows 10 blog comments per post. hence you will get a lot of link juice

3) Blog comments will be spread over 20 days so it looks natural

4) All blog comments are do-follow

Module 7 - Video Creation and Submission

Video marketing is amongst the most powerful source of traffic and backlink in the IM space.

We will create professional video for you and will submit the same to Top 15 Video Sites

*Video Samples will soon be posted on this thread

Module 8 - Press release writing and Submission

Your product is only good if the whole world finds out about it ! The best marketing tool in the IM space is to do a Press release about your website and to submit it to all the top press release sites

We will write a professional press release for your website and will post it to Top 30 press release sites


Now comes the most important part of this Sales thread :)

You get all of the above for a single payment of -- $127

I would also suggest you to look around for other services and check if anyone can beat the above price for the amount of work we are doing :)

We are here to offer you More Customization::-

Remove Module 6, 7 and 8 from the above service and the whole thing will cost you - $89

Payments can be made via Credit Card or Paypal

Note : We will not be offering such low prices for very long. Once we get 5 successfully completed Campaigns price will be increased to $147 for the full run and $117 for the mini run.

Reports + Turn Around + Unique Approach

1) Every Module will be run on different IP address in order to make it look more natural.

2) The whole process will be spread over a period of 20 to 25 days for SEO purposes.

3) A complete customized Report will be sent after the work is completed

4) Can you further Customize the Project ?? -- Yes you Can (contact us if you want to add more keywords)

PS: If more keywords get added to the same package then you get heavy discounts.

PSS: The results highly matter on the type of Keyword you give us - if you want us to rank you for "weight loss" then its highly unlikely that just one month of SEO work can get you page 1. You will certainly see a good boost in ranking though

PSS: We do not guarantee Google Number 1 ranking - No One CAN. But to add many of our clients have seen 1st Page ranking from our service

You can contact me anytime at
[email protected]

Thank You
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Domain Summit 2024


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Allow me to be the first among what I'm confident will be others who will highly recommend Anuj for his excellent service.

I hired Anuj to increase the ranking of a number of keywords for a client of mine, and he got us up among the
TOP THREE for all keywords!

His pricing is VERY reasonable for what he accomplishes, and his communication and professionalism is fantastic.

Do not hesitate to hire Anuj for your SEO needs.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Allow me to be the first among what I'm confident will be others who will highly recommend Anuj for his excellent service.

I hired Anuj to increase the ranking of a number of keywords for a client of mine, and he got us up among the
TOP THREE for all keywords!

His pricing is VERY reasonable for what he accomplishes, and his communication and professionalism is fantastic.

Do not hesitate to hire Anuj for your SEO needs.

Thanks a lot RON

We have started working on the next assignment as well and will get that on the first page of Google as well.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Sent you a pm with info..

We have added a lot more services to the above and we are sure that you can reach google page 1 for almost any keyword.
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