Need Help Getting Expiring Domain
There's a domain I've had my eye on that expires on Saturday.
1. It is registered with Network Solutions (Verisign).
2. It is a .net
3. It is a surname suffixed with an "s" -- for example:
4. It is not the most popular surname in the world, but there are plenty of people with this surname.
5. The current registrant is not using the domain, and the name servers of record aren't even hosting any DNS records for it! So I think the chances that the current registrant will renew are reduced, but others may have an interest.
6. Similar domains are already registered and in use -- e.g.,,,
So my questions are:
1. How long does Network Solutions take before releasing expired domains? What kind of grace period do they offer to the current registrant? Anything special about Network Solutions I should know?
2. Does it pay to use a service such as Snapback?? I have read mixed reviews here of this and other such services, and don't want to spend extra money unless it will likely pay off.
3. How often should I be checking it for expiration??
4. Anyone have any other advice?
There's a domain I've had my eye on that expires on Saturday.
1. It is registered with Network Solutions (Verisign).
2. It is a .net
3. It is a surname suffixed with an "s" -- for example:
4. It is not the most popular surname in the world, but there are plenty of people with this surname.
5. The current registrant is not using the domain, and the name servers of record aren't even hosting any DNS records for it! So I think the chances that the current registrant will renew are reduced, but others may have an interest.
6. Similar domains are already registered and in use -- e.g.,,,
So my questions are:
1. How long does Network Solutions take before releasing expired domains? What kind of grace period do they offer to the current registrant? Anything special about Network Solutions I should know?
2. Does it pay to use a service such as Snapback?? I have read mixed reviews here of this and other such services, and don't want to spend extra money unless it will likely pay off.
3. How often should I be checking it for expiration??
4. Anyone have any other advice?