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closed GoldPrice.com

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EM @MAJ.com

Visit MAJ.com for domain forsale.
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 10, 2002
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Don't sell it if you're making money.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 23, 2006
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Yes i am making money, and i dont think with 125k i can buy a generic domain making the same revenue............wwwdotcom


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Yes i am making money, and i dont think with 125k i can buy a generic domain making the same revenue............wwwdotcom

Well as stated; for a prime generic domain (I would say this is one of them) 10 years revenue is the current "normal" going rate.

We have no idea what your making, and it's none of our business, but if the offer is less than 10 years revenue ask for more. If it's more, take it if you need the cash. If you don't need the money hold on to it and continue to reap the rewards.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 17, 2005
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domain was registered in 2003 ! Sell it ASAP :)

All the premium names that worth 100k + were registered much earlier.
There are new trends, like blogging that have exceptions. So, blogging.com
may cost a lot, but your name is not a new trend. My point here is that there were people in 1994-1996 that really spent a lot of money paying yearly fees for the domain names, and nobody knew how big the Internet will be. These people could register pure dictionary words that costs 100k + right now. After year 2000 domain name registrations were 9$, and domain name industry attracted a lot of people who were harvesting whole web for good names. Your name was registered in 2003, this is just an indication that nobdoy needed it before that. There are many sales reported on dnjournal.com for domain names that were registered after year 2000, but these just exception, they report only the highest sales that don't really represent the real price on the marketplace. If you are that lucky, and somebody offered you that much money for the domain name that you handregistered for 9$ 4 years ago - my advice to you: sell

What about drops?

GoldPrice.com was already registered in 1999 and dropped in 2003:

Database last updated on 11-Jan-2002 15:00:24 EST
Record created on 10-Feb-1999
Record expires on 10-Feb-2003

And who knows, it was maybe registered in 1992 and then dropped in 1999.

Registration date might be taken into consideration when appraising a name but it's not always reliable.

Another example: FreeHoroscope.com - which was was created on 2007-02-23 - went for $185,259 earlier this year. Of course it was a drop, sold at SN.

My appraisal: it really depends on the amount of traffic it receives... Without stats it's impossible to appraise a "traffic name".


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 23, 2006
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Great information Gregoire, some people should learn....wwwdotcom


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Keep it at your own risk, in 12 years there may well be much better sites for it. I'm sure some one here even, is thinking of a cool name to start a site better then yours. 125K in the pocket is much better, then a may be could of been or should of been. Your going to have to develop the site, to hold onto the hits your getting now I'm sure.

Your click through now, may not be the same once people find better sites. Working off of keywords, it's not that hard to get goldprice as a key word for any site. Google changes a lot as well, so if you think it's worth so much more keep it and take the chance. But you better develop it to keep traffic coming, but to me 125k in the pocket is a much better deal all around.

You said your making good money, and that may well be the case. But if that falls fast, your not going to get anything close to the 125k then. It will be to late, doing a google search on gold price and looking at alexa for stats. I would say sell fast, or start spending to develop it right away. I wonder what gold.com is worth, now if gold price is worth more then 125k the sky is the limit for gold.com right ?

Now that being said, I would think of developing the site. But that cost money and lots of time, and you must think about this as well. If you are being offered 125k, they got very deep pockets and would be developing the domain for sure. And if you keep the domain, they will be after your traffic only with another domain. So it's risky no matter how you look at it, the only low risk factor is selling it for 125k.

I'm not in no way saying, your name is bad as it's a really great name to develop. Or you would not be getting such good offers, but at the same time you got a big risk factor keeping it. Some thing you don't seem to be looking at, and if you are looking at it not giving it away that you are.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 3, 2004
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I dunno man I agree with most I would sell man 125k can get you better investment.

If you don't need the money but it anyways I would buy Gold or Silver and let it sit... (Won't lose money in these babies) with this domain very possible to lose money in 10yr.

Dr Nump

Call me Doc !
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 2, 2006
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I dunno man I agree with most I would sell man 125k can get you better investment.

If you don't need the money but it anyways I would buy Gold or Silver and let it sit... (Won't lose money in these babies) with this domain very possible to lose money in 10yr.

have to agree with you Angel .


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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The selling price of a revenue stream like this should correlate with interest rates. As Investing/borrowing rates go up, these domains will command less years multiple. If they come down, they will command more years multiple. Most people don't look at it this way but it's important to understand when you are talking about numbers of this size.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 3, 2004
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There is nothing to think about here... will he develop this? probably not otherwise why would he be here talking to us. For 10yr. rev that he might sell this who knows if there even be a parking program for domain names since everything is going forward 10yr man that is a long time maybe there be something better then .com and internet you guys got to think about this. I am not saying that this will happen but there is a possibility it will maybe internet wont be gone 100% but maybe won't be so popular like today. $125,000 that is nice number for just a domain name.

Good luck

Bill Roy

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 5, 2005
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It's nice to see both Bears and Bulls in this market.

You have rightly kept the actual domain earnings private, but we are generally assuming that $125k is about 10 years earnings at todays prices. In my opinion two things should be taken into account.

1) Domains are generally rising at approx. 30% per year in value (assuming the domain has a value in the first place).
2) Current interest rates available on savings will not produce the same income from $125k as what we take your earnings to be.

Now forget about the price of gold, I am old enough to have seen gold see-saw in value from $200 to over $800 an ounce, like any commodity its value shifts on a minute by minute basis.

Whether or not you sell this domain, and if so at what price, should be based on whether the above two criteria you deem will hold in the short and medium term. If you think they will change adversely then the logical thing to do would be to sell, however, if you think that they will not change adversely then the prudent thing would be to hold the domain name, at least in the short term.

One thing is for sure, people will always be looking up the price of gold (they have for centuries past and that does not look likely to change in the foreseeable future).

I do wonder though, was the $125k offer the initial offer from the prospective buyer or is this amount the result of continuing negotiations?

Dr Nump

Call me Doc !
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 2, 2006
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yes , and besides , it is goldprice.com , not gold.com or silver.com . It can be replaced too.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Let's not forget that the .org is well developed, and looks like they have a decent amount of traffic growth. As they grow, so will the type-ins.

As is the plural.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2002
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So what should I do with DailyGoldPrice.com? - Keep, Sell, Develop?

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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This is a seasonal name to a good degree in that it would likely get a lot less traffic if the gold market was slow and at lower price levels vs lately when it has been very popular and in the media.

Historically the market is dull, flat and much lower priced so in view of that IMO 125k is far too high of a price for a legit buyer to offer for this name since I am sure he knows what I have said himself about the gold and metals markets. When we return to a lower market cycles, low prices, and conditions the traffic will take a steep decline and stay low for a long time. As a side note I also like the plural name better.

Bill Roy

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 5, 2005
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I have to disagree with Trader and his comments above. This is far from a seasonal name in any sense of the term. It matters little if the price of gold is high or low, it is actually the volatility of the price that makes this such a useful domain name. Considering that everything from natural disasters through to wars and the price of oil affects the price of gold the market is at anyone time just a moment away from sky-rocketing or crashing.

As for the offer not originating from a 'legit buyer' how do you work this out? Look at some of the prices that have been paid for domain names not only in the past but also recently. There is no logic to your statement except that you would not have expected to get this much for the domain!


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Sell it ! either from previous offers or your recent pm's sounds like a great deal for you.. gold is not that stable an investment and many investors are moving out of that market .. take your money and run .. It's a good domain .. but no offence not a premium name .. " ie one word generic "

Not at all true.

Gold is one of the FEW stable investments. Do you know what happens to the price of gold when there is a market crash or general decline in the US dollar? Gold prices soar of course. Over and over again this has been the case.

In fact Gold is the REAL currency of the world, and one could earn a lot of money understanding it's fluctuations.

Gold will always be relevant. If you have gold reserves stashed away, you never need to worry about sudden collapses or economy crashes. This is a secret that most either do not realize or care to understand.

That said, either way I see the owner of GoldPrice.com in a win win situation. Whether it was registered in 1995 or 2005, this is a premium domain without question. This is backed up by the numerous offers on this forum and elsewhere of $125,000+. Buyers decide what is premium. You do not lose here!

Clear your head, look at the options, and make a decision you are comfortable with and don't look back. Realize though, that there is the slim chance that you will not see generous offers like this for awhile (or ever in some cases). If your ok with that, good luck to you!

One last thing...

The money is great, and can really provide you with capitol to reinvest in other ventures. Look at the guy who sold Ship.com and reinvested the money, he otherwise would not have, into lucrative businesses that have made him a millionaire. So there are good reasons for doing this.

If you have a fair amount of disposable income already, don't allow yourself to get greedy. I did this when I was younger and it still pisses me off to think about it. When I was twelve years old my dad gave me a really special birthday present; a 1953 Alabama Vs Syracuse game football. Greats like Bart Starr played in this game and no doubt handled the ball at some point. This wasn't just any "game ball" however, it was from the Orange Bowl. It was authenticated and with a white marker had the score written on it, kind of like you would see in a museum with game balls.

When I was fifteen I brought the football to a sports card show to get an idea as to it's worth. I was offered $5000 for the ball from a collector who "acted" as though it were no big deal. Long story short--I took it! I don't even remember what I blew the money on (probably baseball cards and junk food).

The value of that ball today is, lets say...more than I got! A lot more!

I learned a very valuable lesson that just because I can get money for something, does not mean I should take it. Unless it is needed for family survival or reinvestment. If you are content, don't be a schmuck like I was at fifteen!


Mr Domeen
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 30, 2002
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I have to disagree with Trader and his comments above. This is far from a seasonal name in any sense of the term. It matters little if the price of gold is high or low, it is actually the volatility of the price that makes this such a useful domain name. Considering that everything from natural disasters through to wars and the price of oil affects the price of gold the market is at anyone time just a moment away from sky-rocketing or crashing.

As for the offer not originating from a 'legit buyer' how do you work this out? Look at some of the prices that have been paid for domain names not only in the past but also recently. There is no logic to your statement except that you would not have expected to get this much for the domain!

read again what you wrote and think.
You are totally wrong IMO
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