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PPC Success

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 31, 2002
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Would DN Forum members who are successfully using PPC ( pay per click ) programs please share their favorite PPC websites as well as a couple of examples of your domain names that point to them. There are sooo many to choose from, some prequalification would be very helpful.

quack :)
Domain Summit 2024

If you have large traffic volumes - the best way to go by a huge margin is either overture direct or findwhat direct.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by uncle http://www.targetwords.com they have a good spread plus good support. Lawrence Ng is very helpful if you have questions

I looked at this pay per click site and it looks good but that's only if your website has LOTS of traffic. This is true with most all of these click and affiliate programs.

Their minimum payout level to get a check is $25 (many programs have even higher minimum payment levels, $50 to $100). That means at an average of say .02 pennies per click that 1,250 clicks on their link or banner would be needed to get a $25 check from this one.

Since the average click-thru rate is believed to now be approx' 1/2 % of (or even less) of impressions, it means your web-site better have huge amounts of traffic to make any money!

If my math is correct, 250,000 impressions would be needed to achieve 1,250 clicks and generate a small $25 check. That also means your website needs more than 8,000 hits per DAY for the entire month to get that tiny $25 check.

How many members here own websites getting that kind of heavy traffic? I doubt if there are more than a few of us out of the 500 plus members who have sites like that.

I consider 80 uniques a day to be good, but to make money with this and other programs I would need 100 times that amount of traffic :mad: Even 8 uniques a day are OK with me and worth putting up a webpage if they are well targeted hits. This program means those low traffic sites will need 1,000 times the daily traffic to get a check. :D

This shows the almost total futility of joining these click programs and most all other affiliate programs too. Not only do you likely not make any money but you also lose your hard-won visitor to the affiliate site, who goes there and may never return. :mad:

Most all of these affiliate or click progarms are utterly worthless for the average low or even medium size traffic web-site. Only the big players can make money from them, even then they may not for other reasons, such as false reporting of clicks or orders. :mad:

PPC is not a means to get revenue for nothing, its a *traffic* converter.

The 1/2% you refer to sounds like banner click ratio not ppc se clicks which should be double figures.


It is true that most programs require a reasonable amount of traffic, not sure that many would take less than 1000 unique visitors per day and the majority seem to be much higher than that. The fact is it all comes down to how effective your traffic is, its ability to actually sell something, which is what safe is saying above. Payout rates simply reflect that, and advertising companies aren't going to take affiliates unless they can yield enough to cover administration costs etc. The one most noted for taking smaller affiliates seems to be 7search so maybe try them if you're having trouble with some of the others.

Agree with safe that your maths look a bit out though.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by snoopy Realnames, Agree with Safe that your math looks a bit out though.

Actually, it seems I over-stated the banner or text link click-thru rates. Upon further reveiw, I do not believe it's anywhere near 1/2%. That may have been the percenage 2 or so yrs ago when I did research on it, but I am certain it's too high now.

I have joined a few hundred programs over the years. Most I have eliminated as these programs are worthless except for big traffic commercial sites, even then of dubious value.

Upon checking my accounts at these various programs I see my click rate is between 0.12% and 0.25% on the ones I still have online, including the Commission Junction ones remaining.

In fact, by far the most obvious, most conspicuous and best targeted paid banner ad program (one I know you have seen many times), has the 0.12% click rate, even though it should be the best, not the lowest one.

That program is not a PPC program but a pre-paid banner ad. But the click rate should be about the same involving all these programs which require a banner or text link be clicked-on.

In view of this new research it seems the amount of website traffic per day (based on 1/8th of 1%) could be an amazing 30,000 or so per day to get a small $25 check in one-month from an affiliate or pay per click program, as much as four times what I estimated earlier based on a high 1/2% click rate.

P.S. Where is my possible math error? It's always possible there is an error when dealing with such tricky numbers. Thanks.

RN, comparing banners to ppc se text links is crazy.

With the latter you get double figure ctr, with the former you're lucky to get any clicks from general traffic.

From 30k uniques per day you should expect to be earning several hundred dollars per DAY from ppc se text links.

Yes, they are NOT the same.

Reread the last sentence in my previous post, that is not a guess - that is fact.

realnames, do you really think the click effect would be the same for a 468X60 graphic at the top of the page compared to an entire page containing textlinks and a search box?


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
May 21, 2002
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Originally posted by RealNames
Perhaps we are having a misunderstanding. I really don't see the difference between them, it seems like the click-thru rates would be about the same. Am I missing something?

Hi RealNames,

Snoopy & safesys are both correct. There is a BIG difference between a full ppc page and single banner. The CTR of a ppc links page is *at least* 20%.

Originally posted by uncle
they have a good spread plus good support. Lawrence Ng is very helpful if you have questions

Thanks for the compliment! :)

targetwords.com is one of the excellent ppc programs on the net. kudos to lawrence ! keep up the good work !

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by snoopy
realnames, do you really think the click effect would be the same for a 468X60 graphic at the top of the page compared to an entire page containing textlinks and a search box?

Safesys also said "Yes, they are NOT the same. Reread the last sentence in my previous post, that is not a guess - that is fact."

Sorry, do not understand why you two are saying. Programs like TargetWords and others do not seem to allow a full page of links as they say they only take clients who's website has genuine content and not just ads or links.

If targetwords and others do not allow a full page of links how is it done, what firms do it? I am obviously missing something here.

Many companies let you create your own or supply a ready made search engine layout with a page of text links and a search box. The big ones are overture and findwhat but you need to go knocking with *lots* of traffic before they'll take you.

targetwords seems to have a good rep with people here, always a good sign but lawrence is the one to answer the q regarding search pages with his company.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
May 21, 2002
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Programs like TargetWords and others do not seem to allow a full page of links as they say they only take clients who's website has genuine content and not just ads or links.

Sure we do.

Here are two ways our program can be used for domain holders.


Affiliates can either download the images and html on their own servers or they can direct traffic straight to a link where we host everything.

I hope that helps.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys Many companies let you create your own or supply a ready made search engine layout with a page of text links and a search box. The big ones are overture and findwhat but you need to go knocking with *lots* of traffic before they'll take you. Targetwords seems to have a good rep with people here, always a good sign but lawrence is the one to answer the q regarding search pages with his company.

Thanks safesys for answering my question and for pointing out the differences in the click rates, banners vs a full page of links. Much appreciated. I was too thick headed to understand it at first. :embarrass

One problem I am having is finding programs suited for lower traffic sites. It seems many of them want to deal with high traffic sites.

Regarding your own sites, I did some research and found Joinin.com and Siteguide.com. I assume it's OK to mention them here since Joinin and its links may be accessed via your member profile here. They are excellent sites. Very well done!

I was wondering if the links to the various categories are your own websites or are they affiliate programs? If they are affiliate programs I was also curious if you get sufficient traffic to get revenues in view of the fact the click-thru rates are typically so low and minimum check levels so high? If I develop a similar site with my own website links or affiliates that will be a major issue I am sure.

Thanks for all your time and assistance to all the members here, myself in particular. Much appreciated. :)


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Does anyone know of a targetwords-like program for mainstream Korean, Chinese and other "awkward" traffic? (I say awkward because most PPC services specifically exclude this traffic)

Originally posted by RealNames
I was wondering if the links to the various categories are your own websites or are they affiliate programs? If they are affiliate programs I was also curious if you get sufficient traffic to get revenues in view of the fact the click-thru rates are typically so low and minimum check levels so high? If I develop a similar site with my own website links or affiliates that will be a major issue I am sure.

The text links produce a results list that contains advertisers from findwhat.com's ppc search engine database. I get paid if people click on one of those subsequent advertiser links.

The ctr is in double figures and when you consider the gross click amounts are anywhere between 1c and $4 it gives a good ucpm overall.

Traffic is the key though to making money from ppc se's - if you have the traffic to make ppc succeed you won't need to worry about minimum check levels as most of the better programs wouldn't want to accept you anyway if you had to worry about that in the first place.

I don't know what level of revenue you'd be happy with, but typically traffic over 5k uniques a day would make ppc worthwhile - although its very doubtful that you'd be accepted by findwhat/overture with that level - but i think targetwords would (lawrence can correct me if i'm wrong) and people seem happy with revenue from them.
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