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closed LPG group. Appraisals.

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Laird Mobi

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May 4, 2004
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One other point, I own lpgvehicles .co.uk & .com it just so happens that Calor a big gas company (over here anyway), owns lpg-vehicles .co.uk (A little oneupmanship doesn't hurt anybody!) So I win against Calor with quality! What you have got to remember GT is that a very big company has a sub standard domain name, i have the better one! That equates to ££££'s in my pocket one day! But as i am going to develop a website the value really doesn't bother me, except if i do receive a handsome offer for my hand regging efforts, i will know whether it's a good one or not.
Domain Days 2024

GT Web

DNF Addict
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Feb 21, 2003
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well then contact them and prove me wrong, as a fellow automotive domainer I would be thrilled to see some large sales - good luck!


Level 9
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Jan 31, 2004
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I want to say I own

And so on I know some of the domain names will take years to have the value I want.
It doesn't mean I should realize someones value based on never hearing about the tech. In fact I think that values mean nothing, Lpg is here for now and growing in strenth. The price of fuel will bring value.I think the blind stay blind. I can promise this fuel cell tech is 15 years away before relized value. On this statement alone the domaineer's who have fuelcell domain's should put a ten year reg on them If they don't the'll make someone else rich. This guy who says he is a automobille pro should learn about time not technology.The bridge of now and then is hybrid and lpg. and thanks to this forum I have the best in LpgAutomotive.com and LpgParts.com. Automotive describes the entire Industry and parts in a .com is king. I will search out a buyer and find one as you keep hoping the fuelcell will come around... good luck gt

Laird Mobi

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May 4, 2004
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Gt i think you have mis-understood me, i am not after a sale with these domains, as i am going to develop them into a website. My only reason for posting is to get an appraisal, so in the off chance if somebody does feel the need to send me an offer then i will have a rough idea. I think Fussyfever is right as an auto mechanic you should be a little more forward thinking with respect to where the auto industry will be steering itself in the next few years. I'm not a tree hugger but we need to look after mother nature as best as we can and make good any wasteage such as LPG gas. This way we will be able to raise our kids in a clean enviroment, without having to wear filters! If most traffic in say NY or any other major city took an initiative to go 'green' maybe the city dwellers will find their lung capacity will increase!!!! Sounds stupid i know but the crap that gets chucked out your exhaust as you know is poisonous!

Laird Mobi

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May 4, 2004
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In the end what most experts domainers will tell you, is find a niche market and reg the hell outta em! Thats what i have been doing and will continue to do. I would like to have a comfortable life one day, and if it's through the LPG industry then so be it! It maybe pipe dreams but in the finals i may score big! But if i dont maybe i've had fun along the way! Hand regging rules!


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Cool; A person who found out life's rule. Enjoy the things you have don't sit and wonder why not. Like I told someone before I have spent ten's of thousands to have a horse become a champion and I may never get there. But no one who Know's me will say he never tryed........Can you see?

Laird Mobi

DNF Addict
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May 4, 2004
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Basically what your saying is: if you cant be f**ked to cook, get out the kitchen!!! Ha! Or If you dont want to sink get out the boat! Or If you dont want to drive dont buy a car! The list goes on and i could be here for a very long time! hahahahaha!!!!


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2003
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seeker said:
LPG??? Never heard of it.
Battery and hybrid cars, I have. And they are catching on in the EU (and are being endoresed)... (VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Skoda, Fiat, Seat... just to name a few)
Personally, I think the lot is worth maybe $1K

Strange valuation for something you have not ever heard of.... Don't you think so? Where do you get the estimation from?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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I got it by doing a quick search on the net, and based on that, I gave an estimate.
I do have quite a portfolio though on hybrid and battery related automotive domains, and keep up with this industry.


Laird Mobi

DNF Addict
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May 4, 2004
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Seeker i think you have got it all wrong there mate, value isn't just based on search engine rankings, it's the business and the name that sells! If it sounds good to a company they will pay top dollar for it, and if it's perfect for them, then they may go to great lengths to get it. I think you are basically going off on a total tangent and have stopped considering the important factors, such as:

Relation to the buyers business.
Future prospects.
(Too many to list!! I give up now, you get my meaning)

And for keeping up with the industry??? If you have never heard of LPG you must be walking around with your eyes and ears closed! It's the latest technology!

Laird Mobi

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May 4, 2004
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I am enjoying this thread! I am so glad i paid for membership! Everyones entitled to an opinion and i respect that, and if you dont like the domains so be it, but try not to appraise something you dont know nothing about??? It's madness! You only make yourself look foolish in the end.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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mate, I am not trying to insult you nor bring the value of your domains down.
I simply told you my appraisal.
I have been following the trends (although in the mainland EU) in alternative energy and fuel, especially for transportation. I dont just throw in an appraisal after a search, I crossed checked with specific markets...etc....etc...

I hope you find a seller, and make milions, I wish you al the best!


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Jun 18, 2003
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aggieuk said:
I am enjoying this thread! I am so glad i paid for membership! Everyones entitled to an opinion and i respect that, and if you dont like the domains so be it, but try not to appraise something you dont know nothing about??? It's madness! You only make yourself look foolish in the end.

dude, I will try to keep my temper down and remain civil.
Which one of us looks foolish, I, nor you will be the judge of that.

I said I know quite a bit about the industry, so your rmearks show at least to me, that your emotional tie with your domain is more passionate and less professional.


Why didn't you register the .INFOs as well? Your set is incomplete imho :-D

Laird Mobi

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 4, 2004
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seeker said:
LPG??? Never heard of it.
Battery and hybrid cars, I have. And they are catching on in the EU (and are being endoresed)... (VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Skoda, Fiat, Seat... just to name a few)
Personally, I think the lot is worth maybe $1K

Well mate, your comments make me feel that you know nothing about automotive industry, LPG is NOT a new invention, it's been around for well over 30 years in automotive use plus many other fields of use, but undiscovered as a large scale automotive market. Since you say that you are prehaps an authority on the matter of alternative fuels. I have no beef with that, but how can you call me unprofessional and 'emotionally attached' to my domain names when you have never even heard of LPG, and also provide a valuation? That would be like me appraising a stockmarket domain name, and i know nothing about stocks! So i think with respect, if you decide to provide a valuation that you know the target industry first. I have no arguement with someone who knows his/her stuff, but look at your thread above? This tells me that you are no expert on automotive fuels, but maybe a speculator that enjoys chatting. LPG is not new by any stretch of the imagination.

Laird Mobi

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May 4, 2004
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Mole if thats supposed to be a dig (no pun intended!), i suggest you go post in another thread, we are having maybe a heated discussion here, but stupid and provocative comments bring the discussion down. And as far as i am concerned negative feedback is good, but it must be backed up by some sort of knowledge and proper reasoning.


aggieuk said:
we are having maybe a heated discussion here, but stupid and provocative comments bring the discussion down.

*edited out for privacy reasons*, all I can say is that your set needs work on. You don't have one of the most parts, lpgcars.com, let alone bank your retirement hopes on just .com and .co.uk.

If you need to show off your future vision, expertise and discuss on the future of LPG cars, I'm sure you may want to develop lpgforum.com like now. This is not the forum to do it imho.

Laird Mobi

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 4, 2004
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Well mole mate as they are newly aquired domain names, i am looking for a view on a value at this present time, i'm not fishing for sales etc etc, because i would like to keep hold of them and make a little money from them. I can assure you i dont bank on becoming a millionaire overnight, i have been regging for a little time now, most probably less than you, but in the end this game is about making money, a bit of pocket change, enough to live on maybe, enough to retire on. In the end no-one here would do it just for the love of regging domain names, you must have a motive.

I am currently in the process of buiilding a website on these as a base, and was only posting for an expert opinion, and for one, someone has posted a value who only a day ago asked what is lpg? This i take it as a blind valuation and therefore is misleading and speculative rather than fact. I dont mind people having a go at valuations but you must know about the subject that your attempting to appraise first.

I am not attempting to provoke a bun fight but trying to establish some facts, and not speculative wild guess's. I posted this thread to find a base value to my newly aquired domain names. But it seems that it's escalated into a cyber brawl! Which i dont mind but it wouldn't fit into the ethics of this website and so i respect that. By calling a truse, i accept that i cannot and will not make millions out of these few domain names but everyone has their high hopes, as no-one wants their domains trashed. But i am open to constructive critism. Maybe i would learn from it, thats why i posted, to see what the general public think of my domain names. I hope this statement puts you straight i didn't pay for a forum to play domaineering, i paid it to widen my knowledge base and to learn from the experts and maybe sell a few domains in the process.


aggieuk said:
I hope this statement puts you straight i didn't pay for a forum to play domaineering, i paid it to widen my knowledge base and to learn from the experts and maybe sell a few domains in the process.

Learn? :cool: Then learn to eat humble pie first. Name calling won't get your LPG anywhere. We all quickly learn that we always think more highly of our names, then reality bites. It's not about domaineering, its about learning how to dodge when shit hits the fan, as opposed to becoming a stinker :-D
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