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For Sale url.com stolen!

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Ah William, silly name caller. You are still frustrated. Calm down, and have a cold pint or Fosters.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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If ANYTHING...I could see if one registrar was stealing these domains from another registrar using a bogus registrant...

But no way is one individual "stealing" all these "domains" and apparently high profile ones and we arent hearing anything about anywheres else..

thats what I am looking at..

just no way..

also nameinvestor is trying to get everyone to believe he is working "with" ICANN etc.. NO WAY in hell would a PROFESSIONAL organization be (name representing one) popping up here screaming about stolen domains ..they MGHT issue some sort of an "alert" ..

also ..no way in H would it not make at LEAST the news in internet media outlets..

something smells about this whole "stolen" story..

Does names work for a registrar that "lost" domains to another regsitrar? maybe one thief stelling from another theif scenerio !

I dont know ..just dosent smeel right..

not until I hear the VICTIMS come forward...

Think about it..any of your names "stolen" you'd be plastering all the boards as would I..I'd "shame" my registrar into action by making sure every media outlet also knew..

where are the vicims?


You are leading somewhere now. Ask yourself who the victims could be? Ask yourself why victims have not come forward? That will lead you to why the thief is stealing only certain domains. Let me give you a hint. ClaraVista corp has fiesta.com registered. But now the admin email contact has changed. Where is ClaraVista now?

Remember, DrName found this thief back in 2000 when he stole broad.com. And yes that had an active victim to it......

You are getting warmer......

Originally posted by nameinvestor
You are getting warmer......

Your numerous recent alarms about domain "theft" might be taken a little more seriously if you didn't go about it like you were leading a game at a children's birthday party.

If you feel a crime has taken place, then notify the proper authorities: your local police and/or your national criminal investigation bureau.

You might also, if you were really concerned, notify the victims, if you can contact them. And you may want to notify ICANN of this matter, in writing.

But please stop using this board for your own personal game of domain "Clue."


Ah Miles, yet another frustrated reader, read the posts closer grasshopper. Authorities have been notified, thank you.

Originally posted by nameinvestor
Ah Miles, yet another frustrated reader, read the posts closer grasshopper.

Learn to express yourself with clarity, genius.


Your comment explains your inability to decipher the thefts. Keep trying you will get there. ;)

have you contacted dotregister, level3 and the original owners about the change of admin email address on fiesta.com?

nameinvestor, what makes you think it is so important to the average domainer to actually monitor these things?

you are treating this like it is something everyone wants desperately to know to achieve the higher state that you consider yourself to dwell within.

I'm confused because to me this seems like another distraction from earning revenue.

Originally posted by nameinvestor
Your comment explains your inability to decipher the thefts. Keep trying you will get there. ;)

I'm not the one raising an alarm--you are.

If I came to this board to warn the DNF community about some issue I felt was important, I'd clearly explain what the issue is and why I believe it's important, and give as many details as I had available.

You're just making vague accusations, and then when people ask you for clarifications, you tell them pseudo-cryptic nonsense like "you're getting warmer."

I'm not interested in "deciphering" these alleged thefts. That's the job of people in law enforcement.

I do have one question for you, nameinvestor, and I hope you'll answer it, and answer honestly: how old are you?



DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 7, 2002
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Would not the easiest domains to steal ... be ones that people that have died, own? Or people that had contact information using the defunct @home email address?


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 7, 2002
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Is there a prize?

I can see how knowing that would make you a pro - well, a professional name thief at least.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2002
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First today, you were vulgar with your c' jerk comment, now you are stooping to accusing members in good standing being thieves. Not becoming for a 'moderator'.

I'm not accusing him of being a thief, I'm saying that this information is only really of *benefit* to thieves. Big difference.

The build up suggested it was some really important nugget of knowledge that differentiates the pro's from the "ignorant" (nameinvestors choice of term).

Btw, as a moderator, I am allowed my own opinion - not that it matters in this case though.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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These "stolen" thereads are pointless and not "news" to most anyways..
the idea that people are and have been "stealing" domains from dead people and defunct companies is OLD news to most..

And frankly speaking , MOST of us are playing second fiddle to most top tier domains anyways..if it isnt some guy cleaning out defunct domains then it's the other thieves that employ multiple scripts and multiple servers unavailable to everyone else in order to "steal" domains..

everyone else depends on nonsense like "snapdomains" who's scripts seem never quite able to get any of the REAL tip tier domains Ummm wonder why that is? LOL..

So if you expect peple in here to raise a fuss over these "stolen" domains because it SCREWS YOU out of using your scripts to jump infront of the line and steal them (or those like you)..well you'll get little sympathy..

frankly I dont give ratts arse..I'm not getting China.net or URL.com etc... anyways!

Like I said before you are "emotionally" involved.. sounds like sour grapes to me..

Should ICANN be on top of this nonsense..well of course they should...but exactly how do you get one thief to stop another?

Oe other thing..you want to wear a white hat..then behave like you deserve to wear one..

Point is..your attitude and total disrespect for everyone tends to give your "thief" a robin hood image..I hope he grabs a bunch of doains you want !


Originally posted by RacerX

First today, you were vulgar with your c' jerk comment, now you are stooping to accusing members in good standing being thieves. Not becoming for a 'moderator'.

members in good standing? His post was to nameinvester, and from what I have seen here, nobody even knows who he is. I can tell you most of the "members in good standing" nicknames at least, and quite afew of their real names. Why? Because they are the ones who post here day in and day out trying to help other people or learn new things. All this guy has done is insult people, and spam the entire community with useless crap that nobody cares about.

It does all raise some interesting points though.

Having a working email address in the WHOIS is absolute ground level stuff for domain secruity - it's also a requirement of the registration agreement.

If the registrants are in breach of their registration agreement, does the registrar have a duty to help recover the domain as their contract (and hence responsibility) is surely severed?

These stolen domains were expired and some of them were going to be dropped. We would have had chance to register them.

So, all of us are victims too.

Get it?
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