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THE GREAT DEPRESSION 2 and its effect on the domain name market

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 18, 2006
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STOP. before this conversation is effectively destroyed by the introduction of the 'left-right' 'democrat-republican', 'conservative-liberal' nonsense, see if you can wrap your heads around this one:


note for some of you: see if you can suspend your judgement for just a few minutes, they show some quotes and it starts to look like 'conspiracy theory', till it gets into the meat and potatoes, around 2:30
Domain Summit 2024


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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STOP. before this conversation is effectively destroyed by the introduction of the 'left-right' 'democrat-republican', 'conservative-liberal' nonsense, see if you can wrap your heads around this one:


note for some of you: see if you can suspend your judgement for just a few minutes, they show some quotes and it starts to look like 'conspiracy theory', till it gets into the meat and potatoes, around 2:30

I've seen that video but the full version and it's fascinating to watch especially the origination of our banking system and the fact that the US tried not to adopt that system but ended up doing so in the early 1900s. It makes you re-think what the $700B stimulus package was really.

My question is - the economy is in a downturn because people aren't spending. People aren't spending because they feel that they don't have the money that they used to - so then where did it all go?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 18, 2006
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since the credit crunch/crisis there are less loans being given out. according to this theory that means there is less money circulating, since money is created out of debt. less new loans, less new debt, less new money. that may be one reason. another may be lack of confidence, since even the officials are making gloomy pronouncements now.


feel the qi
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2006
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lordbyroniv and HomerJ are the only two I have seen to make informed wise points on this thread...the rest can fall into the category of "your information is only as good as the information you have"

I've seen that video but the full version and it's fascinating to watch especially the origination of our banking system and the fact that the US tried not to adopt that system but ended up doing so in the early 1900s. It makes you re-think what the $700B stimulus package was really.

My question is - the economy is in a downturn because people aren't spending. People aren't spending because they feel that they don't have the money that they used to - so then where did it all go?

The economy is in a downturn because this was orchestrated by the central banks who took control of the American currency in 1913.

The only people who control the money supply are those who run the central banks...

The currency is no longer backed by silver or gold - just blind faith by ignorant Americans that this fiat paper is worth something - when in fact the PRIVATELY OWNED Federal Reserve prints the money and doesn't even tell congress anymore how much they are printing (M3)

Any media coverage displaying that the government or the people have control over the money supply is misinformation to dodge the inevitable truth - which until recently - was hidden pretty well...

Now that it is in our faces - people are waking up.

The media is at fault - but you have to realize the central banks own the media - hence the same redundant false left-right paradigm talking points are parroted all over the airwaves - to fit the agenda - of the central bankers.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

Wilson is who we have to thank for giving over the money supply of America to a few wealthy businessmen. This quote obviously shows he realized what he did after it was too late.

So the answers are simple:

Arrest the central bankers - listen to the Congressmen who are calling for this: Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.

Abolish the fed ------ we become free again - the economy can be salvaged.

We don't abolish the fed we remain slaves to meaningless paper....

That is the thing about the dollar backed by nothing and controlled by a central bank - the rest of the world becomes sheep to be sheered by those printing the fiat currency.

And DO NOT TRUST Obama - he is a liar. He works for the central bankers. If he begins to wake up during his presidency, maybe things will be different, but the fact remains: he is pro bailout, pro central bankers - NOT PRO AMERICAN.

If you want to learn about a true patriot, an authentic president - learn about John F Kennedy - you'll see he created the executive order to abolish the federal reserve.

Here is a quote from one of the central bankers..

"Give me control of a nations money supply and I care not who makes its laws"

Mayer Rothschild

Give the power to print money back to Government, not the same group of slimeballs who have been doing their best to run the world for quite awhile...

"The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity. The financing of all public enterprise, and the conduct of the treasury will become matters of practical administration. Money will cease to be master and will then become servant of humanity."

- Abraham Lincoln
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The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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The economy is in a downturn because people arent spending which means company products are not selling, which means shipping and transport companies have nothing to ship or transport which means less need for fuel, which means fuel price goes down, which means the price of power and oil consumption goes down, which means the commodity stock market start to slow, which means no big bonuses for the Bankers and Brokers, which means no sex for the bankers or Brokers because they cant afford that diamond neclace for the missus, which means the missus is upset, but does buy chocolate and a big mac, which means Chocolate and Bigmacs are beating the down turn, which means people get fatter, which means higher health insurance and busier hospitals..

So what does it all mean.. did someone mention the word resession?

money... ...operates not on reality... - But the perception of reality.
Posit: People think a bank might be financially shaky.
- Consequence: - People start to withdraw their money.
- Result: Soon, it is financially shaky. - Conclusion: You can make banks fail.

The same goes for RESESSION, if enough people keep saying it then it will happen, was this some conspiracy by the current british government who were loosing voters by the droves, or was it a joint conspiracy by the Obama Camp and the British Government for the World to Cry out for CHANGE?

At the end of the day, Money is much like society you can not expect prices or people to expand without Mother Nature or the Economy to implement measures in which to control exponential growth, at some point things have to correct themselves and find a balance.

The past 10 years have been great, the 10 years before that were bad, the next 10 years will see more regulation and prices will be adjusted to a status quo.

At the end of the day, I blame one clique and that is the mortgage markets, who were giving money to everyman and his dog with no hope of them ever paying it back, it has taken this long for it all to catch up with them, but the brokers and execs are sitting on their nest eggs while the rest of the world play catchup.

However, the more people call RECESSION then its inevitable that it will happen, this generation is wise to it and will stop spending, which will cause the very recession in which the "Chicken Littles" of the world have been calling.

The only way to avoid a recession is to stop listening to "Armageddon" "The End is Nigh" and those sorts of random individuals and get on with your lives.

If it happens, then it happens and for a few years money will be a little tighter, but hey interest rate and fuel prices fall which results in food prices and transporation falling, which results in counter-ballancing the loss and every month that passes the dollars and cents increase.

Millions of People every day get married, turn 21, get divorced or move out from the parents house.. This means millions of people need homes.. once the markets find their floor, the competion in the housing market will increase this will push the prices of land and property higher and then in 10 years we will be having this same conversation again.. and 10 years after that and even 10 years after that.

Ourselves and our families have survived world wars, great depressions and yet we all live to tell the tale.. this is not the end of the world.. this is the end of a chapter. What does not kill us, only makes us stronger.

Sit back and enjoy the ride.. as one mans misery is another mans joy.. just be sure that you are the latter.

Life is for living, not for thinking what if..


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 18, 2006
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not to get too sidetracked (but i would gladly talk on this in teh political section) there are many factors, but good domains will always be worth something as long as people are spending money online. in a downturn more businesses will look to leveraging the power of online assets that can bring new business and generate higher returns. further, online business is not slowing down regardless of the American economy. There will remain a lot of incentive for end-users as businesses to invest in quality domains to extend their reach, and the price they will pay will be according to whatever return on investment they can estimate. still, there are many factors.

so yes I think there is harder times ahead. good domains will retain value so long as some currencies retain value. there will be less speculating though, perhaps we'll even see the number of total new regs drop within the next couple years (for the first time ever?) on the other hand, don't drinking and gambling rise as the economy falls? maybe people will even binge on domains!


feel the qi
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2006
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My point in relation to the OP to tie my rant together with domains and commodities

Domains = commodity = intangible = ironic

Get into real assets

The tried and true store of assets are:

Precious Metals
Drugs (See the opium wars in China to get a clue as to who is bringing them in and how valuable they are)
Natural Resources.

Go ahead and add Domain Names to that list:

During a depression I'd much rather own 200 premiums worth $1k $5k each than have a pile of inflated privately owned fiat paper federal reserve notes

You can always trade/sell or build on your property, get as much quality as you can.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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This month alone I have sold more domains than in the past 5 months.. and we are talking mid to high 4 figures sales.. and have just close on another 4 figure sales about 2 minutes ago.. these domains were not premium, all 2 word domains.

Unless you are desperate for funds.. negotiate like you dont need the money.. however if you sell out at a low price then the rest of the market follows.

Be sure to research your domain, and pitch the price and benefits like you are desperate to feed your kids..

If a sale falls through, their will always be another one coming up the inside lane.

But as a domain buyer, I should keep my mouth shut.. sell low now, let me sell high later.


feel the qi
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2006
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This month alone I have sold more domains than in the past 5 months.. and we are talking mid to high 4 figures sales.. and have just close on another 4 figure sales about 2 minutes ago.. these domains were not premium, all 2 word domains.

Unless you are desperate for funds.. negotiate like you dont need the money.. however if you sell out at a low price then the rest of the market follows.

Be sure to research your domain, and pitch the price and benefits like you are desperate to feed your kids..

If a sale falls through, their will always be another one coming up the inside lane.

But as a domain buyer, I should keep my mouth shut.. sell low now, let me sell high later.

And as a result of the recession...I have turned to other methods such as selling an $xxxx name and allowing the buyer to pay over a year.

A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity, An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity..

In rough times, we have to get creative.

And as far as preparing for a possible depression - I consider domain names to be a better store of wealth than gold or silver.

Unless you go out mining and get lucky - how else can you turn $24 into $5000 in 5 years?

Being on the front lines of the domain name market - we ought to be able to make sure the bottom won't fall out - and why should it? Every domain name is one of a kind...hardly like the fiat federal reserve notes the privately owned fed printed trillions of this year.....


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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$24 to $5k in 5 years.. then how about $6.95 to $7k in 2 weeks...

I love domaining.. now lets hope recession doesnt hit me too bad that I cant afford to renew those domains.. ;-)


feel the qi
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2006
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$24 to $5k in 5 years.. then how about $6.95 to $7k in 2 weeks...

I love domaining.. now lets hope recession doesnt hit me too bad that I cant afford to renew those domains.. ;-)

That is my point exactly...

And development can always increase the value.

And let us face it - what is the future...a tv connected to a satellite dish or cable box?

or a computer streamlined through the Internet connected to the television?

The Internet is the future and it is now.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Who would of thought domains would be a money maker. Television are no longer Television they are computers, technology has moved on... and I hate to say it I am sure something will replace domains, but for now.. bring on the Millenium Bug for the domain industry.. Sell up your portfolios for next to nothing and let the visionaries carry on.

A domain will always be worth what someone is willing to pay for it, so they will never have a benchmark so your price is the price.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I am going over my portfolio agressively. If I have it developed and I'm going to keep up with it, I'm keeping it.

If it is parked and making >reg fee, I'm keeping it.

If not, I'll try to sell it and if not that, I'll drop it.
a decent strategy.

But, there are many that typically that do not get natural traffic (like L-L.com).

And I do agree with the strategy to keep for long term. There will be some very foul times ahead. Not to mention many of those "end users" face the end themselves.

And everyone should take the time to learn a programming skill or css like joomla, wordpress, or drupal. Unpark your pages, learn to monitize, learn good SEO strategies.

It only stands to reason that if there is a decline in ad expenditures this will adversely affect parking and even adsense.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Look at it this way...in the great depression a democrat passed into law the new deal. There is no way if a republican was in power, such a thing would of been passed and it would of taken much longer for America to get some much needed relief. People have way too high of expectations as to what Obama can do but I don't believe the republican ideology would do anything for the current situation.

Actually, it was Obama who "raised" that expectation remember?.... Now he's doing his best to "lower" it after the election.

As for the Great Depression which was nearly 80 years ago, :rolleyes: Democrats no longer have the ideology they had back then, not even close.... Today their more Liberal and more Socialistic than they have ever been.

If we fast forward to the 1990's, it was a Republican led congress who was mostly responsible for the economic boom when Clinton was in office. Clinton signed off on over 70% of what Republicans passed through with their "Contract with America"..... Which had a HUGE impact on the economy.

Now we have Obama who wants to do the opposite what Clinton and the Republican led congress achieved in the 1990's... And he thinks he's going to have the same success with a Democratically controlled congress.

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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Actually, it was Obama who "raised" that expectation remember?.... Now he's doing his best to "lower" it after the election.

As for the Great Depression which was nearly 80 years ago, :rolleyes: Democrats no longer have the ideology they had back then, not even close.... Today their more Liberal and more Socialistic than they have ever been.

If we fast forward to the 1990's, it was a Republican led congress who was mostly responsible for the economic boom when Clinton was in office. Clinton signed off on over 70% of what Republicans passed through with their "Contract with America"..... Which had a HUGE impact on the economy.

Now we have Obama who wants to do the opposite what Clinton and the Republican led congress achieved in the 1990's... And he thinks he's going to have the same success with a Democratically controlled congress.

When it comes down to it, does congress being democrat or republican really make or break it? I think good and bad ideas can come from both sides. What happened to the six years the republicans had control in congress recently? Didn't seem to work out too well. Blame the dems all you want for their two years but its meger compared to the six the republicans had but personally, I don't believe its a simple as that. There are many things that come into play besides what the government does.

Giving breaks to big business, which seems to be the republican method just isn't going to work as businesses are getting so much of their resources in other countries these days, its disgusting. They don't care about hiring American workers but they sure do want Americans to buy their crap. Just doesn't work that way but the big dogs at the top are just too rich and out of touch to see. I wish I knew what the solution is but I just don't see one.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Giving breaks to big business, which seems to be the republican method just isn't going to work as businesses are getting so much of their resources in other countries these days, its disgusting. They don't care about hiring American workers but they sure do want Americans to buy their crap. Just doesn't work that way but the big dogs at the top are just too rich and out of touch to see. I wish I knew what the solution is but I just don't see one.

The problem lies with Free trade, where companies are outsourcing everything under the sun. I don't like it anymore than you do, Unless Congress tightens restrictions on Free trade, it will get drastically worse if Obama follows through with his promise to increase taxes on business and add more regulation.


Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2004
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The problem lies with Free trade, where companies are outsourcing everything under the sun. I don't like it anymore than you do...

Really? So if we came over to your house and checked out your stuff, we wouldn't find anything made in China? ;)


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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The problem lies with Free trade, where companies are outsourcing everything under the sun. I don't like it anymore than you do, Unless Congress tightens restrictions on Free trade, it will get drastically worse if Obama follows through with his promise to increase taxes on business and add more regulation.

IMO the government should give tax breaks / incentives to companies who supply jobs inside the US and tax higher jobs created outside the US.

I read a story a few weeks ago how this may be a good time to start a business. As long as you can get the funding (which is the killer right now)

-Vendors are more reliable with their products and services since they want to keep your business
-You have a much higher amount of people available to work - you can pick and choose for less than what they would have cost earlier - hired employees will also work harder to keep their jobs
- Fierce competition could force some prices of necessities down

But, it is harder to keep that business going now since it will be hard to get customers and keep them.


feel the qi
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2006
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IMO the government should give tax breaks / incentives to companies who supply jobs inside the US and tax higher jobs created outside the US.

I read a story a few weeks ago how this may be a good time to start a business. As long as you can get the funding (which is the killer right now)

-Vendors are more reliable with their products and services since they want to keep your business
-You have a much higher amount of people available to work - you can pick and choose for less than what they would have cost earlier - hired employees will also work harder to keep their jobs
- Fierce competition could force some prices of necessities down

But, it is harder to keep that business going now since it will be hard to get customers and keep them.

This would be a great idea to implement if the government printed the money and controlled the money supply,

Buy they don't!


DNF Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 24, 2003
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I am going over my portfolio agressively. If I have it developed and I'm going to keep up with it, I'm keeping it.

If it is parked and making >reg fee, I'm keeping it.

If not, I'll try to sell it and if not that, I'll drop it.

Thats exactly it for us as well.
You have to be more agressive when dealing with non-income domains.
The time for sentimentally holding a domain is over.

Still, with people having less money I thought there may be a chance that the premium words in the lesser TLDs might actually prove MORE attractive... We'll see..
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