Wikipedia about Wells, UK
For example, here are some specific estate agents who might love this name
Here are some more general results.
And here are some worldwide uses for the .com. (Wells, Maine, (info here) USA is about 90 minutes north of where I sit right now - popular for family holidays in the Summer!)
Low prices!:
.com only: $325 only: $125
Both: $400
(One individual trying to sell his/her property would easily pay that much for a memorable web campaign that leads to a sale!!)
For example, here are some specific estate agents who might love this name
Here are some more general results.
And here are some worldwide uses for the .com. (Wells, Maine, (info here) USA is about 90 minutes north of where I sit right now - popular for family holidays in the Summer!)
Low prices!:
.com only: $325 only: $125
Both: $400
(One individual trying to sell his/her property would easily pay that much for a memorable web campaign that leads to a sale!!)
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