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"Domains Wanted" thread

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Sep 4, 2002
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It would be nice if you closed threads in the "Domains Wanted" forum, for post's older than 30 days.

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Level 8
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Dec 15, 2002
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I agree, and I think you should go one step further. If the author of the thread doesn't have the courtesy to update the status of his/her request at least once a week then the thread should be punted as well.

Edit: and if you are going to say that the mods don't have time to monitor wanted threads to that degree, fine, I'll volunteer as DNF's first "Domains Wanted Etiquette Police"
Domain Summit 2024

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DNF Addict
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Feb 21, 2003
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good idea! :)


Level 9
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Oct 13, 2002
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I second that, and think Sharpy would do a GREAT job as "enforcer" over there! It's pretty ridiculous that thread-starter's often don't even check back in to let posters know the progress of their searches. Drives me crazy!! :eek:

Let's save some bandwidth (and members' time and effort) and DO IT RIGHT from now on!
Thanks for listening.


Level 7
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Mar 9, 2003
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Yay Yay Yay!

I vote YES! If the original thread-starter doesn't re-post within THREE days, the thread is HISTORY!

That place is a cesspool of wasted time. Seem like it's often unpaid members or newbies who start threads then disappear, while the serious, conscientious members waste our valuable time responding for nothing!

Whether it's sharpy or the existing mods, this rule would turn it into a REAL sales forum!

Let's DOIT!


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Sep 15, 2002
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It is up to the member to edit his/her thread when the offer is no longer good.Mods are not psychics, and will not assume the buyer has found a name. If you think an ad shouldn't run longer than 30 days, then just don't reply to any ads older than 30 days.



Level 7
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Mar 9, 2003
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Hey Giant. That is a little disappointing!

This is obviously a problem. Several paid members are complaining.

Rather than just dismiss it out of hand, would it be worth asking a few more paid members what they think?

From experience, I feel that people like myself, CoolHost, Sharpy and others are serious professionals, and are not suggesting something either way out of hand or difficult to accomplish!

Please take a a few minutes of time and look at the threads. They are a bit of a mess! Ask other members. Help us out here. We only want DNF to be a better, more productive place!

Thanks for listening! :)


Level 7
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Jul 22, 2002
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I still think the more pressing issue is to stop the people crapping on domain wanted threads with names that do not match the requirements stated.

if someone asks for a one word domain in the .com extension with minimum of xyz visitors per day in the market of cowtipping then no one should be allowed to post a name that doesnt fit all criteria and those doing so should
a) have their posts removed from the thread
b) receive a warning which with repeat offending will result in banning from that section or perhaps the site.

this is the reason why the domains wanted threads are in a state. its useless locking a thread because the buyer hasnt bought anything if all he is getting offered is other peoples junk they want to try and offload for more than they know its worth.

domains wanted is a service for the BUYER. locking threads would be the same as saying if you post a name for sale and you dont sell it in 48 hours then your thread will be locked and you have to create a new thread to do so.

so my vote goes to putting in no-spamming rules (applicable also to pm's related to the thread) and allowing the threads to continue until the buyer states he no longer wants to hear about names that fit his criteria.



Level 7
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Mar 9, 2003
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Hey there Ciqala!

I agree with much of what you said, but have a couple of bones to pick!

I disagree that domains wanted is a service for the buyer only. Did you forget that you and all other platinum members paid good money for the SERVICES offered here? This is not WHT, which is 100% free and strongly caters to the casual member.

I believe anyone can make a request there, paid or unpaid. It is IMO equally a service for the serious sellers here as well. The sellers here deserve equal respect, if not more since it is our membership money that helps keep this place afloat.

I agree sellers should act more responsibily, and post to the requesters needs. But the requester should also be required to act professionally, and monitor their requests. I beleive it's called fairness.

It's really not difficult at all! Did you notice how I got an email, and out of respect for you and your willingness to post here, came to respond to you?

Just like a domain up for auction has an auction end date, so should these requests be made to either be monitored or be terminated! Out of respect for the sellers.



Level 7
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Jul 22, 2002
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Originally posted by WebCat
Hey there Ciqala!

I agree with much of what you said, but ahve a couple of bones to pick!

I disagree that domains wanted is a service for the buyer only. Did you forget that you and all other platinum members paid good money for the SERVICES offered here? This is not WHT, which is 100% free and strongly caters to the casual member.

I believe anyone can make a request there, paid or unpaid. It is IMO equally a service for the serious sellers here as well. The sellers here deserve equal respect, if not more since it is our membership money that helps keep this place afloat.
all business should be handled with equal respect from both parties but domains wanted is a service for the buyer. he is the one that is in need of a domain and as such he places a want ad to fulfil those needs. that is the areas purpose. it is however a byproduct of this that it is of benefit to a seller that he is able to gain more exposure and perhaps a sale for his domain as a result.
Originally posted by WebCat

I agree sellers should act more responsibily, and post to the requesters needs. But the requester should also be required to act professionally, and monitor their requests. I beleive it's called fairness.
Technically the buyer need only reply if a name takes his interest but as a matter of etiquette it may be nice if the buyer were to post a thanks but no thanks for each request. but this becomes a mammoth chore when you have to then respond to people who have blatantly ignored your intial requests in the first place which becomes a huge waste of the buyers time.
Originally posted by WebCat

It's really not difficult at all! Did you notice how I got an email, and out of respect for you and your willingness to post here, came to respond to you?
would you have been as happy to do so if upon logging on found my post was advertising my new drop service or something just as irrelevant though :)
Originally posted by WebCat

Just like a domain up for auction has an auction end date, so should these requests be made to either be monitored or be terminated! Out of respect for the sellers.
I believe that if a buyer is interested they will email/pm you anyway as most prefer to handle the business side in private rather than in a public thread. If you do not hear back then obviously the buyer is not interested. to close a thread because the buyer did not tell you he doesnt want a name would make the whole domain wanted process far too convoluted as I know that some people are always interested in names of a certain type (myself for instance am always looking for names with low-end hiphop traffic) so its better (in some cases at least) to have a thread where people can offer names that fit my needs and if a name comes up that i like i can either make an offer or at least make a note of it and let them know i may be interested at a later date. it becomes a pain if i have to create a new thread every few weeks where i will be offered the exact same names as before when i could bump the existing thread and then have only new names offered over the ones i have already examined.

perhaps a middleground could be found whereby threads are not automatically locked but encouraged to have an end date if the buyer does not wish it to be an ongoing request and names offered are much more strictly monitored to reduce the amount of work needed to keep a thread both on topic and at the correct level of nettiquette :)



i'll chuck in my own little thread to backup my reasons for arguing my points...



Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 13, 2002
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Please keep this thread ALIVE!! Good stuff. :D
Personally, I say chop away and shred those older, non responsive "Domains Wanted" threads ... they're a waste of good bandwidth and members' time! However, I'd be willing to compromise to not take too much time of the moderators, adminsitration. Great points made here so far. Rock 'n Roll.
Thanks. Peace. :)


Level 7
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Mar 9, 2003
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Hello Ciqala, a flawed but well argued post!

Before I spend any more time arguing the obvious, I have a serious question.

Truthfully, how many time since you joined in July of 2002 have you actually tried to sell a domain via this section?

I have been a member for less than a month, and have already posted in "Domains Wanted" several times.

IF you have repeatedly tried to use this section to sell domains and have NOT experienced the frustration expressed by most members, I have no explanation, except perhaps you are a VERY patient person!

Alas, if nothing changes, I will simply join the ranks of the many serious resellers here who IGNORE this section BECAUSE it is such a mess.

I only wish it to be better, and not waste the valuable time of either buyer OR seller!

Peace my friend!
WebCat :)


Level 7
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Jul 22, 2002
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i've used it a number of times but being that i am not a full time seller and focus mainly on music domains I have not had much cause to offer up names due to the minimal amount of applicable threads but i dont see that as being particularly relevant.

it seems like you miss my main point that the domains wanted is not primarily an area to 'sell' names, thats what the domains for sale section is for. The domains wanted is for people to specify a need which they hope somebody can fulfil. closing a thread because you are frustrated that you have offered a name and they didnt want it so never got back to you doesnt make sense to me. to me its just a matter of posting your name, wait to hear from the buyer, never heard anything? no oh well he must not want it, onto other things.

and i'm not sure if you checked the thread i added to my last post but you will notice a lot of the people who are pushing for the sellers to be the ones catered for in domains wanted section are the same ones who offer a lot of names (and in most cases without meeting the buyers requirements) which in turn creates more work for the buyers who simply get fed up with having to reply politely to every pm that they get bombarded with when they make a thread in the domains wanted section. plus those who post in the thread itself are often not the worse culprits by far either so you only see a fraction of the offers made when looking at the thread itself.

this is why i feel my suggestion of stricter policing of the names offered in the threads would
a.) reduce the amount of mediocre names offered which dilute the usefulness of the DW section (if you ask for a 1 word.com you wont get areallylongdomain.ws as happens currently)
b.) on the same merit the stronger names would be less swamped meaning that those quality domains posted get more exposure meaning a higher chance of offers from other sections.
c.) increase buyers confidence in the dw section (they know that if they post a budget people wont offer any old crap for the maximum price.) which would lead to more people posting in the dw section when looking for a name rather than look for the name themselves.
d.) reduce the 'spam' a buyer has to sift through leaving him more time for him to reply to those who offer valid names.

anyways thats my point of view on the whole thing

Ciq :)


Level 7
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Mar 9, 2003
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Hey Ciq! A much better argument, IMHO! :)

In fact, we actually agree! BOTH parties are ending up frustrated and NOT being served by the forum! Sounds like a problem just searching for a solution!

One member already offered to "police" this section, and I would also be glad to do so! I think it COULD be a VERY IMPORTANT part of DNF!

So... let's leave it up to DCG, NHLRat and the mods! We have put our fingers SQUARELY on a pretty important problem for both buyer AND seller!

Now...... Will you please do something about it?

Thank You! DNF Rocks! :cool:

ps- Sharpy and I are BOTH willing to moderate this section, for the betterment of all mankind (and womenkind ;) )!!!
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