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closed Global Business Identity -. How do I sell the visionary value?

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Level 1
Apr 4, 2012
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I’m DJ I've been buying domains for years some I renew and a lot I let drop (wasted $$) so now I'm learning how to sell (First Adam Dicker THANK YOU!!) the knowledge you freely give away on this site is invaluable if you were to charge for all of what you freely provide I suspect a great many folks would be out in the cold.

First my thoughts on a domain name value's and then my quandary, I believe a domain name is worth what someone is willing to pay you for it, but I also see the visionary worth in some domain names and others I admit no matter how much I want them to be worth something (mine included) they are not nor will they ever be worth anything.

Awhile back I purchased the domain name WEUSALL.COM along with some of the other extensions because I can see a global identity in the name, as well as "USA" being located smack dab in the middle, that has some appeal to me so I imagine it must to someone else as well.

The true story is I was sitting at a railroad crossing watching the box cars go past while reading the names printed on the sides of the cars and I thought Global Identity Transportation land / sea shipping containers business organization?? What other name do you know that not only includes everyone in the “USA” but has a domain name that says it all? in horizontal red white and blue stripes through the whole domain name or just USA in red white and blue stripes.

As I sit here writing this I think to myself Ok, someone on the forum asks me what can I see this name attached to? Toothpaste, garbage cans, canned veggies etc. so I thought and the answer I come up with is none of them and all of them, which is why it could be the perfect global identity for a business it can be branded to almost anything. Without going into a longer explanation I guess you can see the vision or you can't, a brandable name with USA in it that is currently a blank slate and can also be great for a shoot off division for a large corporation.

So, with that in mind I've sent emails to some domain name brokers tried sedo and have had no success, maybe the brokers know it’s a crap name or I just have not found or gained access the right people who can put this in front of eyes of those who do have vision and understand the worth, I'm betting on the second one. Do I think I can sell it for a hundred million dollars NO is it worth 7/8 figures (to me) I say yes and yes to the right people. I know a lot of forum members will tell me exactly what they think bad and hopefully some good and I accept all feedback I can't build websites so for me the question is what's a visionary to do when he can’t reach or see the others who have vision? And yes before someone says it, I just may need trifocals to correct my vision LOL.


The other domain I see this happening with is VIRTUALTAXAUDIT.COM The IRS is going to mandate virtual tax audits in the next two/three years. I would envision selling this to Liberty Tax Service, Why? Because currently they are the number three player in the tax game and number three would always like to scoop number one to become number one and number 3 is occasionally willing to spend money quicker to position themselves ahead of the competition.

Liberty Tax Service is a United States-based company specializing in the preparation of tax returns for individuals and small businesses. The company began in Canada in 1997 when John Hewitt, co-founder of Jackson Hewitt, acquired a Canadian tax franchisor, U&R Tax Depot. In 1998 the company became Liberty Tax Service and opened 5 offices in the United States.
Liberty Tax Service appeared on Forbes "Top 20 Franchises for the Buck" in 2012.

I wanted to add some links to my post from the IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) CNN and gobankingrates but I was not sure if this was allowed in the forum, but you can Google virtual tax (audits) and see how the domain names are beginning to be taken by the States and tax attorneys / preparers. When the time comes I'm hoping you either own the domain name that everyone Google’s or you don’t. I did post this name a while back here on DNF Forum and the response was not favorable, but I understand domiainers all buy and sell with different mindsets goals and strategies and I also respect that the member who took the time to respond is probably a whole lot wiser in this game than me, so that right there demands my respect for his taking the time to reply to my post.


Again what's a visionary to do when he can’t reach or see the others who have vision?

Can someone with more experience offer me some tips, help, or past experience please? I read my post after posting although it may sound a little whiny it's not meant to be.. I'm really just frustrated that I believe I two very goods ideas but not the contacts to put them in front of the right people. I'm willing to discuss a broker arrangement.
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DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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moved to appraisal section

don't see any value or future

weusall could we us all

and the irs ain't never gonna give up control

but good luck!


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 4, 2005
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I don't see the value in the domain either, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Only that I cannot see it.

As far as branding goes, it's not perfect in my mind. It's easy to read it as "we us all" or even "w eu sall". "we usa ll" doesn't do anything for me, but I could have said the same thing about "google" about 15 years ago. :)

When you have a solution looking for a problem you are at a disadvantage. You should put up a site as a "Branding Consultant" and you might have less frustration with the ideas you come up, since you would have clients that need a brand and come to you for an answer.

I am still hanging on to "" because I also felt it was very brandable and had a number of possible meanings. These days I am thinking about dropping it because I have never had any offers or even any questions about the domain.

I feel much more optimistic about your VIRTUALTAXAUDIT.COM but will there ever be such a thing and if there is will it be done by private companies? If there is, then I would hold on to it, put of a page that lists it's for sale, and wait for someone to contact you. Good Luck!


Level 1
Apr 4, 2012
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I don't see the value in the domain either, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Only that I cannot see it.

As far as branding goes, it's not perfect in my mind. It's easy to read it as "we us all" or even "w eu sall". "we usa ll" doesn't do anything for me, but I could have said the same thing about "google" about 15 years ago. :)

When you have a solution looking for a problem you are at a disadvantage. You should put up a site as a "Branding Consultant" and you might have less frustration with the ideas you come up, since you would have clients that need a brand and come to you for an answer.

I am still hanging on to "" because I also felt it was very brandable and had a number of possible meanings. These days I am thinking about dropping it because I have never had any offers or even any questions about the domain.

I feel much more optimistic about your VIRTUALTAXAUDIT.COM but will there ever be such a thing and if there is will it be done by private companies? If there is, then I would hold on to it, put of a page that lists it's for sale, and wait for someone to contact you. Good Luck!


Thank you for the reply Biggie and yourself maybe right with weusall - I like it because I can see USA in the middle and there is always a way to exploit that - maybe it lends itself more to a non-profit or movement kind of venture, however I may just hold onto some of them and let the rest go maybe if I carry it a little longer I can find a home for it, although I am coming around to realize at a much lower price. I did copy and notebook your comment about When you have a solution looking for a problem you are at a disadvantage, it bears reminding, at least for me, and I'll puddle around with looking at "Branding Consultant" who knows maybe I'll find it's some thing I can make a few extra bucks at.

[FONT=&amp]Thank you for your kind comment about[/FONT] - I believe it's actually being used by the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish Enforcement Agency in Stockholm, I've added a bit of an explanation below but here is how I see a way to profit from it. Once the taxpayer gets a notice from the IRS for an audit the taxpayer gets a sign-in PIN and can log on from his or her home or office computer, or can go to the closest IRS office and log on from a computer specially dedicated to that purpose, or can even go to a specially designated room in another government building (e.g., post offices, Social Security offices, or tribal government offices) and I bet any federally licensed tax agency (H&R Block Liberty Tax to name a few).

Since this is going to be new to the American tax payer I assume most folks are going to use a search engine Google Bing Yahoo to learn more about the virtual tax audit process, I'm not a multi millionaire domainer but I believe showing up number one in the search engine ranks is what your business wants, so that being said, the domain name gets sold to let's say Liberty Tax service who currently has over 3,000 franchise locations they buy my domain name and have it resolve to their corporate site/state complete with whatever information they want to add and a location (store) selector that provides these services (remember you need a pc internet access and a high def camera and possibly a fax machine) (you may be surprised at how many people don't own one or all of these) Now since Liberty Tax is a franchise corporate has the infrastructure backbone in place to handle the need generated, the franchises (I assume) would be able to purchase or lease the software equipment required from corporate, and as a franchise they can now offer an additional service to their clientele for an additional fee.

Corporate makes profit - Franchises, equipment software infrastructure backbone kickback from the franchise.
Franchise makes profit - Ability to add a new service to their menu if you will, charge and additional fee for for the service with little to no overhead, and the ability to pick up new customers all because of offering one additional service..
Customer - Is satisfied because they have a large selection of locations to meet their virtual tax audit needs and perhaps have other tax problems solved as well.

I'm not a business major and there may just very well be a fatal flaw in my plan (I'm sure I missed something) besides the Govt. not adopting the idea, but with the pressure to cut costs reduce overhead and become more customer as well as technology friendly I see they will eventually move to this service. Or I throw it back in the bin with and hope for a sunnier day.

Virtual Face-to-Face Audits: A prescription for curing the IRS’s ailing correspondence examination process

While the IRS instituted correspondence or “corr” exams in an effort to conserve its resources and minimize taxpayer burden, IRS customer satisfaction surveys and Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) research studies have consistently shown that for the majority of taxpayers subject to this method of auditing – many of whom are low income and unrepresented – corr exams are an unnavigable labyrinth. In fact, in a statistically representative survey of Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) taxpayers who had been audited, over 70% said they would prefer some other audit method than correspondence.

All of the above exam goals require some sort of dialogue with taxpayers. As anyone who has looked at both the literacy levels of the United States population and the poor quality of IRS exam notices can attest, there is not a whole lot of communicating going on in IRS correspondence exams.

The answer to these problems is not to give up on corr exams and replace them with IRS audits in taxpayers’ homes and businesses. Instead, we need to harness technology so that taxpayers and the IRS can recreate a face-to-face office audit – virtually.

Envision this: a taxpayer under audit receives a clearly worded audit notice, providing the taxpayer with the option to make an appointment with a tax examiner for an online meeting. The taxpayer gets a sign-in PIN and can log on from his or her home or office computer, or can go to the closest IRS office and log on from a computer specially dedicated to that purpose, or can even go to a specially designated room in another government building (e.g., post offices, Social Security offices, or tribal government offices). If the computer has a high-resolution digital camera, the taxpayer can display and the IRS can digitally record relevant documentation, eliminating the delays in mail handling and faxing. (Or, the taxpayer could take a digital photograph of the documentation with his or her smartphone and email the photo to the IRS.) The tax examiner who conducts the meeting retains the case and makes the determination. All future correspondence contains the name, phone number, and email address of that tax examiner.

This virtual meeting technology is used today for all sorts of applications, including Social Security and Veterans Administration benefits hearings, and remote medical diagnostics. It’s time we provide this service to our taxpayers, enabling them to get the assistance and results they deserve. Neither individual nor business taxpayers should have to pay taxes they don’t owe simply because the method of auditing or collecting precludes effective communication and accurate results.


Bill Roy

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Hi CTGuy,

Have you watched any of Adam's videos on

There is one particular one just in the last week where Adam tells of a domainer local to him who sat down and created a list of possible end-user purchasers for one of his domains and then emailed them all - I think with your TaxAudit domains this is definitely what you should do. The link to the specific video is here.

There are other videos in the series that are seriously well worth watching, in fact my recommendation is that you subscribe to Adam's site (it's free).

If having watched the videos I think you will find it will show you that just getting a domain and hoping is pointless most of the time, you have to work to let people know that the domain/s are available and let them see how they could benefit them.

All the best with the domains, I am sure you could find a buyer, but it takes work in most cases. ;)


Level 1
Apr 4, 2012
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Hi CTGuy,

Have you watched any of Adam's videos on

There is one particular one just in the last week where Adam tells of a domainer local to him who sat down and created a list of possible end-user purchasers for one of his domains and then emailed them all - I think with your TaxAudit domains this is definitely what you should do. The link to the specific video is here.

There are other videos in the series that are seriously well worth watching, in fact my recommendation is that you subscribe to Adam's site (it's free).

If having watched the videos I think you will find it will show you that just getting a domain and hoping is pointless most of the time, you have to work to let people know that the domain/s are available and let them see how they could benefit them.

All the best with the domains, I am sure you could find a buyer, but it takes work in most cases. ;)

Bill Roy,

Apologies for the late reply, yes. I have now spent more time watching the videos and spent a lot more time reading on the forum. I did subscribe to Adam's site btw.

The videos help me to understand most of my names I'll let drop because I have never had a single contact from anyone...and for good reason :( I also believe in building a site out adds value to the name something I'll have to learn how to do, I know Adam had a few links at the bottom of a thread I came across here that helped someone create a free website when they do not understand coding how to build a site, that would be me, I will search for them again, if anyone knows where they are can you please drop me the thread link.

I found the most interesting reading to be how to "Sell your names the way a professional broker does!"

It just brings the whole picture together for me complete with the names of the missing tools, you were right about how I need to sell my tax domains, Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Playing with (Thank you Adam) I'm able to see all the possible customers for a good domain name.

I would like to ask a few questions and seek advice please.

1) How do you and others here feel about the pricing of a domain name present / against future?

Like commodities options, time has value, every day I see more tax site names that include virtual tax audit in the name in one form or another popping up in Google Bing Yahoo etc. and I truly believe Virtual tax auditing is coming and there is no stopping it.

2) What do you and others see the dollar value as and how can I increase it if others feel it does not meet what I think they are worth? Am I way off base with what I think the value is?

Now, I think the four domains (VIRTUALTAXAUDIT.COM, VIRTUALTAXAUDITS.COM,VIDEOTAXAUDIT.COM,VIDEOTAXAUDITS.COM) are worth high 6 or at least single 7 figures - presented to the right buyers (that's another issue) in 1-2 years or less they will be worth 8+ figures and will become established names. I base this on my interpretation of reading researching understanding government’s politics and populations. What makes it worth the 8+ figures in the end is the sweat equity the end user invests, of course.

Mind you that 'm attempting (initially) to sell tax domain names to let's say the top 20 established corporate tax preparation entities, because I believe that's where I can get the biggest bang for my buck, not to the mom and pop tax operations for 1-2k and there is not much I can add to an email telling them, selling them, convincing them about something I'm sure they know more about than me. Except for the very fact of "There is only one of every domain name" and that they should begin to consider and position themselves for the future, with my domain names.

3) What would a great sales letter include or how should it be written?

I've looked at some templates here on the forum but they don't seem to really fit the bill, I'm not an English major, my signature is not a domain corporation with all kinds of stats to back it up, but I can tell you if Liberty Tax or one of the others did open my email and the letter copy is not professionally written from word one then the chance of a sale drops immediately to zero.

4) Would you include the asking price in the initial letter or would you see if anyone responds?

I hope no one finds my thoughts or questions ignorant nor lazy I'm a very small fish in a BIG BIG pond and just learning how to bumping into a rock or two is to be expected.



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2006
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The kind of idea that sounds great to its creator, but leave the rest of the world scratching their heads. Truly valuable domains impress more with less reasoning.
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